posted on Jan, 20 2004 @ 04:29 PM
I predict tonight that Bush will appeal to the lowesdt common denominator in the American people, his core base of repugnants. He will gay bash subtly
by talking about healthy marriages. He will call on God. Lie about job growth. Lie about iraqi liberation while we murder more Iraqis and lie about
the economy. Talk about bringing in the racist Charles Pickering as judge for the racist part of the repugnant party. Oh, and don't ferget that we
"could be attacked by terrorists."
He needs to get back to the base of his party for support which are the bigots, racists, elitists, homophobes, mysogynists, and the like. Basically
just he haters. Just wait.
There is nothing to see here. You've seen it all before.
[Edited on 20-1-2004 by Colonel]