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A hundred reasons to be a bit paranoid.

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posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 04:56 PM
Every other day on the ATS there's a new thread with a claim that someone's out to get us for some reason. Whether the discussion is about WWIII, they want your DNA, bird flu's coming at you, they got you on cameras, they're poisoning us from the air, etc. etc. arguments ensue between the believers and the disbelievers. Personally I'm a bit paranoid now and then about certain things and I don't always believe what I'm told. I could give a hundred reasons for being the way I am but I can't be bothered to look up all the details at the minute. So here's a FEW reasons why I get a BIT paranoid and don't trust authority. - not in any particular order.1. In the UK were allowed to eat BSE infected meat while the government knew we were at risk of catching vCJD. THEY KNEW and hundreds of folk have died and hundreds more will die.2. Cameras, millions of them. I don't care if they're privately owned. Privately owned by whom, and who's paying for them? Excuse me if I want to pick my nose in a private corner but I don't like the idea of being watched by someone I can't see. They might be preverts.3. Abduction by aliens. Believe it or not, thousands of folk (more than we know) ARE attacked by something "alien" to our every day life and more often than not it's an unpleasant experience. And the silence by our authorities makes it more suspect methinks.4. Government mind control experiments carried out on defenceless guinea pigs i.e. unwilling members of the public. Head should roll when these scandals are uncovered.5. Fluoride in my water. I know it's natural but so's uranium and lead and I wouldn't dream of willingly putting in my system.6. Nuclear power stations. No, no, no, if Chernobyl can affect the sheep up the road from me from thousands of miles away then I don't want any more NPS's in the UK. No thank you.7. Amalgam fillings. I've a few of them. What I don't understand is, if mercury is 500x more poisonous than lead why put it in my mouth? I don't care if it's wrapped in silver some of it is bound to affect me. Is there a cover-up?8. Vaccinations. Again it's the additives. Thimerosal or mercury. There must be some mistakes made. I remember reading that 70 kids collapsed at a school after being vaccinated against meningitis. What happened there? Safe, my backside. Autism, there's another reason to be fearful of the jabs. Is it really about money for big-pharma?9. Terrorist attacks. There's too many anomalies involved in any of these big attacks to ever know who's to blame. And if you're unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time you can either end up getting blown up or shot to bits by the police who are employed to protect you.10. DNA database. Why? Isn't that a bit like when they tattooed the jews during WWII? It's not to catch rapists & other criminals. If you rape someone in the UK you've about a 90% chance of getting off with it and if you are sent down it's like a holiday inside for most. 11. Drugs. Why is it that if drugs are illegal there's always just enough to get folk high, not too much, just always enough. If you're not from the UK let it be known, the streets here are crawling with junkies smoking their heroin on the pavements yards from a policeman and ready to knock you on the head at any minute for a tenner for their next hit.12. War. We're fighting the Teleban in Afghanistan for whatever reason but a side-effect is that the heroin production is the highest it's ever been, EVER. 13. When the world trade centre was attacked it was genuinely horrific and awesome, but I didn't like it when Bush said "if you're not with us you're against us". I felt actual fear hearing that and wondered later (like a child) why have we to show sympathy for them when our leaders show little sympathy for the little children being fried in Iraq, in fact they barely get a mention. I watched the documentary about the "falling man" the other night and wondered why this tragedy, this tiny falling man's death, was worth an hour's programme when millions are suffering? 14. Children. If it's not freaky doctors taking bits from their bodies without permission if you're unfortunate to have lost a child it's one of the thousands of perverts allowed to roam the streets who are after them.15. Experiments on the public. Isn't it true that people were deliberately given syphyllis to see how it would affect them, under the guise of treating them? I wonder how many similar things have happened to an unsuspecting and trusting public? 16. Dark sarcasm in the classroom, and other useless rubbish being taught in schools.Okay, it's not a hundred reasons but if you add them up it's actually millions lol. I'm now thoroughly depressed and going to watch some comedy TV to lighten my mood a bit.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:00 PM
here are some solutions.

Like the intent of many in early days of america. The worlds populace needs to band together, eliminate the modern corpratocracy and cults that use legit corporations as fronts for their schemes.

Then after secruring every known terrorist, secret opperative, and politicians as well as military rogues. We put them into detention and have strict interrogations to see if they have committed crimes.

While this is happening we as a world body, disseminate all the secrets to the populace that could be beneficial to life and existence, not having to pay some fool a tax for living. I.E real freedom.

Encourage farming, and enlightning people that labor does not have to equal money, but perhaps a collective goal. As in 2012 and planet x headed our way, why dont we solve that problem publicly and 20 years ago when they saw it. Answer: fear of panic? no deliberate murder by disinformation. So when your officials say something about go here or there, or get on a bus..dont buy it. When this hits us, opportunists will arise by the boatloads, killers, fascists, evil basicly to manipulate and exact there emotional distrubances on an unwitting and panicked public.
If you think the military is equiped to hold the populace underground, or that underground bases will last through major earth shifts..think again.

Sorry i dont mean to be off topic, but it lends to your point with the whole government control grid in england. YOur right its all a sell out. Edwin Collins album "Georgeous george" highlights perfectly how england is a sellout to itself. Because these world leaders arent human. They want us to die, and they want a dellusion.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 04:43 AM
Thanks Mastermind, I don't think you're off topic at all. You've made some great points there. You should start a thread called a hundred reasons to be hopeful. See, there's always hope no matter how miserable things seem sometimes.


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