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Is it too late for America? Opinion/Editorial

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posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 08:04 PM
I really was not sure if I should post this here or in Skunk Works. MODS, please move this thread anywhere you feel it most appropriate.

Is it too late for America?

With all the new "terror warnings", all the new reports about "terrorist chatter" similar to the days and weeks preceding 9/11, the new report about the stock market with trading very similar to what happened in the days and weeks preceding 9/11, the "gut feelings", war protest, police being used as provocateurs in Canada at the NAU protest, the police admitting it was done, and now we have a group of US opposition political leaders gathered in protest at the Bush compound warning the American public as well as people around the globe of an imminent staged false flag terror attack.

So I ask, is it too late? Lets suppose for a moment that people are a bit more informed and screaming from the rooftops, the Alex Jones's of the world and the like do get the word out and it does make a difference. It causes the "Elite" to back off on the plan. What good does that really do? Are we not just delaying the inevitable?

What would stop the next President of the USA? What about the one after that? And after that? I am sure you get my point. Anyway you cut it, it is an endless battle. The only real solution is to remove the global elite from their positions of power and influence. Can that be done? The majority does not even know WHO are the world's elite. Who are the ones in the background pulling all the strings? The next issue you have is HOW do you remove them from power and influence. They OWN all the major corporations, the banks, with people on the inside who make policy and laws. The have more money than needed and can buy almost anyone and anything they choose to help them further the agenda.

For the sake of argument let's say Cheney does in fact get impeached. What are the chances that his replacement does NOT have the same agenda? In my opinion, very slim at best. My point being, we are a country of no real options. Sure we have a variety of different products to chose from but they are all made by the same companies. Sure we have several Presidential candidates to choose from, but don't they all have the same ultimate goal anyway? To steal a quote from the 1998 movie "The Siege" there is a scene where the FBI, CIA, Military etc etc are meeting to discuss how to fight the terror cells who have been blowing up buses and buildings in NYC. In this scene "Sharon Bridger" describes how terror cells work. She says, "I'm sure everyone here knows the traditional model of the terrorist network. One cell controls all others. Cut off the head, the body will wither. Unfortunately, the old wisdom no longer applies. The new paradigm is each cell operates independent of the other. Cut off one head, another rises up in its place."

This description is used to illustrate that an attack will come from various areas and you will never know when or where it will come from. Once you stop the first cell, the second is activated to continue the mission. Leaving these officials to continually scramble and wonder from where the next attack will come from. This line to me really describes the way our government works. For instance, the US impeaches Cheney and Bush. By doing so are we not just activating the other cell? Let's say the 2008 elections go on without any event. Are we not just choosing the next Elitist to finish the job? It makes no difference Democrat or Republican. They are the same. I like to describe it as a football team. You have the offense and defense, they work as separate units but for the same team. They dress on different sides of the locker room, but they are still the same team working for the same common goal. The only difference is how they approach achieving that goal. Democrats or Republican, makes no difference. They are the same team just dressing on opposite sides of the locker room.

So it seems to me the real answer is to remove the Globalist from these positions of power and influence. However, can that realistically be done? Honestly, and I hate to say it, I do not think it can be done. So has the agenda moved so far forward that at this point it is too late? Are we not simply delaying the inevitable?

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 08:12 PM
I have to say despite the oft repeated and ultimately false claim that 9/11 changed everything... I am not worried in the least about another terrorist attack. It may happen, it may not.

I am more concerned about those making hay out of the fears that 9/11 stirred up. Those, and we know who they are, are the real traitors no matter the office they hold. Their fear mongering does this country no good and their accusing their opponents of less than sterling patriotism if they don't agree with their draconian policies is not only a bald faced lie but poisons the body politic of our nation.

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 09:09 PM
I would say go even one step further and ask yourself - are these "terrorists" that threaten us even real, or have they been invented by our government? Perhaps, as many suggest, there is no actual physical enemy and only an invisible, imaginary threat that has been sold to us hook line and sinker.

What if Al Quaida is an invention of the Bush administration, a figment of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney's collective madness? We all know that Bin Laden was groomed, trained and funded by the C.I.A. during the 80's and 90's. If he was on the payroll then, who is to say he is not still working for the federal government? Or perhaps Bin Laden has been dead for years and his image has been hijacked and used to bring life to a fictional non existent poster boy for U.S. terror attacks.

Or even worse, as many 911 questioners contend, what if the U.S. government is purposely attacking it's own people? I hate to even entertain the thought, but I would lie if I said it has never crossed my mind.

To answer your question YES there is still hope for this country, but the changes will need to be swift, drastic and will need to take place almost immediately. And quite honestly I just don't see it happening. We are in the 11th hour and time just isn't on our side.

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 10:43 PM
Maybe I didn't explain myself very clearly, but this is really not about terrorism, 9/11 etc etc. It is more about the global elite who run this country and our lack of options at this point.

For instance, lets assume that the 2008 election happen and there are no problems. With Bush out of office does it really change anything? It seems to me that the majority of candidates (one of which WILL become the next President) all have the same agenda that Bush has, just maybe another way to get it done, so what changes?

For every elitist who falls, there are 4 more ready to take his place. It's like playing a game of poker against the best in the world AND he is using a marked deck.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by section8citizen

So it seems to me the real answer is to remove the Globalist from these positions of power and influence. However, can that realistically be done? Honestly, and I hate to say it, I do not think it can be done.

By saying that, you already lost the fight.

Originally posted by section8citizen
The only real solution is to remove the global elite from their positions of power and influence. Can that be done?

Look for instance at what Mahatma Gandhi did in India.
He make the impossible possible, namely to free his country from the British rule.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mahatma Gandhi, Indian political leader who managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means and thus giving hope and inspiration for generations to come.

Thus it can be done.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 01:31 AM
There is only one possible way to defeat the elite....

Get rid of MONEY

Take away money and you take away their power over this planet. In addition, it gets rid of most crime as most wont need to steal or murder to feed themselves. The drug world will dry up as there is no incentive to make the stuff. Prostitution goes away as does slavery.

Money corrupts even the most honest of folks. Get rid of money and politicians start working for the people and not for corporate interests to get them re-elected.

Get rid of money and corporations will no longer strive to profit over the planet's health. No more reason to produce and dump toxic wastes. No more reason to make crummy products that break in 6 months.

Get rid of money and advances in technology wont be supressed. And yes Im referring to advances like anti-gravity and zero point energy but Im also referring to the little things companies do. Instead of making cell phones with some features and gradually bringing on new models each year with a little more technology (in order for us to constantly buy buy buy), we'd get the most advanced possible technolgical products. No more lousy holiday lights that burn out and last only a year then go to a landfill to decay for a thousand years.

Im all for a one world goverment if there's no money around. Then we all are working to benefit mankind. No more hoarding resources, soon everyone would have a nice home. A world of abundance means no more wars either.

Look at how ridiculous our prison system is. We imprison millions of people all because they were desperately trying to find a way to earn more money. Would a person rob a bank if no such bank existed ? Would a person rob and assault a person for his wallet if there were nothing but pictures in there ? Get rid of money and 95% of crime goes away.

It also means a more efficient society. Money wont dictate who gets to attend college. It also means a potentially amazing teacher wont skip that career choice for law school for the money. And how many Albert Einsteins out there have we lost to janitorial positions or even prison because of money ?

The problem is most people cant imagine a world without money. They watch Star Trek and smile but dont pay attention to why those human beings live in such a wonderful society (besides the occasional confrontation with a Borg cube).

The elite will never be defeated while money remains. The colonies in America rebelled and defeated the elitist Rothschild bankers and their puppet King of England. That victory was temporary though as they eventually won back control through the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.

Thats the fight we face. Even if we all unite and arrest the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, destroy all the corporations of the world, the elite would eventually buy it all back. And even if every single elite was killed, more will be born and take their place.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 01:55 AM
Good topic section8. I think about this a lot as well. I'm not sure if there is anything "we" can do to change what is going on but I wonder if there are other people out there in the world (in the U.S. or not) with enough money and power to step in and force some kind of change.

Sometimes I think that the elite are maybe trying to save the planet from those who are a problem to society and not a solution. But it's the most powerful people and companies who are polluting and destroying the environment with massive amounts of chemicals... so that leads me to believe that they really don't care about anything but money and power.

The John Lear topics make me think that they already have communities setup on the moon and/or other planets and will just leave us all here to die once the planet is no longer able to sustain life.

Another poster mentioned some articles by Frosty Wooldridge called "The Next 100 Million Americans", and I found the articles here:

I started reading it and it really freaked me out wondering what the heck this government is doing to us.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by spacevisitor

Originally posted by section8citizen

So it seems to me the real answer is to remove the Globalist from these positions of power and influence. However, can that realistically be done? Honestly, and I hate to say it, I do not think it can be done.

By saying that, you already lost the fight.

Originally posted by section8citizen
The only real solution is to remove the global elite from their positions of power and influence. Can that be done?

Look for instance at what Mahatma Gandhi did in India.
He make the impossible possible, namely to free his country from the British rule.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mahatma Gandhi, Indian political leader who managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means and thus giving hope and inspiration for generations to come.

Thus it can be done.

are you a follower of gandhi ji ..... well, in todays world no one listens to his words in todays world which is full of hate,violence,arrogance ,deceit

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by manson_322
are you a follower of gandhi ji ..... well,


What is the meaning of ji ..... well? [I am A Dutchmen you no, and my English is not that good]

Originally posted by manson_322
in todays world no one listens to his words in todays world which is full of hate, violence, arrogance, deceit

I know absolute what you mean by that, but in this today’s world there is absolute also love, non violent, respect, and honesty and real patriotism.

You have to look what Gandhi has accomplished.
He did something that looks impossible, and yet he made it possible.
He has did it not alone, but he was the spark, and from that it happens.
It was absolute not easy, it was absolute very hard and takes absolute many sacrifices and lives as well.
But there is absolute no other way.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:20 PM
Now thius was more of what I was looking for when I made this post! Some very very good thoughts and I thank you all for sharing them.

Spacevisitor: You know I have to be very honest here and admit my ignorance on this topic. I know very little about Ghandi and maybe it is time I learn. I don't think my line of thinking equals already losing the battle. When you look at our elections in terms of many different possibilities but all these possibilities all play for the same team, it just stands to reason. Perhaps you are right and I still have a lot to learn about how I view things.

Admriker: That is something I never really considered and I am inclined to agree. Money is the root of all evil and people have proven over the course of time that they will do anything and hurt anyone for the right price.

Stacy: thanks for the link. I will have to check it out when I get done the work I had planned today. I understand what you mean though, sometimes it is easy to see all the good possibilities but you can never trust the heart of a snake. NO matter how good their intentions may seem, it's still a snake and it will strike you.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by spacevisitor

Originally posted by manson_322
are you a follower of gandhi ji ..... well,


What is the meaning of ji ..... well? [I am A Dutchmen you no, and my English is not that good]

Originally posted by manson_322
in todays world no one listens to his words in todays world which is full of hate, violence, arrogance, deceit

I know absolute what you mean by that, but in this today’s world there is absolute also love, non violent, respect, and honesty and real patriotism.

You have to look what Gandhi has accomplished.
He did something that looks impossible, and yet he made it possible.
He has did it not alone, but he was the spark, and from that it happens.
It was absolute not easy, it was absolute very hard and takes absolute many sacrifices and lives as well.
But there is absolute no other way.

What is the meaning of ji ..... well? [I am A Dutchmen you no, and my English is not that good]

'ji' is word of respect used in hindi for elders of the family or great people , its not a word of english .....

anyays, its good that some people see strength in gandhiji word , in india , everyone in middle and high society follows west/american culture blindly and moral value system, on which gandhi ji laid emphasis on is decaying

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by manson_322

'ji' is word of respect used in hindi for elders of the family or great people , its not a word of english .....

anyays, its good that some people see strength in gandhiji word , in india , everyone in middle and high society follows west/american culture blindly and moral value system, on which gandhi ji laid emphasis on is decaying

Thanks for your explanation manson_322.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 11:58 PM
Two words, short memory. US citizens seems to have forgotten how cruel human can be. So they eat too full and begin to think of themselves as saviours of those "less-fortunate" while trashing others.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Dark Legion
I would say go even one step further and ask yourself - are these "terrorists" that threaten us even real, or have they been invented by our government? Perhaps, as many suggest, there is no actual physical enemy and only an invisible, imaginary threat that has been sold to us hook line and sinker.

Yes it is convenient to have an invisible and yet eminently menacing enemy. In this case too convenient. Especially when the only people who ever see them are the people who are selling this terror drug. It's all too neat, nothing is neat in reality, life is messy and full of loose ends.

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