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Club of Rome member teaching in Sydney University

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posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:55 AM
Choose your toilet paper well children. There is a moral to this story.

Globalists are such charming people. No really they are, they care about the world, all of us. They even come up with nifty social engineering policy for us, its for our own good you know.

Ironic how we have all these people there to think for us, only problem is they only care about themselves and their own class. I bet the man has never been South of George Street or West of Darling Harbour. Ashcroft, Minto thats where the threats to me and my class are he would say. Criminality based on your postcode is what they preach.

Dont believe me, investigate The Sydney Institute and some of the tripe that has come out of there. Infact I would see if this man has ties to this and other "think tanks".

Is he a Mason? It dosnt really matter in the scheme of things. What you might want to look at is where he grew up and what Church of England Grammer School he attended.

Why do I not trust Australian Globalists? Its because they want to erode everything that makes this country a great place to live, all so they can make a quick buck at our expense

We can stand on our own two feet quite well, but they tell us we cant. We could build our own defence force and weapons, but no we have to buy second rate junk from the US. We could keep all our patents and inventions here but no, our universities pay souless turds like this obscene amounts of money to tell us we cant. They tell us to tie our economies with a global market. They tell us to change our company ownership and media ownership laws so we can be owned and controlled by other countries.
The company I work for use to be all Australian owned,same with our suppliers. We are all now owned by a French company, this has only happened in the last 5 years or so. Our suppliers use to make everything here in wee country towns, now they are offshore in China. God help us during the next economic slide, we will all be on the dole. Even an early 90's blip scenario would be nasty under todays conditions

We use to be unique, innovative and egalitarian. No wonder John Howard is romatically still in the 50s. I think i may join him.


posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by Octavius Maximus

The Center for Millennial Studies was founded at Boston University in 1996 by Professor Richard Landes, a mediaevalist who had devoted most of his working life to the social effects of calendrical shift to the year 1000. With branches at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and now at the University of Sydney, the Center has at its foci of attention heightened religious expectations about cosmic transformation around the year 2000, the cross-cultural nature of 'millenarian-type' anticipations, the plethora of visions of a new and juster society (whether global or national), the social implications of the Y2K 'Millennium Bug,' and the secularization of the 'millennial awareness' in such an event as the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

This is the section of the University of Sydneys website the Suter is affiliated with.

I found me golden ticket.....
Dot joined thankyou very much sir......

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 07:39 AM

I found me golden ticket.....
Dot joined thankyou very much sir......

Oh good, because it cannot be about education, oh no. It has to have an agenda.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 04:37 PM

As i have said, he is COR and admits to this. That combined with the fact that he is a lecturer of International Relations is something that i see as a conflict of interest and it shouldn't be allowed. He has a direct channel of influence over his students and being that he is COR i dont think he should be able to exert that influence.

you disagree with that and thats fine.

ALso, there is evidence of the CORs sinister 'second life' so to speak in their book discussed by ALan Watt in his quote which i posted previously in this thread. THey say so in their own book that they are behind the global warming movement! thats from the horses mouth.

BY the way, have you ever seen the Georgia Guidestones? Check em out if not. They have their roots in the Roisicrucians (spelling?) and explicitely state that they want the worlds population to be 500 million... check em out

Oh yeah, Sydney Uni DO record lectures! forgot bout that, will see if i can get my hands on something.....

Finally, that Center for Millennial Studies seems like a focus group which hasnt done much since 2002 at the latest. Are you saying this is all Suter does at the Uni? i'm a bit confused.

But having Suter in that little focus group is akin to have Michael Jordan play on the Uni basketball team. He'd be loving his little mini mini COR group! Kinda funny in a way

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 10:21 PM
interesting titbit of info.

Suter mentioned to his students that he recently attended a dinner with the Great Grandson of Franz Ferdinand aka ArchDuke Ferdinand - Archduke of Austria-Este (December 18, 1863 – June 28, 1914).

Don't know much about this family - can anyone shed some light on if there is relevance to this?

Is this potentially a sign of Rothschild affiliation perhaps?

[edit on 21-8-2007 by srsen]

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:32 AM
*Wonders where Octavius is*

Too hard, huh ?

Thing is, we don't need people like him influencing uni students with his bias...Students such as these should be exposed to a variety of ideologies, not just that of the lecturer in charge...

What a blight on such an important institution

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:52 PM

*Wonders where Octavius is*

Aww, you missed me.

Too hard, huh ?

No, i just found this discussion as amusing as putting a staple in my temple.

Also, i find the lack of evidence amusing.

No wait, the other thing. Moronic.

What a blight on such an important institution

Eh, its Sydney Uni, all talk and reputation. its got nothing of substance.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 09:36 AM
Octavius, first up...

I'd like to apologise for some of my comments in this thread directed to you, they were way out of line and in no way in the spirit of this board, so I'm sorry for same...

On the Suter thing, would it be acceptable to you if a non-globalist lecturer was also involved in this class currently being undertaken at SU ?

For balance an so on ?

Sure as far as international relations goes these days, you have to have a "globalist" point of view, because globalism is a reality

However, shouldn't our students have the opportunity of hearing international relations from both sides of the coin, as it goes ?

I'm interested to hear your views on this


posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 11:45 PM
Well thanks for your apology, sorry for the lateness of my reply, ive been avoiding this thread, to be honest

But the thing is though that this is not a classroom, its a lecture theatre, the people who are listening are students, they are not stupid and being so obvious about you, they know their lecturers stance.

However, shouldn't our students have the opportunity of hearing international relations from both sides of the coin

Of course, but they are living on the other side of the coin, are they not? They should be well acquainted with this view already. I think if they kept an open mind then they would be able to learn about one view, by seeing it through the glass of the other.

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