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What is up with the Predictions?

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posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 09:54 PM
Why do people feel the need to pull a prediction out of their butt and post it? If a person has some info on a prediction with some merit, like 2012 as example, it would be great to talk about it in an intellectual way, but to just start throwing out WAGs hoping one might hit is a total waste of time, and I would like to know what is it these people are trying to accomplish?

This site is great and can really push one’s beliefs. It is also a place to apply some critical thinking now and then, but to just mindlessly throw stuff on the forums that is made up on the spur of the moment is just plain childish.

I’m not attacking anyone in general or even a single subject on this site that a person has put at least an ounce of thought into, but it seems like there is an endless flood of junk that dilutes some really intriguing stuff.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 09:57 PM
Oh great, here we go again. Another cycle of some one being a piss-ass over some one else putting up their predictions.

Predictions are a form of sharing visions, feelings, intuitions, dreams and joint-pain for the purpose of nothing more than "what if" and letting your fellow-man know you have a certain feeling.

They don't need proof. And why did you post this in the NWO forum, when it's about prophecies and predictions?

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 10:05 PM
Did we miss your introduction?

My name is DGTEMPE. Welcome newcomer.

You DO know you can pick and choose which threads to read and which not to, right? We have many different forums here for your viewing pleasure. If you dont like predictions, then go to something you like or better yet, bring something intelligent to us in the form of a new thread.

Good luck.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
Oh great, here we go again. Another cycle of some one being a piss-ass over some one else putting up their predictions.

Predictions are a form of sharing visions, feelings, intuitions, dreams and joint-pain for the purpose of nothing more than "what if" and letting your fellow-man know you have a certain feeling.

They don't need proof. And why did you post this in the NWO forum, when it's about prophecies and predictions?

Hi Valhal,

I can see your point, and I agree, but I'm sure everyone can “what if” for days and that is not a prediction. Also, as I said if someone just put an ounce of “sharing visions, feelings, intuitions, dreams and joint-pain” into it that would be ok too.

If I’m in the wrong forum please move me mod

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Why do people feel the need to pull a prediction out of their butt and post it? If a person has some info on a prediction with some merit, like 2012 as example, it would be great to talk about it in an intellectual way, but to just start throwing out WAGs hoping one might hit is a total waste of time, and I would like to know what is it these people are trying to accomplish?

Welcome and I do share your feelings on this, as well as some other members. Hope you enjoy the site!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Some people believe they can see the future. I think it's bull, personally. Anyone can guess right once in a while, it's the law of probability. Doesn't mean anyone's a prophet.

There are some here that feel that they ARE though. They tend to focus on the times the laws of probability came down on their side and forget the many more times they were wrong.

Ain't no such thing as a prophet. But let the folks that think they are, post. Then those of us who aren't deluded into believing that one correct guess in 50 is prophecy can show them the error of their ways.

It's sort of a hobby of mine.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Why do people feel the need to pull a prediction out of their butt and post it?
I’m not attacking anyone in general, there is an endless flood of junk that dilutes some really intriguing stuff.

Welcome Xtrozero, to the great ATS,
I assume this is your intro?

As you may have observed we try to refrain from serious bashing :shk:

You are attacking all of us and earning points at the same time because none of us will stand for that kind of behaviour. :bnghd:

If you find there is "an endless flow of junk", make an effort to correct it in a friendly intelligent manner or your stay here will be short and chaotic.


posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 11:38 PM
Some of us have a talent. I woke up this morning and i felt uneasy and then went to work and felt uneasy all day. I went outside and felt a strong breeze and immediatly i knew something was wrong. I dont know why.
But i knew.
Then Peru has a huge earthquake. That was what i was feeling all along.

The only problem with my ESP is that i know something is going to happen, i just dont know what.

We dont pull prophecies out of our behinds, some of us actually know some things, you know.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Some people believe they can see the future. I think it's bull, personally. Anyone can guess right once in a while, it's the law of probability. Doesn't mean anyone's a prophet.

There are some here that feel that they ARE though. They tend to focus on the times the laws of probability came down on their side and forget the many more times they were wrong.

Ain't no such thing as a prophet. But let the folks that think they are, post. Then those of us who aren't deluded into believing that one correct guess in 50 is prophecy can show them the error of their ways.

It's sort of a hobby of mine.

Heh. tell me about it.
I know how the future is going to be, but more or less nobody believes me. I 've got the cassandra-syndrome...
It kind of suck. I don't say that I am all-knowing, on the contraire, but Imho, You don't have to be a very clever person to know what happens in the next 5-10-15 years. All needed is a bit research, and be brave to make a statement where scientists still disagree.
Who needs to wait for any proof, when it comes to 'the end of times'?
Question is why are so few 'seeing' the same?

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Some of us have a talent. The only problem with my ESP is that i know something is going to happen, i just don't know what.

Thanks DG, well put girl, .

And it is so darn frustrating, some "prophesies" are not about major world wide events but little micro cosmos things in our own life or our near surroundings.
As you say it can be a feeling, a knowing, it doesn't have to come up on a big screen in your mind
I just close my big mouth now and let things happen, people get tired of my "Told you so".

I really don't like this ability, and do all I can to avoid it.

Have fun


posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by WalkInSilence
As you may have observed we try to refrain from serious bashing :shk:

You are attacking all of us and earning points at the same time because none of us will stand for that kind of behaviour. :bnghd:

If you find there is "an endless flow of junk", make an effort to correct it in a friendly intelligent manner or your stay here will be short and chaotic.

I didn't see the OP attacking or bashing anyone. He had an opinion and questions. However you feel it's ok to tell him he lacks intelligence and he won't be on ATS for long. That's a bit arrogant.

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by vckums

I didn't see the OP attacking or bashing anyone. He had an opinion and questions. However you feel it's ok to tell him he lacks intelligence and he won't be on ATS for long. That's a bit arrogant.

An other New Comer Welcome, according to standard ATS decorum, such language, as the thread author has exposed would be considered "bashing" and inappropriate

If you hang around you may come to appreciate it.


posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 01:28 AM
Actually I think it's interesting to read the predictions of others, even if it's just something only they feel strongly about.

I don't agree with everything I read but I can appreciate others sharing how they feel. Prophecy doesn't always require majority agreement to prove credible at some future point.

You never know... the next odd prediction someone makes could be dead on the money.

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 01:14 PM
If there was bashing or a rule being broken I'm sure a moderator would've stepped in this thread and posted about it. Let's check...Nope, no posts. Alls good.

I'm not that new, but I am pretty darn sure I won't appreciate predictions since I think it's rubbish. Thanks for the dancing banana though.

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