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Feds Ordered to Pay $102 Million to Wrongfully Convicted Men

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posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:09 PM

Feds Ordered to Pay $102 Million to Wrongfully Convicted Men

BOSTON — In a stinging rebuke of the FBI, a federal judge on Thursday ordered the government to pay a record judgment of nearly $102 million because agents withheld evidence that would have kept four men from spending decades in prison for a mob murder they did not commit.

Judge Nancy Gertner told a packed courtroom that agents were trying to protect informants when they encouraged a witness to lie, then withheld evidence they knew could prove the four men were not involved in the 1965 murder of Edward "Teddy" Deegan, a small-time thug shot in an alley.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:09 PM
It's pretty disturbing to think that the FBI would knowingly let these men go to prison to cover for their own informant. Sickening, really.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 11:54 AM
Business as usual. The FBI is a political organization run by partisan players. If they can preserve some illusory deal with some crooks who will cover their butts and allow them to make cases, all rules are out the window.

FBI agents have been convicted as traitors, spies, murderers, liars, etc. They are no different than any other outfit that habitually lies with the dog's; they often come up with fleas on them as well as the dog's they lie with. Recall Whitey Bulger? He was the inspiration for the role Jack Nicholson played as an Irish mob boss in " The Departed', a movie based on the real life roles of the bad guys in the Boston area years ago.

Bulger was a murderer and a lot more, but since he would give the Fed's a bone now and then they ignored him until they could not anymore. He knows too much dirt on the Govt. and as of now he remains a fugitive after many years on the lam. The FBI has and does allow terrorists and criminals to violate the law routinely, as long as they keep the embarrassment factor down and give the Feds a case now and then. The DEA allows drug dealers and killers to remain free as long as they will give up lesser criminals to give them convictions that they crave.

The FBI agents who let these innocent men rot in prison should be tried and sent to prison for the rest of their lives. They violated the Constitution, which they swore to uphold, they knowingly let citizens sit in prison; and they slept just fine, thank you. They do not give a damn who is guilty or innocent; just what cases they can make and get publicity for.

Cop's of ALL types routinely break the law and violate the Constitution; what is so suprising about this is only that justice was finally donw after many years, and some fair compensation is coming to the victims of the FBI lawbreakers. Remember, the FBI GAVE the explosives to the ' terroists ' that bombed the World Trade center in 1993. Thats right, the FBI provided the explosives and urged the plot forard even after their inside player got suspicious and began recording the FBI boss's comments because he thought he was being set up as a patsy and wanted to protect himself FROM the FBI. The FBI CAUSED that attack, and the deaths that occured as a result. They WERE the controllers. Why? think about Marion Bowman, et al, from the FBI terrorist center. These were the same guys that staled and obstructed the pre-9-11 investigations into flight schools, etc. Headquarters of the FBI is the center of the problem!!

The FBI bascially murdered the Waco people, and of course the FBI murdered the famliy of Randy Weaver over a petty gun violation..on and on. What makes people think that the FBI is anything more than just another branch of the Governments efforts to ignore the Constitution and get headlines that support the curent political animals ruling this nation?

The propaganda says the FBI are professional and above reproach but the truth is that they are no better than any other cop's; they will lie on the stand to cover their asses, falsify evidence, hide the truth and deny rights, all in the name of ' crime fighting '. What a joke!! Sure, the FBI does some good and they are not ALL bad, but MOST cop's of any type will break the rules in a heartbeat if they think they can get away with it and it serves them some immediate purpose.

One can only guess at how many innocent man and women are sitting in a prison cell right now because some FBI agent thought that to do so would preserve some crooks freedom so they could continue to use them and get ' results ' that they crave and the attendant publicity that gets them more budget increases. Honest and law respecting FBI agents who do not want to violate the law will still keep quiet and cover their buddies; cop's are loyal, if nothing else, and to get one to talk against another usually only happens if they are charged themselves with a crime and are trying to make a deal and get off lighter than the others.

Imagine sitting in a dank, dirty, dangerous, violent prison for year after year, knowing that you are innocent, knowing that the FBI lied, and helpless to do anything about it. In this case, thank God, there was massive evidence, covered up for decades by the FBI, that finally came to light. Recall Edwin Wilson, the 'ex' CIA agent who retired and was drafted back in to make deals with Lybia? The FBI and CIA claimed he was NOT working for them; after 20 years ( twenty ) of sitting in prison, evidence was finally found that proved that he was INDEED working for the CIA, and an enraged Federal Judge released him and castigated the government for their lying and perjury and keeping an innocent man locked up for 20 years based on a known lie. They just did not want bad publicity so they threw one of their own to the wolves.

There is no morality and fairness about what really happens in the street; in the office the FBI claims to be above board, in practice, however, the truth shows an outfit that will do anything, murder included, to keep it's secret and illegal actions covered. They are no better than their weakest link, and with the evidence we have seen of their willingness to violate the Constitution, it would seem that the FBI has a chain with so many weak links that it would not keep a tricycle going, much less a Harley.

We depend on the honesty and truthfulness of the FBI to keep us free and protected; when the FBI turns into the criminals, we are in a place where there is NO real justice and no rule of law to protect us. this case was a fluke, an oddity. Normally, when the FBI lies and ruins lives, the suffering have no recourse and just sit in prison; in this case, thankfully, some measure of justice was done.

The innocent men who did the time CANNOT get their lives back; but maybe with some cash and some luck, they might be able to escape the nighmares and memories of decades behind bars; decades spent thinking about how the FBI did what only the criminals are supposed to do.

Sickening violations of rights, perjurious testimony meant to deceive, innocent men wrongly convicted and imprisoned, murder; these are the legacies of the FBI that really count; the one's that reflect the possibilties and not just the dreams of the publicity people who make the FBI out to be supercop's. Maybe they are, but remember, when a super hero goes bad, they can do super damage to all of us.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 02:33 PM
interesting stuff... just goees to show what the govt will do to preserve their "image"

... unfortunatly the general public usually doesnt hear when their image is just an illusion, like this.

At least ATS helps spread the word.

Thanks! good find!

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 03:36 PM
Good find OP, although it really isn't too surprising.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

It's pretty disturbing to think that the FBI would knowingly let these men go to prison to cover for their own informant. Sickening, really.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Even more disturbing, is the likelihood this kind of coverup has happened many times. I figure if the Feds got away with it, then the system isn't effecient enough at detecting it. Sad

If the officials sense of morality is just as prone to corruption as the average member of 'the mob', makes me wonder why we even 'want' to have governing bodies. Now-uh-days I swear I would rather have just one Just king then a corrupt ddemocracy.

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