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Please step down Mr. President.

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posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 06:00 PM
Its been a long dusty road with our Lord, King, Master and Decider in office. But it's been too long. Too many obvious attempts and ruining our country with genocide, murder and mind tricks. The American Public, your boss. Is not stupid or dumbed down enough yet thanks to the cartoons, drugs and violent propaghanda, to the games you play with our blood and love on our watch. WE can empathize with you that you may actually be trying to achieve a positive goal. But your family history, your past and modern ties to big business which is the obvious fuel on the fire of your candidacy is suspicious in the least. To the people of the world, and even the smallest and meekest of tyrant, you have become a grave threat by saying "haughty" things against us all. We see china, Russia, Iran and many others breaking treaties or moving armies against our friends and loved ones you sent to die for an appearent deception by corporations and religious psycho's, ruining everything that good people worked lifetimes to create. You come along with a card, a tower card. You and your stargate opening friends control the world populace continuing possibly the nazi mind control expirement aka MK, now called MK-ULTRA alledgedly ended long ago, in the CIA that is. those that have no self understanding yet, they live in the world of the daily grind. And are being tricked daily when they feed the beast. THe conglomeration of losers who worship witchcraft, themselves and stupid lame occult evil. ALl to satisfy a vanity for themselves, and to release misguided emotion through vengeance upon the world, which was tricked in the end, by a group of political and power/money hungry opportunists, aliens or not, they are evil. Many of the worlds governments are evil. and when people recognize and call evil for what it is. That will precipitate, the great battle of the end times, armageddon. For the beast cannot be fought, as he has his maniacle finger on the button..isnt that right Mr. B? I suggest sir you step down, before we the people hire bouncers, and throw you out, and all your friends..from our country. I love you though, get better inside you crazy ass.

IF you agree with my above statement, crazy as it sounds. Please at least reply with an agreement or disagreement. Please dont disect it, as i will not care what you say if its stupid insulting misguidance of the topic. No More Years!

[edit on 17-7-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 12:20 AM
Wall of text.

Please separate it into paragraphs so I can read it, or else I'm afraid I'll have to tl;dr you.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 12:41 AM

I disagree. President Bush will not be impeached, and does not need to step down. Besides, with such little time left in office, he would be out before he was impeached anyway.


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