posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 09:40 PM
It's great to have a place to discuss the topics covered at ats. I lurked here for awhile, always clearing my browser cache and getting VERY little
sleep after reading way too many posts. I eventually found threads I felt I could positively contribute to, so I joined up and hope to remain "below
the radar". I look foward to getting into that secret forum... there are way too many lurkers out there who are much more powerful than I
I like the points system - it really encourages posting, though now that I've joined and know about points, I understand why some threads are so
spammy and filled with rediculous posts...
I promise not to spam just to get points!
I'm a 3-D/graphic artist in my late 20's and live in midwestern USA. I've been fascinated with egyptology and ancient cultures for the last decade,
and have felt my entire life that the world is run by the elite - that we are really pawns, regardless if there are devil-worshipping illuminati or
just pain old-money family empires who have a lot of power. There are certainly the very powerful in this world who shape what we see and know. Long
before I considered consipracy theories, I realized that the world is filled with brainwashed/unenlightened masses. My participation here is part of
my attempt to educate myself and consider the possibilities - not just those force fed to us.
I believe in small government, personal liberty, and that world history, current events, and the very things we believe in could very easily be
fabrications (possibly one of the greatest violations of liberty).