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Muslims Won't Fund Footbaths Leaders Cite ACLU's Decision Not To Oppose Use Of Public Money

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posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 01:21 PM

Muslims Won't Fund Footbaths Leaders Cite ACLU's Decision Not To Oppose Use Of Public Money

Muslim leaders in Metro Detroit have decided not to raise private money to pay for two footbaths at a local college campus now that the American Civil Liberties Union has said the plan doesn't pose constitutional problems.

The University of Michigan-Dearborn's plan to spend $25,000 on the footbaths was criticized on conservative blogs and radio shows this month.

(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 01:21 PM
Oh the hypocrisy of it all. Heaven forbid if Christians offer to pay for a Christmas tree, so they can put it up in a school at no cost to the public. Immediately the ACLU then jumps and howlers saying it is against the first amendment to mix church and state, Yet the Muslims now can have footbaths so they can wash their feet for religious purposes and they have no problem with using public funds at all.

Give me a break. I hope some other group takes them on. If they want them fine, they can pay for them on their own but using public funds should be out of the question.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 03:52 PM
Well since it was the University's idea to this because I guess they have a large Muslim student population that were often using sinks to wash their feet, I'd say I have to agree it's more of a health and safety issue than anything else. Now if they opened up special rooms with arrows pointing in the direction of Mecca, that'd probably be a different thing.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 04:59 PM
oh the Drama, i mean how could they, its a digrace
a univerity building a footbath of the agnony, this issue should be sent to the higest courts to be blocked at once.

serious now

so a unverity wants to build a footbath and now its the fault of muslims?
whats your problem, i would understand if it was muslims lobying to get this built but its not close to that. this whole this thing is just a joke

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by bodrul

so a unverity wants to build a footbath and now its the fault of muslims?
whats your problem, i would understand if it was muslims lobying to get this built but its not close to that. this whole this thing is just a joke

I do not think I normally would have a problem with this however, this started At Northwestern University where students asked for special facilities so do not get fooled into believing there was no asking behind the scenes.

The Kansas city airport just a month or so ago also had the very same issues for their cab drivers, so this is just the start and there will be more to come.

What I really would like to know is why has this come about all of a sudden, these individuals have been here for years or even decades and up until now there was not one word or demand for such facilities, which shows it is clearly a few pushing the religious envelope.

If you or I needed to wash our feet what would they tell us to do? Go home and wash our feet or use the school gym that is what they were built for bathing.

[edit on 6/18/2007 by shots]

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 05:40 PM
If there was just a handful of Muslims there who sued to get these installed, I'd agree it shouldn't be done. But it seems that there is a significant Muslim population there and they're going to wash their feet one way or another, so some type of accommodation that makes it better for everyone (I'm sure the non-Muslims don't like using the sinks after some Muslim has washed his feet in it) doesn't seem to be extraordinary to me.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 05:42 PM
If I went to a school where people were washing their feet in the sink several times a day, I would pay for the footbaths myself. I don't see this as being strictly for the benefit of Muslims, I think this is a benefit for everyone that has to use the sinks.

It seems like a rather practical solution.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 05:43 PM
i will tell you this from experience
and this has happend in my place of education we never asked for religous rooms or anything, they were offerd.

services were also offerd to jews,hindus, and so on

Its all PR and comapnies wanting to keep their employees happy.
and this isnt confined to muslims who are getting these so called bennifits

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
If there was just a handful of Muslims there who sued to get these installed,

What real difference does it make?

It started with a handful at Northwestern and now it is spreading. They certainly all did not get overtly religious over night you know, they have been here for years without one peep now all of a sudden The Kansas city airport needs them Northwestern needs them and now Dearborn so it is just the start and I do not think it is right for non Muslims to pay for them. If they want them fine they can pay for them, with that I would have no problem.

If you or I wanted to wash our feet they would tell us to use the school gym or school dorm and if we did not they would probably fine us for breaking a health ordinance as should the Muslims.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by shots
What real difference does it make?

a big diffrence none of those muslim went up in arms or petitioned for one,
they got one offerd to them. learn the diffrence will do you a world of good.

Originally posted by shots
It started with a handful at Northwestern and now it is spreading. They certainly all did not get overtly religious over night you know, they have been here for years without one peep now all of a sudden The Kansas city airport needs them Northwestern needs them and now Dearborn so it is just the start and I do not think it is right for non Muslims to pay for them. If they want them fine they can pay for them, with that I would have no problem.

so? they are putting things up for all faiths not just muslims.
all the sudden they do some things to accomidate a muslims need and its high crime.

and another thing they PAY their TAX aswell not just you and most likely there are muslims in your country that contribute more then you aswell.

Originally posted by shots
If you or I wanted to wash our feet they would tell us to use the school gym or school dorm and if we did not they would probably fine us for breaking a health ordinance as should the Muslims.

what a joker
like its religous item, footbath for cleaning feat. anyone can use it
yes that right None Muslims can use them aswell (its a big supprise but its true, its just another facility)

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:05 PM
shots I totally understand your point of view.

I don't think they should be able to get these installed mandatorily through the courts; however, it might very well be illegal to keep them from using the sinks to wash their feet.

There is no direct comparison to this in Christianity, there is nothing like this mandated by our religion.

My basic opinion is if there are just a few Muslims, let them use the sink, but if there are so many that it's becoming a problem, facilities should install the foot baths. It would be better than having hordes of people using the sinks, spreading germs, and spilling soapy water everywhere. What if someone (either Muslim or non-Muslim) slips and cracks their head open? That would probably be much more costly than installing the foot baths in the first place.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
i will tell you this from experience
and this has happend in my place of education we never asked for religous rooms or anything, they were offerd.

services were also offerd to jews,hindus, and so on

Yes I understand that and they are all non-secular for use by all which is fine. But that is not the case at northwestern, there the Muslims are requesting a special room at football games no less. Muslims Request prayer Rooms At Northwestern football games

[edit on 6/18/2007 by shots]

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by shots
Yes I understand that and they are all non-secular for use by all which is fine. But that is not the case at northwestern, there the Muslims are requesting a special room at football games no less. Muslims Request prayer Rooms At Northwestern football games

They are requesting one no saying you have to do this
just because these muslims are requesting a pray room so they catch their pray time and watch the match

doesnt mean they will get it. and last time i checked not all requests by all people are accepeted, and highly doubtfull they would accept it for a public place like a sporting ground.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by shots
Yes I understand that and they are all non-secular for use by all which is fine. But that is not the case at northwestern, there the Muslims are requesting a special room at football games no less. Muslims Request prayer Rooms At Northwestern football games

[edit on 6/18/2007 by shots]

Isn't that a totally different issue? Demonize much?

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by bodrul

doesnt mean they will get it. and last time i checked not all requests by all people are accepeted, and highly doubtfull they would accept it for a public place like a sporting ground.

You are right they did not have to and did not get one and good for NW Source

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by shots
You are right they did not have to and did not get one and good for NW Source

now was there any reason to make a big deal out of it?

there will always be requets from groups (all religous groups) and some will be accepted and rejected. and before you go Tax payer money just remember they pay their TAX aswell

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Isn't that a totally different issue?

No not really I used that as an example of how they are pushing for various religous reasons all of a sudden.

Another example that could be used perhaps you are familar with was the demands made in a UK and Belgium prision systems to have the toilets turned because they faced the wrong direction.

Jail bosses are rebuilding toilets so Muslim inmates don’t have to use them while facing Mecca. [...] The Islamic religion prohibits Muslims from facing or turning their backs on the Kiblah – the direction of prayer – when they visit the lav. Muslim lags claimed they have had to sit sideways on prison WCs. But after pressure from faith leaders the Home Office has agreed to turn the existing toilets 90 degrees at HMP Brixton in London.


See it sounds funny yet it is true they are pushing more and more each day to get the world to change to their ways and that scares me.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
now was there any reason to make a big deal out of it? :

But you are missig the point here if you give them an inch they are going to demand a mile, then two, then ten, you get the drift and that scares me.

[edit on 6/18/2007 by shots]

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by shots
No not really I used that as an example of how they are pushing for various religous reasons all of a sudden.

a request for something and all the sudden they want to change your way of life, great

Originally posted by shots
Another example that could be used perhaps you are familar with was the demands made in a UK and Belgium prision systems to have the toilets turned because they faced the wrong direction.

See it sounds funny yet it is true they are pushing more and more each day to get the world to change to their ways and that scares me.

this is funny
if you go to some muslim homes its very likely that they have toilets facing the wrong way.

its only those very religous people that will go to the length of ensuring that they dont face mecca but then again if you commited a crime then i dont see them being that religous.

i wont argue on this as i find it hilerious but the rest of your examples and thoughts , you should have an idea of my views on them.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by shots

Originally posted by intrepid
Isn't that a totally different issue?

No not really I used that as an example of how they are pushing for various religous reasons all of a sudden.

Sorry shots, calling the BS card here. From your OP:

Kary Moss, director of the Detroit branch of the ACLU, said its review concluded the plan is a "reasonable accommodation" to resolve "safety and cleanliness issues" that arose when Muslims used public sinks for foot cleaning before prayers, which often spilled water on bathroom floors.

"We view it as an attempt to deal with a problem, not an attempt to make it easier for Muslims to pray," said Moss, who likened the plan to paying for added police during religious events with huge turnouts.

"There's no intent to promote religion."

Different altogether. No Muslim asked for these footbaths. NOW you're introducing other things in here to demonize Muslims. I'm surprised that you can't see that. Well, not really.

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