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Imagine, blueprint for society

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posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 12:34 AM
China and Cuba got it wrong. Enormous centralized power with a lack of civil rights characterizes those nations. There's no place I'd rather live than here in the U.S., it's funny how when somebody mentions an alternative socio-economic system people start telling you to leave. Corporatism isn't working out to well here unless you're part of the 5%.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 01:03 AM
Taken from:

Nutopia is a conceptual country created by John Lennon and Yoko Ono on April Fool's Day 1973. This country (or nation) was supposed to live up to the standards set by the song "Imagine".

In the official declaration of Nutopia, it is stated that it "has no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people. Nutopia has no laws other than cosmic. All people of Nutopia are ambassadors of the country. Citizenship of the country can be obtained by declaration of your awareness of Nutopia."

The flag of Nutopia has only one colour: white. The seal of Nutopia is a picture of the marine animal of the same name. The "Nutopian International Anthem" was included on John Lennon's album Mind Games, and consisted of a few seconds of silence.

A plaque engraved with the words "NUTOPIAN EMBASSY" was duly installed at their home at the Dakota. It is believed that the whole affair was a jibe at Lennon's ongoing immigration troubles, as he and Ono (who already had a Resident Alien "green card", which Lennon had been denied, through her previous husband) tried to move to America.

In 2006 a Nutopia website [8] was created by Lions Gate Entertainment,[9] the producers of the documentary "The U.S. Versus John Lennon."

Official site:

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Brother Stormhammer
The problem with that (as good as it sounds) is what happens when the "rich peoples' money" is gone. At that point, your choices are limited....either the 'free' stuff starts costing money (which won't work because, by definition, the people in question can't afford it), the free stuff stops (which violates the basic assumption of your new society, since we now have hungry people all over again), or we find a new group of people to extract cash from. It won't take long to run through that money, either. Let's take Bill Gates (AKA Satan
) as an example. The highest I can recall him being worth was in the vicinity of $100,000,000,000. Presumably, that's too much money for anybody, so let's confiscate all of it, and give it to the poorest half of the US population. That means that about 150,000,000 people will be getting checks (irony of ironies, Bill Gates will get one. How's that for justice?). It works out to $666.66 per check (I told you he was Satan, didn't I?). Once that cash is gone, though, where do we get the next check? And the one after that? Your system relies on the very rich people it need them to keep creating outrageous flows of cash that you can confiscate and redistribute.

It's true that it revolves around those corporations, I realized that when I started thinking about this type of scenario a while ago. I don't have a problem with that, as I'm not outlawing the businesses. We'll keep the businesses, we'll just be changing where all of this excessive wealth goes to. There would be a number limit for both the personal wealth of the businesmen and for the profits that a business nets. So after the initial confiscation of monetary funds from the rich, each year when a businesses profits reach a certain point they would no longer go to the people operating the business. I don't have a magic number in mind currently as to what that number would be, It'd probably take a collaborative effort between many of the businesses and politicians to figure that out.

I certainly wouldn't take all of their profits, because I'm quite sure it wouldn't take long for an assassin's bullet to find whoever would set up such a system. I'd still allow the wealthy to be able to have plenty of money, just not the huge amounts they have now.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 02:42 AM
The SMURFS were communist. They ruled.

S erving
M ercifully
U nder the
R ed
F ather

Why do you think Papa Smurf wore that red hat?

Damn that Gargamel (Capitalism) and his greed.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 09:37 AM
Nah... I think "Imagine" was a sarcastic jab at the naive hippy counter-culture, sort of like Revolution.

"But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know you can count me out (in)"

Lennon must not have really believed in what he was saying since he wasn't short on possessions, and I don't recall any John Lennon Foundation set up to help mankind.

And from a realistic standpoint greed isn't the problem. Laziness is the problem. No hunger is a great concept but who grows the food and works in the fields all day? Who picks the food and delivers it to your house? What happens to the slackers that sit around and smoke weed all day waiting to be fed by the people who are out growing the food?

And who is going to enforce the social laws of the global, borderless utopia? A centralized authority? Who's going to select this authority? A democratic vote? Don't you think there's a good chance the leaders will be Chinese since there are 2 billion Chinese people voting?

(But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow)

If you have a family with kids you already know that this utopian vision won't even work in one household, let alone over the entire planet. The real blueprint for an ideal society is where people get rewarded for how much they help other people, not just because they're taking up air.

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