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"Nothing Important Happened Today"

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posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:04 PM
Quote from The X Files season 9, Nothing Important Happened Today, part 2.

KERSH: You ever hear of King George the Third?

DOGGETT: (Turning back toward KERSH) You answer my question!

KERSH: He was King of England when America declared Independence in 1776. King George the Third kept a diary. On July 4th 1776, he made an entry in it: "Nothing Important Happened Today".

DOGGETT: What the hell has that got to do with me?

KERSH: Revolutions start, things that change the world forever, and even Kings can miss them if they're not paying attention.

Before 2000, we had a balenced budget, peace with other countries. People had jobs, and no one ever really thought about the price of gas, except when they were planning their trip to the lake during the summer. In real estate, it was a "seller's market". People were generally happy with the state of the country and the economy was the best it's ever been.

As 2000 drew near, people began to get that nervous "this has been too calm for too long... wonder when the rug's gonna get jerked out from under us" attitude. Some began to say that 2000 would bring back Christ and the world as we know it, would end. Others were worried that the computers would fail at the stroke of midnight and cause mass chaos.

None of that happend, and the world breathed a sigh of releafe. As Mulder said.... "The world didn't end, did it."


Through some technicality, Bush finds his way into the White house, even though the magority of the American public did not vote for him.

The shuttle exploded.


The War Started

Gas is now near $4 a gallon. People are dying for nothing in Irac. Men & Women from this country, as well as others, are being tortured and beheaded by an unseen enemy in another country. More and more of American rights are being slowly taken away. Women will soon not be able to decide what to do with their own bodies. Each of us who wants to drive a car will be forced to have a National ID number, even though we already have Social Security numbers that are supposed to do that. We're very close to every citizen being told to have a microchip placed in their bodies, as a matter of "National Security". (oh, and we've got "American Idol." if that's not the beginning of the end, I don't know what is!)

People are being slaughtered in Darfur in the worst mas murder in the name of the government since the Nazies, and all America can do is keep killing people in the name of "the god named OIL". The lower half of Georgia is burning to the ground and there is no National Guard to help because they've all been sent over there for this laughable "war on Terrer"! Well, here's news for you, GW.... It didn't work!!! All this "We Americans are going to keep living our lives and not let these terrorists win" is a load of BS! They got just want they wanted. What's the object of terrorisum? TERRER!

Maybe the world Did end, while none of us was paying attention, distracted by all the Y2K and 2nd coming talk.

This is not to start a political debate. Those are useless. These are just my thoughts today, in light of the facts.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:02 AM
this is what everyone's been saying since he was elected. it's funny when a man whose main inspiration in life and his decision making is supposedly god(even though the separation of church and state is supposed to prevent this type of logic), although he acts as if he puts his hidden interests(oil) before that very god.

these questions are the type that cannot be answered, as we do not have the capabilities of seeing the true motives behind his actions as they wouldn't be published into public record.

since his election essentially everyone(i repeat, ESSENTIALLY) everyone has eventually questioned his motives and actions. when you have all the power in the world, however, do you really need to explain yourself? throw out some random threats your "intelligence" agencies have found and you've got yourself political backing.

the funny thing is, we're all concerned about this right now as it might very well lead to a third world war, but in 10 years everybody will be looking back on george w as the worst president in the history of our country, and will be the subject of even more ridicule

i picture george w as a jock in high school, all his power lies in the facade that he is the most popular and well-liked person in the nation(a delusion he created for himself when he was elected not only once, but twice). no reasonable man would claim to be infallible, wherein lies george's weakness...his background and current status have caused him to create his own world which is, hilariously enough, not the real world. the downfall of every "dictator," per se, is his arrogance

who am i to go on such a judgmental rant, though? i'm just some opinionated punk who thinks he knows everything about human nature and can read through anyone's BS.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:05 AM
great quote though, one of my favorites.

it truly is the epitome of the "without representation" that the colonists despised so much.

perhaps, though, in the grand scheme of things, nothing of importance really did happen on that day

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:14 AM
Maybe a bit off-topic, but in 1776 we didn't have instant global communication. The King wouldn't have known about the revolution until at least a few weeks after, so 'nothing important happened' could have been true for him on that day.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Yes, I agree that we didn't have the Internet back then. No one is saying King George could have known what was going on at that time. It is simply symbolic. Always the greatest things, or the most influential things, or most powerful things come out of places and from sources that seem to have no power. Think of the symbolism of the birth in the manger. Whether or not you are a Christian (I am not. Not anymore.), the symbolism of this image is that of something of great power and influence coming from the most meager of sources. A man who ends up being the basis for the most powerful Religion on the planet, which has caused the deaths of so many... so many wars, such suffering, and at the same time, has taught robbers to "Do unto others..." and caused them to lead honorable lives. So much of what the world looks like now came from that little boy, born in a barn.

Back to George.... No, he couldn't have known what was going on, and even if he did, he likely would have just laughed it off. When the Colonists begain to rebell, they were laughed at, pretty much. NO ONE could defeat the British Army! Well, they did. And then sweapt across the country and devistated everything in their path, effectivly wiping an established Nation off the face of the earth.

Quite an "accomplishment" (she said, tounge in cheek) for a few misfit rebells, wouldn't you say?

Well, today, though most people thought... "What's the big deal? George W will be out of office in less than a decade, at the most."... did any of us see gas prices being $4 a gallon, all our rights slowly being taken away, and watching another generation of men and women die in a war we should not have even gotten into? We thought Nam could never happen again. Well, we've just traded the jungle for the desert. That's all.

Ironic that both of these powerful, blind men are named "George", wouldn't you say?

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