posted on Nov, 27 2002 @ 02:50 PM
Freemasonry requires that you swear an oath of silence regarding its rituals, procedures etc. before you even know what you are swearing an oath on.
To look at it in the grand scheme, you are relinquishing your freedom of speech.
As implied by Freemason's posts, and lack of response with regards to the information provided by 'Satch' I believe, the trade off is receiving a
'get out of jail Free' card when it comes to parking violations, speeding tickets, and other 'perks'. I think Freemasons lack of response to those
particular allegations are revealling enough, suffice it to say that it is a foregone conclusion that it may be a reality. In fact, that 'rumour',
led me to the enquiry as to whether it was true, and I have it on very, very reliable sources, that it is to some extent. I've witnessed it. So, that
being said, the trade for your freedom of speech is various societal 'perks'. Is this 'justice'? Is it fair? In short, no. It is called unmeritted
favour, and is, akin to nepotism, without the actual familial connection. Does not the U.S. Constitution, that Freemason mentions as being so similar
to the Masonic Constitution, state '...that all men, being made equal...' ? Is not the concept of a secret society, or a society of secrets,
sinister when considering the fact that many public offices are held by those that 'have the secrets' which are withheld from the public they claim
to serve? I think the public is obligated to find out those 'secrets', unless as one great unit we collectively are willing to say to those we put
in power, Et tu Brute? What do you think?