He keeps reappearing in my dreams...in fact he did again just last night...we were dancing through this ballroom..just the two of us...I have no idea
of who he is or why I keep dreaming about him. I have been doing it for about a year or so now. I never see his face and I never know his name but I
know he's not there to harm me..any ideas of who it might be or why I'm dreaming about him...
Maybe...just maybe...now think about this..maybe it's just a dream & nothing more. Ofcourse, I can be wrong about this. But the same thing has
happened to me before. But it wasn't always a human(a place)...I've even had reoccuring dreams about Clambo from Sesame Street[Dont ask!]
But...there could be more to it, like I said, I don't have to be right about this. But it won't hurt to be more observant about the people around
you....or the people who are not around you.
Im sure i read something about this somewhere along the line but it was years ago and i cant remember the details. i AM sure though that its nothing
to fear and after some soul searching his face will become clear to you
try to ask him what dose he want, need you to help~?
I guess he wants your help, let he know after help, please leave.
after you ask him, he might tell you what he want in your dream.
It is one of two things. Either this is a man you are going to meet (future hubby if you were just asking when you would find the right fella) or
your "guardian".
Most likely it is the first though. That way when you meet him or come near him, you will "know".