posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 05:58 AM
Wonder how many of those thatched roof cottages would be ... um ... er ... thatchless if a tornado went through?
Ooops ... Sorry... Should have quoted the poster who wanted to know why we build wood houses in the MidWest in lieu of Stone or what have you...
I've lived here in Missouri a great portion of my life, and lived in Texas where we used to sit on the front porch, and watch torndos form up. I
guess we're just used to them out here, and a stone home would be nigh unto cost prohibitive were one try to build one now.
Most folks here in Missouri laught about tornados, and the old axiom is often heard, "Tornados are God's way of telling us we've built too many
mobile homes".
Edited because I couldn't spell "wood". I just knew someone would ask me what "Wodd" is, and I woodn't have a very good answer.
[edit on 29-4-2007 by sigung86]