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Earthquake Shakes Southern England

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posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 01:48 AM
The warmth from the melting snow caps and glaciers are heating up the pressure under your shorelines mainly and then you have your military operations out in the oceans off your coast lines messing with the tectonic plates, sonar disruptions. Your faultlines are not as pronounced as the ones we have on our west coast but the principal is the same. As the earth continues to move in a northern position, these plates will begin to make corrections and they just dont seem to respect our well built societies. Just keep an eye out from earth quakes happening out in the oceans because they tend to cause the ripple effect.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 05:58 AM
Wonder how many of those thatched roof cottages would be ... um ... er ... thatchless if a tornado went through?

Ooops ... Sorry... Should have quoted the poster who wanted to know why we build wood houses in the MidWest in lieu of Stone or what have you...

I've lived here in Missouri a great portion of my life, and lived in Texas where we used to sit on the front porch, and watch torndos form up. I guess we're just used to them out here, and a stone home would be nigh unto cost prohibitive were one try to build one now.

Most folks here in Missouri laught about tornados, and the old axiom is often heard, "Tornados are God's way of telling us we've built too many mobile homes".

Edited because I couldn't spell "wood". I just knew someone would ask me what "Wodd" is, and I woodn't have a very good answer.

[edit on 29-4-2007 by sigung86]


posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Yeah we just had a few funnels come by here in KCMO on Friday. No big deal... the chances of getting killed in a tornado are still less than getting in a car accident. I think earthquakes are far more serious as they affect hundreds of square miles, where as a single tornado only affects an area a few hundred feet across for however many miles it holds together.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 11:52 AM
I think that we were fortunate it did'nt happen at Dungerness or in the Thames Estury where the General Lee is!!! The goverment want more nuclear powerstation's...It's a pitty it did'nt take out the channel tunnel. That thing has been the demise of the south east since it was built. Still the government carry on giving the green light to the developers. Kent is a disgrace. They just could'nt leave it alon e. Well now this has happened it might make ppl think twice. This government could have stopped it all and they did'nt. Now sadly nature is taking over and Mother Nature does'nt mess around! Thatcher has got all this on her conscience and this stupid government will too have to live with the consequences.

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