posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 08:11 PM
Tonight my wife, mother-in-law and I were driving back from the seacoast of NH. On the highway leading back from the coast, we saw 3 star like
objects in the sky. One was bright white, then 2 flashing red lights appear. The red flashers kept changing patterns and with some of their patterns
the bright white changed to a pulsing orange and then faded to almost nothing. It then changed to a flashing red like the others, only brighter. It
disappeared from sight and then came back as bright as it was originally when first spotted. meanwhile, the flashing reds were disappearing and
reappearing, and flashing. The white ufo remained bright in the sky but we had to leave. When we got home, news channels started reporting that
there was a 5.7 magnitude earthquake an hour earlier, during the time that we were chasing ufos that were obviously communicating with each other.
Possible that these could have been causing the quake and communicating it? Just a theory..