posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 09:30 PM
This really isn't anything as far as conspiracy is concerned...well maybe it is...guess it depends. But years ago my father told me about a song
that he used to listen to that talked about using a deck of cards as more than just a gambling tool. You can use a deck as a BIBLE and an ALMANAC!
Here is the breakdown...I think its pretty amazing actually...
The Holy Bible (as viewed with a deck of cards)
2 - The Old & New Testament
3 - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
4 - Books Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John of the Bible
5 - The 5 Virgins, there were 10 but 5 were cast out
6 - It took god 6 days to create earth
7 - On the 7th day God rested
8 - The number God spared to reseed earth after the flood
(Noah & his Wife, their 3 sons & their 3 wives = 8)
9 - Jesus healed 10 men with lepers but only 1 thanked him, 9 never did
10 - The 10 Commandments of God
JACK - Represents the devil
QUEEN - Represents the Blessed Virgin Mary
KING - Represents the son Jesus Christ
ACE - Represents the one, GOD almighty
The Almanac (as viewed with a deck of cards)
1 - If you count the number of spots on a deck of cards (hearts, dimonds, etc...) you will find there are 365..the number of days in a year
2 - If you count the number of suits (hearts, clubs, etc...) in a deck of cards, there are 4...the number of seasons in a year
3 - If you count the number of tricks in a deck of cards, there are 13...the number of weeks in a quarter year
4 - If you count the number of cards in a normal deck, there are 52...number of weeks in a year
Pretty amazing sh$t isn't it!
Hope you guys enjoyed