posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:00 AM
I started thinking along the same lines this morning when i watched the news.
Here is where im at...
IF the governemt has some kind of secret wish to keep the population in concentration camps or something similar, then they are going to need to round
them all up first. To do this with the minimal loss of armed forced they really need to get rid of as many of the civillian owned guns as possible,
and we all know that americans have the right to bear arms and defend the right to do so with venom.
Convincing americans to give up their arms would prove near impossible unless you could change public opinion on guns somehow. So the powers that be
decide to stage a few events to help sway public opinion in the direction they need it to go.
Quite how they would go about such a thing im not sure, however after being a member of this site for a few years i do know that if 1% of the posits i
have read are true then it probably is happening...