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Hormones can raise breast cancer risk

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posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:30 AM
Research on two continents signaled more bad news for menopause hormones, offering the strongest evidence yet that they can raise the risk of breast cancer and are tied to a slightly higher risk of ovarian cancer.;_ylt=AuFpR.UYCwJ9PJggKrBJmP3VJRIF

New U.S. government numbers showed that breast cancer rates leveled off in 2004 after plunging in 2003 — the year after millions of women stopped taking hormones because a big study tied them to higher heart, stroke and breast cancer risks. Experts said the leveling off shows that the 2003 drop in the cancer rate was real and not a fluke.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 10:47 AM
Certain cancers types are stimulated directly by estrogen, and in those cancer cells the hormone actually acts to upregulate its receptor. So the more hormone the more the response. The receptor then mediates some signaling in the cell replication pathway. The actual mutation or genetic predisposition is in the estrogen receptor gene and causes it to be made without much control. This will usually happen later in life because of something called the two hit hypothesis, where even if someone has one bad copy of the gene the other can make up for it until it is hit by a mutation event and made made as well. So if two bad genes you will probably get cancer anyway, with one bad gene a large dose of estrogen will act to upregulate the cancerous gene even more. Fortunately these types of cancer can be blocked with estrogen receptor blocking chemotherapy like Methotrexate.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 02:30 AM
Having seen what an attempt at HRT therapy did to my mother (basically wacked her out) and nearing an age and a medical problem that was about to have me facing the same choices I did some thinking, along with a review of my hormone tests, and I immediately came to the conclusion that HRT is extremely misguided.

It occurred to me after reveiw of my hormone tests that something was totally out of wack with the conventional 'wisdom" or what I find more appropriately described as conventional "disdam". The key for me stumbling on this was basically at menopause your estrogen retreats to your pre-adolescent levels and we don't run around through childhood with hotflashes and mood swings, so what is all this trauma about?

Further investigation showed that what happens at this stage in life is another hormone or two, in an attempt to stimulate estrogen production, go off the charts. It seemed to me that even the natural atlernatives, along with HRT, target increasing Estrogen to back off this mad attempt by these other hormones (specifically FSH & LH) to back off. Logically to me it seemed the focus should be targeting these two hormones to back off in some other way than increasing estrogen, thereby getting all the hormones back to pre-adolescent levels and then there would be no problem. It's really a shame no one has looked at it from this perspective, as too many women are suffering needlessly either from menopause, or from HRT, which from what I can see is no picnic quick fix anyway, since there isn't one formula/dosage that works across the board. so you play guinea pig with yourself trying to get it right.

Ultimately I found two natural substances (one very common and one virtually unknown but really cheap) that took away all the side affects of my medically induced menopause (which is sudden and much more severe than natural menopause when surgically induced) in 3 days. Whether they actually lower the FSH & LH, or just counter the affects I do not know, since no one is studying this but it worked.

My conclusion is I am on to something the medical community is totally missing. Stop trying to raise the estrogen (both with HRT and the conventional nutritional substances), which is only needed during reproduction and should not be unnaturally elevated once the body is past the need for it. As far as I'm concerned estrogen at that point is the enemy. Deal with why these other two hormones that are trying to raise it (unsuccessfully I might add) which is the real cause of menopausal trauma, and seek to return the body to pre-adolescent levels of all hormones to achieve a drama free menopause.

It worked for me. Bottom line from my experience is the medical community is barking up the wrong tree, and I am sitting under a beautiful old oak breezing through my menopause without a problem.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 08:27 AM
Please check out the intention of this study and the use of the statistics.

You will find that the risk of cancer for women who started taking the HRT before they were 60 yrs old is actually dramatically reduced. This is sensationalist claptrap of the worst sort.


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