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Why a war with Iran?

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posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 05:16 AM
Would it be a Moral War...hmmm?!?!

Has anyone considered the morale of our military in considering another war front in Iran? I mean we hear all day and night the Warpigs; "consultants" and generals, but I rarely hear from the grunts on how they will accept another incursion all for a less than moral war.
Consider this: Condemning the ENTIRE religion of Islam (1.5 BILLION Muslims) for the "alleged" acts of 19 razorknife yielding SOBs should have many of you asking yourselves how can this be? Early 1900s the perception of Arabs and MiddleEast was of desert wanderers, magic-carpet riding nomads (you know what I mean-I hope), but how did this so vastly change in 60 years? Why when someone asks, "what do you spontaneously think of when you hear the word: terrorist, the general response is Muslim. Or Muslim, the response is overwhelmingly: terrorist" and so on with words like Islam, Quran, Allah, etc etc etc. If you don't have this reaction to this and are from Western culture, than you're probably not being honest with your sub-conscience. It's not so much your fault as it is the extremely powerful video and print media that shapes and hypnotizes you into what your perception of reality truly is.

Is it a coincidence that Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and Iraq are not part of the world bank community??? Could this be why they are labeled the axis of evil---yet justifying US policy as "Fighting Terrorism". I find it troubling that the majority of people in Western states (more so the majority of materialistic and like-minded countries and peoples) do not truly grasp how this World Bank consists of private corporations from each country like our Federal Reserve (NOT A DEPT of GOVERNMENT, but Private Corps like Apple or GE---about as federal as Federal Express!). Then the ability to yield interest on the HUGE loans granted to countries (say for instances publicworks projects like the Three Gorges dam, or Suez Canal; or military loans for wars, etc) gives enormous leverage to the lender over the borrower in just about every aspect of sovereignty. The nation is bonded as the servant to the lender. Imagine on a micro- sized scenario. Your house mortgage is what many of us get up in the morning for (or unfortunately maybe credit cards has you sunk)---but we do it to provide for our livelihoods and families. We must work to get the money to payback the loans PLUS interest borrowed for the house---many of us would go default if interest rates increased---and in actuality many go default even with a constant interest rate (interest hurts at the end of the month!!!). Some will say "but you can make money by borrowing money and paying interest sometimes": true, but is it also not true that the lender will profit no matter what scenario is played out.
Why then is it so hard to understand this mechanism on the Nation-state scale. Dig beneath the surface and ponder serious questions: many of you are afraid to even question such claims, because it would "rock" ideology, philosophy, and even religious understandings which one has been conditioned to trust as truth. The level of contentment is such that the "no-worries" mentality kicks in: "I got the SUV" and "Im going on vacation to Hawaii next month" or "the American Dream", etc; thereby creating an understanding vacuum of reality. Those unwilling to explore and ultimately deny the true reality are destined for the Orwellian condition known as "double-think" (read up on it if unfamiliar).

I could go on and on but I already fear that the length of my post has discouraged many from reading it (our generation of the 15 second sound bite-or byte~not sure). I'd love to hear comments, even if they are to call my claims outlandish or that I am a conspiracy "tin-hat" wearin fool! If factual evidence is used to support claims we can discover the truth together.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 10:04 AM
An Israeli led war on Iran with U.S. backing will be perfectly acceptable.

Iran has threatened to remove Israel off the face of the earth. If that is not a declaration of war, I don't know what is.

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