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I turned 18 15 minutes ago!

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posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 02:03 PM
Danka! Gracius! спасибо, thank you, everybody

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 03:19 PM
Happy b-day son. Keep it gangsta over there in Russia, and keep it real.

Hope college goes well for you. Whats the chance of being so enamored with art, that you dont go into the military? Just wondered.

Anyhow, enjoy your day bro.


posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 04:52 PM
Oh dear, it's all downhill from now on.....

Just kidding


What a stunning assortment of photos, an uncanny resemblance to Keanu Reeves or Arnold Schwarzenegger or some other movie star.

Don't shoot the banana!

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 05:06 PM
strip clubs niice
cant wait to go
did u say ur from russia?thats so cool and do u think going military?
other than that yea gotta get a gun

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Yeah, Russia military is one of the most important and meaningful things to me, I'm very much looking forward to it. I just got a pack of Predator pellets sz=14&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=T8HTDQHqFXGLVM:&tbnh=58&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpredator%2Bpellets%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3D G

very nice stuff, I'm about to go shoot a few, but its been a nice day, lol, and it seems to last forever, hehe, probably cuz I stayed up late, woke up early and continued through the day. Got like 6 hours of sleep, but its good, I'm feeling awesome. The gunshop showed me some nice rifles, but wouldn't show me pistols cuz I ain't 21, but no worry, in Russia it is probably different
, I hope they got gunz for 18 yr olds in Russia, well you know da West coast, we got hella strict gun lawz cuz da gangstaz be "bangin", lol.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 10:21 PM
eh, good day,,, I fired off like 50 pellets, hit the bottles at 15 meters 90% of the time, hit the bullseye many times at 5 meters. Ate alot. I blew all 18 candles out with one mighty blow
. Now I'm scheduling the date for the PARTY, which will be for my homies to come and party. Hehe, maybe after the party we will hit da strip club or somethin

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by ben91069
Hey RS, wishing you a great 18th and the best in the future. I will drink one for you.

EDIT: My fiance thinks your arms are fake...LOL She cannot believe you are 18 and made them that large. I disagreed and said it is quite possible to build arms like that at your age.

[edit on 5-4-2007 by ben91069]

lol, just came across that, you know, when I used to be in High School, everyone thought I was on steroids, hahahaha, but it only made me laugh, the only reason they said it is cuz they couldn't get as buff as me, lol, show her the pic of me lifting weights, maybe that'll convince her my arms are real? I mean, that is no light weight, I weigh 174lb, and in that picture I am military pressing 150lb, not too bad, in school I set the record for pullups (30) and do 100 pushups or more at max, but as part of my exercize routine I do only 80 several times a day, I'm trying to get into the habit of doing 80 pushups and 80 situps every hour. I don't take any vitamins or supplements, so its 100% natural (sorry Pamela Anderson
hehe) no silicon, lol

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 10:47 PM
Oh yeah, here are are the most recent pics, this is from the birthday party, I made Shashliki (good Russian food) hehe

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:39 AM
aaa man these pics are great,with the barbeques and all,having fun great
and nice sniper^^

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:51 PM
That's a sexy ass avatar you got there, Unisol, who is she? lol

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