posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 06:24 PM
The day was coming to an end and I could see several trees
silhouetted on the horizon against the blood-red sun. Ripley
was snoozing as we neared the supposed site of the Cumbrian
Spaceman and I peered closely at her face. I could see how some
of the booze had stolen her looks. Her hair was dark, too dark to be
natural and though her life may of been tough, she would of been a
catch... once. With a quick glance at her figure, I yawned and pulled
the collar of my leather jacket up.
The Ice Cream van was struggling against a steep incline and I could
hear Ramius cursing the vehicle forward.
Vance was using a large serrated knife that he'd borrowed from Bruce,
to shorten his dress and for the first time, I saw that he had stockings
on underneath.
Bruce sat cross-legged on the filthy floor checking his equipment.
Even though the van slewed with melted popsicles, his manner said
that he'd be the same if it was a jeweled palace. I could hear him
quietly humming '99 bottles of p*ss on the wall'.
As I leaned against a battered and torn box of sandwich wafers,
the sweet scent of caramel seeping from the cardboard. I
watched my new friends.
Though the noise of the rumbling van was loud, it seemed that there
was a lull inside, and this band of seekers were winding down for the
Vasili was asleep, He rocked back and forward as the van scrambled
over the moor stones, but he showed no indication of being disturbed.
His head beat with a steady tattoo against the window and small
strand of spittal hung from his muttering lips.
That's when I nearly fell out.
The back door suddenly clicked open and due to my relaxed state, I
turned to look and the box I was leaning on collapsed, sending me
sliding towards the gaping maw.
With lightning speed, Bruce grabbed out at my legs, his hands
finding purchase, but causing me to turn, so now I was falling out of
the van backwards.
He let go and Vance reached to save me, but I was too near the rear
for him and he could only look at my wide eyes as I fell through the
At the last second, a shepherd' s crook appeared and I grabbed it, the
black rectangle of the van's doorway and this strange hook sticking out
of it seemed sureal, I held on. I could see Vance's braclet glinting in the
last of the light. The night raced past and I could feel the
loneliness of the moor.
Ramius must have realised what happened and hit the brakes with force.
I flew back into the van, Vance slammed against the small wall that
divided the back and the seating area, Bruce slid across the floor and
and smashed into boxes of cheap Panda Cola, Vasili and Ripley slept
on. "Thanks, you saved my life with that," pointing to his ribboned stick,
Vance nodded and went to where he'd left the knife.
The van came to a halt and I stood breathing hard and leaned over to help
Bruce up from the floor. "I'm okay kid, I don't need a hand" he muttered
and brushed my hand away. Ramius had got out and came around to
check if everybody was safe.
I climbed out of the van and stretched, my back ached and my hands
were sore from gripping Vance's staff. Ramius reached out and
grabbed me by the shoulders. "Junior... I thought I'd lost you boy"
he said fatherly and pulled me into a hug.
I looked surprised past his hairy ears at Vance and Bruce who were
smirking at my embarrasment.
Ripley appeared at the door, wiped her eyes and yelled "Allright,
sweethearts, you heard the man and you know the drill! Assholes
and elbows! Let's get camped down".
This brought startled looks from everybody and even Ramius let
go of me and stared at Ripley.
"Newt, unload the box under my seat will ya?" Ramius said softly,
his eyes never leaving Ripley as she stepped down from the van.
Vance looked around into the darkness and said "Maybe we could
build a fire, sing a couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?"
I leaned into the cab area and looked over at Vasili, his eyes were
half closed and his chest moved with an even rhythm.With soft
Soviet tones he whispered "...Well, as least you're out of the tree"
I pulled the driver's seat forward, and in a cloud of diesel-smelling
dust, I could see the crate Ramius mentioned.
Vasili moaned and murmered "... he's gonna eat the goat". I smiled
and combed my fingers through my hair.
With a small grunt, I pulled the crate out of the van and dragged it
around to the back, the rusty handle squeaking as it bumped across
the moor floor.
Bruce was hunkered down trying to keep a small flame alive, while
Vance dragged a large gorse bush closer.
Ramius looked on and seemed to be fascinated by the the men's
attempts to gain fire. He folded his arms and scoffed "I think you've
been watching too much T.V son, Just another American who saw
too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture
who thinks he's John Wayne? Rambo? Marshall Dillon?
Bruce didn't look up but as Vance reappeared dragging a log, from
the darkness he said "I was always kinda' partial to Roy Rogers
actually. I really dig those sequined shirts".
Bruce squinted at Ramius and hissed "I was making my bones
when you were still goin' out with cheerleaders"
Smoke slowly swirled upwards from the gorse and Bruce gently
wafted at it, the flame getting brighter.
I sat down on the large box and watched the fire bring the
surroundings to life. Vance's arms were smudged with dirt and
smoke and the reminants of his dress snagged sticks and heather,
making him curse softly. Ripley sat on a small rock and stroked her
bare legs, occasionally flicking her hair back to show her shiny
Ramius was also watching and I don't know if it was the rising
fire that made his eyes glitter or an inner flame. He grasped his
his lapels and sat beside me on the crate. "So do you think you'll
catch this so-called Spaceman? Ramius chided, he was looking
at Vance, but it was Bruce who answered. "I've got a full tank,
two canteens and I wouldn't advise anyone to open their Kiora".
Bruce slit a stick in half with his knife and tossed it into the fire.
Vance spat into the night and wiped his lips, a plastic container
followed the saliva onto the moors.
Ramius rubbed his hands to warm them and said, "this reminds
me of my first night on The Whippee"
Bruce's head jerked up and he whispered " You were on the
Whippee? "
I looked at the people's faces and asked "What happened?"
Ramius smiled weakly and coughed into his hands, "Japanese
submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Kid. We
was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte... just delivered
the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into
the water. Vessel went down in 12 minutes.
Didn't see the first shark for about a half an hour. Tiger. 13-footer.
You know how you know that when you're in the water, Newt?
You tell by looking from the dorsal to the tail".
Vance wandered back to the van and made several double-sized
ice creams with all the trimmings, Hundreds and thousands lined
his track back to the fire.
The chocolate flakes crumbled like forgotten ruins and
the Monkey's Blood looked like new-found oil as it dripped from
his fingers.
"What we didn't know, was our bomb mission had been so secret,
no distress signal had been sent.
They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light,
Son, sharks come cruisin', so we formed ourselves into tight
groups. You know, it was kinda like old squares in the battle like
you see in the calendar named "The Battle of Waterloo" and the
idea was: shark comes to the nearest man, that man he starts
poundin' and hollerin' and screamin' and sometimes the shark go
away... but sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that
shark he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know,
the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes.
Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be
living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and
then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The
ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin',
they all come in and they... rip you to pieces".
We sat in rapture, eyes child-like wide and ice cream dripping
onto the sizzling fire. Bruce wiped the threads of his canteen
clean and offered it around.
No one accepted.
"You know by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men.
I don't know how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I know how
many men, they averaged six an hour.
On Thursday morning, Bruce, I bumped into a friend of mine,
Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Boatswain's mate.
I thought he was asleep. I reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up,
down in the water just like a kinda top. Upended. Well, he'd been bitten
in half below the waist. Noon, the fifth day, Vance, a Lockheed
Ventura saw us. He swung in low and he saw us... he was a young
pilot, a lot younger than Newt. Anyway, he saw us and he come
in low and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and starts to
pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened...
waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven
hundred men went in the water; 316 men come out and the sharks
took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb".
We sat in silence and even the air was heavy with respect .
Vance looked away, his head in his hands and Ramius nodded sagely
"You okay?" he said quietly. Vance rubbed the heel of his hand into
his right eye socket and said " Yeah... I just ate my ice cream too fast"
and added "Give us a minute".
I shook my head in disbelief and watched as Ripley gently took Vance's
Ice cream and licked the last of the sprinkles away.
A few minutes later, we made our beds and prepared to spend the
night on the moors.