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Video of old woman beat up by cops after Katrina

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 12:41 AM
The video shows a woman in her lat 60s at least, she let the cops and a news crew in. They were telling her she had to leave but she refused, she said she could take care of herself and showed the pistol to them that she had.
They treated this woman very bad, they took her down like she was some 200 lb drugged out crack head and punched her in the face.
This is what our country has come to. I am ashamed and sickened.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:23 AM
The old lady is about40 - 60 seconds of that film.

The funniest thing is the last bloke "duh wot you gonna do when they got automatic rifles pointed at you, THEY WERN'T PLAYING! they had them up to their shoulders an everything!"

Look, in the UK barely ANY one is 'allowed' to carry firearms, that is the way we all like it, who's gonna invade like the 'good 'ol days?'

Guns breed guns. Long history should of tought you that. We need to lay our hands on weapons, they are there.

God bless America (god knows you need it!)

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Now_Then

Look, in the UK barely ANY one is 'allowed' to carry firearms, that is the way we all like it, who's gonna invade like the 'good 'ol days?'

Doubt the veil of lies which is over your eyes is the any different from the one that has blinded many here in America as well. If you think these governments gives a chit about you or I...the common man for that are seriously hypnotized by that good ole telly of urs (mitsubishi, or samsung? lol). Wake up dude, the controls of the West know the East has awoken and its soon to be everyman for himself.
Consider facts on real issues of day and of your future, then you will see how your reality will definitely fail you in no more than 10 years!

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Now_Then
Guns breed guns. Long history should of tought you that. We need to lay our hands on weapons, they are there.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 09:39 PM
I am really not trying to be rude but your post made absolutely no sense I am still trying to figure out what you meant lol
The way this lady was treated has nothing to do with the UK so why the comparison? People dont understand the concept of Americans being allowed to own firearms, that is what this clip is about.
The lady was taken down by 2-4 full grown men who were coming after her to take away her legally owned firearm in her HOME.
Peoples rights were violated all over Louisiana by whichever Govt official ordered this to be done.
In some cases, Civilian Mercenaries from Blackwater Security, illegally entered citizens homes and stole their firearms. (there is a class action suit going on right now about this)
Like someone mentioned in another thread, they did not even attempt to do this in Texas after Rita hit. I do not think it would have gone as smoothly in Texas as it did in NOLA.
Anyway, stay on topic please, we are not discussing UK's gun laws.

Originally posted by Now_Then
The old lady is about40 - 60 seconds of that film.

The funniest thing is the last bloke "duh wot you gonna do when they got automatic rifles pointed at you, THEY WERN'T PLAYING! they had them up to their shoulders an everything!"

Look, in the UK barely ANY one is 'allowed' to carry firearms, that is the way we all like it, who's gonna invade like the 'good 'ol days?'

Guns breed guns. Long history should of tought you that. We need to lay our hands on weapons, they are there.

God bless America (god knows you need it!)

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 12:49 AM
Mod Edit:

removed offensive post

[edit on 4/21/07 by FredT]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 01:12 AM
reply edited

[edit on 4/21/07 by FredT]

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s

They treated this woman very bad, they took her down like she was some 200 lb drugged out crack head and punched her in the face.
This is what our country has come to. I am ashamed and sickened.

So am I. It has gotten to the point that I no longer have any respect for cops. They are nothing more than thugs with a badge. Lousy cowards they are. I don't want to hear about how they are risking their lives for me---all they do is hassle people anymore.

Has anybody else noticed how so many cops these days have military haircuts? It is a subliminal message that they think that they are at war---with us.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 09:28 PM
I hear you. I live in Los Angeles, the LAPD is the most brutal and intimidating police force in the nation IMO. In all the years I've lived here they haven't had one positive interaction with me. They are always rude and condescending despite my friendly and cooperative demeanor.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by cribster123

yes.....u see in Switzerland (i dont noe if its still like this, but it sure as hell used to be) every male at the age of 18 HAD TO JOIN THE MILITARY FOR ONE YEAR, and when they got out, it was the law for them to keep their rifles for life, so that in case of an invasion, the whole country would be safe....and to this day switzerland has kept the most peace domestically......since everyone has a gun and they noe how to use it, there will be no violent outbreaks; but no in america the govt says "fewer guns keeps crime off th streets, and keeps children safer" which is total bs.......

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:07 AM
KrOnOs this is a very important video that needs to be viewed by every citizen no matter where they live or how legal they think the are. It is a sign of the times and just goes to prove we are close to the end of our democracy. I mean completely. We need to have a real plan in effect for martial law. If they haul you out of your home, what good is that? If they take your registered guns away and leave the criminals to run rampant, what good is that? What the bleep is going on here? Wake up call?

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 11:14 AM
It was the good ole Louisiana Legislature that ordered all firearms be confiscated during the Katrina fiasco. Many were taken during house searches afterwards. Doesn't have anything to do w/ why they would beat the hell outta someone, but just another bigass bungle of the legislators in my 'wonderful' state.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 12:45 PM
How incredibly sad. I went to police academy, and wanted to be a cop so bad. Now, I have lost all respect for them. They follow orders without understanding that they are contributing to America's dictatorship. We were granted the right to bear arms so that the American people could defend their civil liberties with force if need be. The people in Louisiana weren't even allowed to protect their belongings.

The people should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of the people, and I feel that this motion is the beginning of a movement to take away the people's rights to fight for what rightfully belongs to them. The government should be able to do whatever they want if they have the means to make it happen by force, and we don't.

This movement is taking away from our ability to violently overthrow the government if need be. That is exactly what our founding fathers had in mind when writing the Constitution.

We should have the ability to defend ourselves and our rights through whatever means necessary.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 10:48 PM
Wow, i forgot all about creating this thread. I kind of did want to forget about it because I now remember how pissed off I got when I first seen this and posted it.
I feel like I conveyed the wrong message in the original post because it isnt just about firearms its more about the way they treated this lady.
There is absolutely no reason to treat an old women like shes a typical 200 lb grown man that needs to be taken down and hit like that.
I thought about when I first noticed a change in police tactics and it actually started during the Clinton Administration in my opinion.
Abuse like this has become more and more common, its in the news all the time.
Pregnant women, children and old people getting tased like common street thugs and everytime it happens the chief of that dept will say, "they were just following procedure."

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:48 PM
More than anything New Orleans was a test case for Marshall law , and Bush has the authority now when he pass a executive order to that fact about three months ago. So the next CIA black flag Operation or the next so call TERRORIST !! attack then he will declare Marshall law then we will be a police state.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by rlmanning
So the next CIA black flag Operation or the next so call TERRORIST !! attack then he will declare Marshall law then we will be a police state.

That is exACTly what ive been trying to say all along.
New Orleans was a "test" to see how well citizens, reacted to being forced to stay in a city during a crisis using roving mercenaries and federal troops, then they reversed it and forced people to leave, after they relinquished their weapons of course

S.E Tx, after Rita. Was a test to see how well the they got them out during the evac and then keeping them out, saying it wasnt safe.
If they had only electricity out, no other noticeable damage, they were not let back in.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by rlmanning

The difference between a police/military control is... When marshal law is enacted the controling force, being the military in this country will alow the citizens to bear arms. This is due to the fact that unlike the police they have to respect the constitution. If they dont it brings very harsh penalties. In a case of marshal law the military would most likely "arrest" police trying to take a citizens firearm. This is due to the fact that they have to and swore to protect the citizens and their rights. The people would keep their firearms for personal defence durring a time like this. The last big reason of this is because the Military uses COMMON F-ing sense. In a time like that crime will be very high not to mention animals running around. There will be racoons possems and also dogs or what have you. Due to this a firearm is the most effective way to protect yourself and your family.
Think of it this way very simply if you ban guns criminals will still have them.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 01:42 AM
If they come to take my house and guns, I will proceed to shoot each one of them to death individually until they kill me or I get away, whichever comes first. Either way, I will handles my bizness and die like a man.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Classified Info

I have to disagree that all cops are scum (my dad is a part timer and has to be one of the most fair and understanding people I know), but I do agree that all they do is hassle people nowadays... Just the other night, my mates and I were having a fire after prom. This was a small fire, contained in a fire pit. It was attended at all times, and we had buckets of water at the ready if anything went wrong. A cruiser pulled up into the driveway and a huge spotlight showed across the yard. An officer walks over and shines a flashlight in our faces. Now, I understand that it was prom night and kids were drunk everywhere, but this was ridiculous. We weren't being loud or anything. He was a little peeved that he couldn't nab us for anything, so he made us put the fire out claiming that there was an ordinance prohibiting fires after 1:00 AM.

If you ask me, that is ridiculous. Cops have completely overstepped their bounds. They're there to keep the peace and make sure nobody gets hurt. If someone blatantly wrongs someone else or doing something harmful to others, then by all means they should step in, but the amount of power they have now is out of hand, at least in my opinion.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Kr0n0s

Your Vlog link is no longer working (page error for me at least), are there any alternate sites hosting this video? I'd like to watch it.

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