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Original Anonymous Post By: anon_106405
ATS really amazes me. A video is uploaded by a member (Jagman) of a tube like structure with a blinking strobe on it. Evidence is presented that the tube is more than likely a solar balloon with a small piece of foil reflecting light or a small strobe unit attached to one end. This highly plausible explanation is virtually ignored and ATS wants to examine the raw footage. Thats fine and dandy except that the examination is not going to reveal anything. Its not going to reveal who launched the balloon and its not going to reveal any wires or tricks. It is actually a huge waste of time.
For those ardent supporters of a "worm" theory, can I ask you a question? How can you believe this thing is a worm, and not a solar balloon? Let me humor you for a second. OK it's a worm. Now am I to believe this is a lifeform freefloating in the sky that happens to act just like a solar balloon would. If it is a worm, how does it float. How does it achieve flight. Why would a worm have a flashing strobe on it? Possibly related to lightning bugs? Has common sense fled from this forum?
Why do the staff glorify such ridiculous videos? Let me lay this out for you all. Either:
A] It's a solar balloon that someone released with an accessory to cause a flashing light. In others words, an easily explainable but interesting hoax.
B] It's a space worm that drifted to close to our atmosphere and got captured on video. Similar to a beached whale showing up on a California coastline.
'A' is plausible, makes sense, and is in the realm of reality.
'B' is farfetched, makes no sense, and is in the realm of fringe lunatic thinking.
I believe in UFO's. I believe people see flying saucers. I believe in Aliens. I do not believe in Space worms. And to think ATS promotes such trash is beyond comprehension. Shame on ATS for backing such ridiculous assumptions just for hits and members. ATS use to be a classy place. It's turned into a friggin' joke!
Original Anonymous Post By: anon_106405
I believe in UFO's. I believe people see flying saucers. I believe in Aliens. I do not believe in Space worms. And to think ATS promotes such trash is beyond comprehension. Shame on ATS for backing such ridiculous assumptions just for hits and members. ATS use to be a classy place. It's turned into a friggin' joke!
Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Why do the staff glorify such ridiculous videos? Let me lay this out for you all. Either:
A] It's a solar balloon that someone released with an accessory to cause a flashing light. In others words, an easily explainable but interesting hoax.
B] It's a space worm that drifted to close to our atmosphere and got captured on video. Similar to a beached whale showing up on a California coastline.
'A' is plausible, makes sense, and is in the realm of reality.
'B' is farfetched, makes no sense, and is in the realm of fringe lunatic thinking.
Numerous violations of trust paved the trail that brought us to the heart of this tale, a sordid affair of betrayal, disinformation, and sheer confusion.
Caught up by the spinning web of a viral, self-organizing and self-reproducing mind-game born within the dark confines of the intelligence community, a handful of well placed intelligence advisers are discretely moving towards public disclosure. Each man presents a personal clouded vision of the shattered pieces of a dark puzzle, begging for life in an assembled nightmare of the future.
Originally posted by Starwatcher
Skeptic overlord, springer,other mods and all the members of ats. I thank you all for being skeptical yet having an open mind. Being respectful and intelligent in your agruments and theories. This is why I am here, it is a place were people can express their views and beliefes without being crucified as a wack job. I thank you all for being yourselves and keeping a open mind.