posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:02 AM
Every facet, department, committee, sub-committee or undertaking is a SHAM!!!
This worthless excuse for a beauracracy should be immediately
disbanded, un-funded and thrown from the shores of America - but it won't. Want to know why? Because it is the precursor to the world
Let's be real for a moment, shall we? The sole purpose of the UN is to make their wealthy corporate cronies wealthier at the expense of it's
original charter which was to ensure the freedom and prosperity of all peoples.
In the future, and perhaps not too far off, these bloated bureaucratic mouthpieces will be found swinging from trees and streetlights around the
world! People are fed up! We see what is happening, and soon, even the sheeple who have been hand fed by these stuffed shirts will come to realize
that this is all a farce orchestrated for the benfit of a few wealthy plutocrats and that they are the fodder!
Enough is enough!
People around the world need to stand up to this and demand an end to it. If those that we elect do not have the backbone to
do it, then we, the people, must do it on our own!