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The Witch Hunt Against Gun Owners

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:41 AM
"Why do you want to kill my children?"

You see, this is why I'm pro gun control. Previously on the thread you sounded pretty rational, we disagreed but you sounded rational. Now you think that because I want to take your gun, I want to murder your children ?!?. Do you have any idea how deluded and paranoid you sound ?
I'm pretty sure I'll never come to your door but I hope to god you don't have a gun when I do because you sound like you're twitching behind it with a shotgun ready to blow a traveling salesman away.

"Why do you want to kill my children?"
Is exactly why you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Spuggy
"I democratically elected a government to make decisions for me.

That speaks volumes. I guess this is why they are no longer public servants but are now "officials" and "authorities." And you like it this way, dont you? With this attitude its no wonder you dont trust the people around you to not randomly open fire into shooping centers and playgrounds. You dont trust yourself.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:44 AM
"Do even know what happened at Waco?"


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:47 AM
"And you like it this way, dont you?"

Yes. And in a few years if I don't like how they turned out I can vote for someone else. It's called democratically elected government. I'm pretty fond of the concept.

Are you suggesting that if I don't like the government I should ignore the democratic process and shoot them ? sounds a bit like imposing your personal will on the country through strength of arms... I thought you were against that.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Well Spuggy,

You have made your feelings quite clear. Logical or not. I as an American love my freedoms and I am not willing to let them go. The majority of Americans also love their freedoms. They are constantly under attack. But, until someone burns my Constitution... Or possibly decides to declare martial law nullifying the entire Democratic process. I have, and always will have, the right, not privilege to responsibly bear arms.

Remember, a fundamental principle of American government is to not trust public officials. To do otherwise is just plain ignorant.


Besides... This thread has gone WAY off topic. I'll shamelessly provide a link to a thread where we you can debate The Second Amendment.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by LostSailor]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Spuggy
"The democrats (liberals) are working feverishly to kill the first amendment right to free speech through political corrective-ness and hate crimes"

No they're not, you're just massively paranoid.

Well I can tell you are well versed on current events. Instead of plotting ways to try and disarm me and every other American citizen who is exercising their God given right to arms, try paying attention to what the hell is going on around you! There are quit a few threads on this site and all over the web that prove me correct.

BTW, if you want to take my guns from me you are more than welcome to come and try! You will fail!

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:57 PM
I wouldn't call this a witch hunt, but it was stupid, unnecessary, and mean-spirited and perfectly indicative of the Left's inability to comprehend moral equivalence.

[edit on 2007/3/27 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:18 PM
a gun is a TOOL.

nothing more. its all a matter of the demeanor of the person holding said tool. ive never shot anyone by accident or intent and i got my first rifle when i was 9 for gods sake.

crime is going to happen. the criminals ALREADY HAVE their guns and they dont get them legally. so, what is gun control going to do about them?

nothing whatsoever.

so, why should i give up my guns because there are those out there with no regard for laws or other peoples lives?

i shouldnt. theres no reason at all why i should? fact is i shouldnt.
ive done nothing wrong with my guns therefore i sholdnt be punished or give up my RIGHT to own them.

the last city i lived in i had 3 break in attempts that i know of, two of which while i was at home. yes, the two while i was at home, i waited for them to gain entry and had they gained entry and proved to be a threat, i would have drilled them in the chest and not felt the least bit bad. they didnt gain entry and i didnt go rambo on them.

but why limit the rights of people who arent abusing those rights? makes NO sense whatsoever and if you think it does then im wasting my time in this thread as its impossible to debate an issue with someone who isnt open minded enough to discuss an opinion that goes against their preconcieved notions.

speed limit is 75 on the interstate yet my old car would travel well in excess of 100mph. baseball bats can be lethal, along with hammers, golf clubs, in the right hands even an actual baseball. ban all those too? where does it stop?

the FACT is you have nothing whatsoever to back p your opinioni that banning guns will stop violent crime. all it will do is make more innocent people victims and that goes against our other right of "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

as to other reasons to own, yes, the govt SHOULD fear an armed populace. but also consider this, imagine should another country try an armed invasion. suddenly your army goes from 2 million to 50 million.

would you even try to invade? i wouldnt.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:46 PM
spuggy its yours and 300,000,000 other americans hard earned tax dollars that go into developing and making these weapons in the first place. Why do you want to take away the rights of the American people. We are the ones paying for these weapons afterall via our tax dollars. Shouldnt we have the right to try out what it is our tax dollars are going into?

You have the right to choose not to have these weapons. Thats fine, but why should your voice stand for mine and countless others who actually want the right to bear arms if # ever does hit the fan? Thats not for you or anyone else to decide.

The world isnt so peachy once you are out on your own with a family to protect.

[edit on 103131p://4703pm by semperfoo]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:31 AM
"a gun is a TOOL. "

Gun owners tend to be tools, we can agree on that.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:33 AM
"There are quit a few threads on this site and all over the web that prove me correct. "

No, theres a rabid minority who like to rant about guns god and country, and there's people who agree and people who disagree with them. You agree. I don't. "Proof" tends to be less opinionated.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:38 AM
"spuggy its yours and 300,000,000 other americans hard earned tax dollars that go into developing and making these weapons in the first place"

Not really, I live in the UK. I only want to limit American Gun ownership because a ) I care about you and want to help you b ) it annoys gun owners.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Spuggy
"a gun is a TOOL. "

Gun owners tend to be tools, we can agree on that.

well, you either cant read, choose not to, or think yer clever. not sure which.

and im the tool?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 06:35 AM
It is really all about our freedoms and the fact that most of us are not prepared to accept the erosion of those freedoms...

The comment, ("It annoys gun owners") really says it all for the other side. It clearly displays the lack of commitment for the issue and more simple attempts at the instigation of further hostilities.

Also alluded to but apparently misconstrued, was the original Bill of Rights and what they stand for. Of course those that remember their 4th grade history understand the Bill of Rights was the very first example of the individual States exercising their powers as independent entities.. Not simply to indicate the Constitution can be "changed."

However it is the simple inability to understand such fundamental issue as this, that has caused so much consternation in addressing the issues surrounding the Amendments...


posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:13 AM
"The comment, ("It annoys gun owners") really says it all for the other side. "

Only if you desire to polarize the arguments which the pro and anti gun lobby tend to do.
I'd say it says something about me. My views do not define the anti gun "side" any more than yours define the pro gun "side" The US has long had a problem with discussing issues with without falling into the black or white arguments trap. Like you just did.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:22 AM
Well it is an ARGUMENT

ar·gu·ment /ˈɑrgyəmənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahr-gyuh-muhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. an oral disagreement; verbal opposition; contention; altercation: a violent argument.
2. a discussion involving differing points of view; debate: They were deeply involved in an argument about inflation.

See number 2...

As such, there will be two side, both believing they are correct and hopefully an intellectual debate without the need to "annoy" either side...


posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:26 AM
All of your responses are either one-liners, opinion, or opinion as a one-liner.

Youre in the UK, right? 1984 capitol of the world? Are there microphones and cameras pointed at you right now? (I know thats fecetious but you get the point)

Anyway, the enslaved cant exactly argue freedom with the free. We here kicked you guys out 250 years ago for a reason. We are not you. We do not desire in any way to emulate you. If youre mad at us because there's a McDonalds on your street thats your fault not ours. You couldve kept them out.

Also, you arent even trying to produce facts and figures or anything tangible. You're just running around in circles and perpetuating this idiotic pissing contest that isnt going to change anyones opinion or perspective on the subject.

Now, I dont know if OCD compels you or if you simply enjoy existance as a festering plague sore on all of our rears but I do know that this simply isnt going anywhere. Good luck pushing for your Orwellian order. You have alot of work on your hands if you plan on taking it across the pond.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 10:09 AM
"If youre mad at us"

I'm not mad at any of you. I simply don't agree with your opinions on gun control and I'm enjoying watching your government take them away from you. There are few true pleasures in life but one has to be watching gun owners realise how ineffectual their guns really are when it comes to governmental control.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 10:11 AM
"See number 2... "

ok... yup, doesn't say anything about there only being two sides to an argument or that one must be polar opposite of the other. Next time pick a definition that actually supports your argument.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Spuggy have you entered the argument? At least on some level of intellect?

If so I missed it, could you please refer me to that post...

Reading your comments one quickly surmises that you have no intellectual bases for your suppositions... Much less a foundation for your argument...

One that takes pleasure in the consternation of others is easily definable within the parameters of psychosis. You should get that checked...

Your argument is irrational and based not upon fact, but upon your gleeful pleasure in the difficulties of others. For you spuggy, in Rio Linda, Baseless...

It is clear there is envy in your words. That is perfectly natural and something you should not be ashamed of. To be envious of the greatest nation the world has ever seen, is natural and acceptable. But you should be careful that your psychosis does not extend further into your life and make you envious of other more trivial things...


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