posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:53 PM
Originally posted by groingrinder
I hate it when people say Americans won't do such and such job. Like when the camera panned to the man driving the backhoe. The problem is not that
Americans won't do the jobs, it is that Americans expect to be paid what the job is worth and they would like some benefits to go along with it.
Companies can just pay the Mexicans under the table and make out like fat cats.
Companies say crap like well what would an apple cost? What they mean to say is WE CANNOT ACCEPT LOWER PROFITS AND IN ORDER TO MAKE THE MAXIMUM
I am going ti disagree with you on that one. There are people in America today who refuse to take any job, because they think it is beneath them. I
know it because I have had to pass up hiring people as they did not feel that they had to do something like clean a restroom. I know one person,
instead of taking a job at the local McDonalds, even temporarily, stated flat out he refused to flip a burger. So when you have a shortage of
personnel willing to take the jobs then what do you do as am employer in the service industry? And yes, most businesses, are out to make a profit.
It is just the ones who are doing shady business dealings that are the big problems. Consider this, with any business, labor is the most expensive of
all costs. Now what if you could cut the cost of labor down by say half, would you do it? Most would, so that means either hiring of illegale
immigrants to do the job, or shipping the plant off to a third world country and then bringing the product back.
The issue has always been there, illegale immigration just because it is in the forefront of the country today.
The only solution is that the country has to start doing for itself today, look at businesses that either hire illegale immigrants and say no, we will
no longer do business with you and look at companies that ship its manufacturing plants out of the country and say the same thing. That way you can
not only lower the unemployment of the country but also put a stop to the flow of illegales into the country.