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UFO Presence To Be Revealed?

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:30 AM
I'm not sure about the credibility of the IndiaDaily but this article is nonetheless of interest.

They know something interesting is going to happen in December 2012. They know the extraterrestrials will reveal themselves. They know very well the cover-ups all around the world will end. There are leaks in India from Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) that all the major Space Agencies of the world are working together to reveal something that will change the way we live and believe in things soon. What can it be other than telling the truth about extraterrestrials?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Wow. This IS fascinating!!! It better happen!!! HAH.


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:33 AM
I posted this in the wrong area so if a mod could move it to a more appropriate location I'd appreciate it.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:59 AM
great !!...five more years of waiting and guess what will happen ?? NOTHING !!

Disclosure will NEVER happen....ever !!

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey
great !!...five more years of waiting and guess what will happen ?? NOTHING !!

Disclosure will NEVER happen....ever !!

And If It Doesnt, I'm Going To Personally ### ###### ## ####.

Thank you,

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:16 AM
That is a very interesting article.

I wonder if that is true or not. There does seem to be more shows on UFO's on TV now.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:27 AM
Consider the source. The India Daily is like the National Inquirer.


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:00 AM
Makes since to me. It would be nice to know the truth once and for all. I just won't believe it til I see it happen. Cool story to read though. I will be waiting there in 2012.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Dear Alpha G;

Although I'm reluctantly inclined to agree with you, re:

Disclosure will NEVER happen....ever !!

I was wondering if you might offer your rationale for this line of thinking...

Do you mean, "Never" - as in 'not for eternity' - because there is nothing to disclose?

Or, do you mean, "Never" -as in the 'secret' will be kept from us commoners by the Earth-order forever?

Or, do you mean, "Never" -as in the ET presence will not allow themselves to be fully revealed -ever?

Something else? Just curious...

BTW - re this OP topic; IMO India media has a tendency to always blow things out of proportion. Ever seen their movies? It's always the same hero/villains/damsel-princess in distress/by-the-gods overdone drama...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:15 AM
Hmm alot of things get said about something happening in 2012.

Like the end of the world and a planet is going to crash into us.
Surely all these rumors aren't being said on the same year for nothing.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:18 AM
I think we will learn that other intelligent conscious lifeforms exist in the near future, before 2012.

EDIT: Also, "all the space agencies working to reveal"?? including NASA, who are quite clearly guilty of airbrushing out "objects of interest" in photos, and who are still guilty of lying about us going to the moon?

[edit on 22-3-2007 by shrunkensimon]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:34 AM
Just to put things in perspective:

To get a feel for the way "the source" of this article is thinking, scroll down through some of the other headings on the India Daily page of the same link.

Here we find, "Mineral and Energy Mining by Type III ETs...", "...Reigniting of the Big Bang", "ET as the Coordinating Force of the Universe through 'Very Intense low-frequency Gravitational Waves in 'Higher Dimensions'", and, "ET Giving a Super-dense Neutron star a 'Powerful Kick' to Propel it Out of the Galaxy".

Not saying that these things are impossible - just that, um, How did the "journalists" at IndiaDaily come to 'discover' this "News"?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Outrageo
Or, do you mean, "Never" -as in the 'secret' will be kept from us commoners by the Earth-order forever?

Yes..exactly.......they will not disclose because if they did....then they would have to admit they knew all along......not to mention that disclosure would also have a negative impact on the Gov (I.E. - lawsuits from abductees for letting abductions happen, lawsuits involving missing people from surviving families, admitting that "they" silenced people to keep the secret....etc.....too many things to list..)

Or, do you mean, "Never" -as in the ET presence will not allow themselves to be fully revealed -ever?

That is also a very real possibility......I am sure they (the Ebe's) have an agenda to follow which would be rendered moot by disclosure.........disclosure involves too many variables for it to ever happen.......once that can of worms is will never get them back in again.

[edit on 22-3-2007 by Alpha Grey]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by jblaze
I'm not sure about the credibility of the IndiaDaily

Hi jblaze,

The credibility of the IndiaDaily is, um, limited (to put it mildly).

I think you might be interested in the thread below, which contains numerous comments about India Daily:

All the best,

Isaac Koi

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:56 AM
I do believe the site to be somewhat suspect but I always look everywhere for info, and with most things there is always a bit of truth underlying....albeit minisule or distorted. Perhaps ATS has members in India that can expound upon the alien question as it relates to their country. I take everything with a grain of salt. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 12:03 PM
Articles from places like shouldn't be taken seriously.

It's basically like the weekly world news with better writing.

More about the site here:

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 01:38 PM
Well, take this for what it is worth about the Aztec/Mayan Calendar.
The Aztec peoples believed in great epochs that consumed humanity almost to the brink of destruction. That last of these great epochs was known in their language as atl (water flood). The December 22nd, 2012 event is known as olin - which means movement. This word 'olin' can either be a physical attribute or a psychological one. We won't find out until it happens.

*Just as a note - the Mayan people got their calendar from the Aztecs who got their knowledge (reportedly) from the Olmec...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey
great !!...five more years of waiting and guess what will happen ?? NOTHING !!

Disclosure will NEVER happen....ever !!

im agree with u man

disclosure is not good for business, think what would happen to the oil industry? u think they will allow something like "free energy"? free energy, free technology, you or me being able to travel to space or other planet (i mean civilians) the goverment wont be able to control every one, u people really thing disclosure is gonna take place?
noo man....disclosure is just a dream...u keep that in mind

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:34 PM
Does this mean I won't have to continue making mortgage payments?

How about this: an end to dental visits for the rest of your life?? I hate when the hygeinist takes that ultra-sonic scrapy thing to clean my teeth..,.ugh?

And simple things...I"m not talking about a Hovering Vehicle in every driveway. How about engines that require nothing, nada, zip!! No gas, no electricity. Just a n energy component the size of a sugar cube that is sealed into every mechanical device bigger than a moped.

How about feeding the planet? Give every nation a source that can be duplicated and given to each family or individual that is capable of producing food just like that delivered by Star Trek replicators...any food, any time, any amount...just watch that you don't waste any and clean up after yourself.

Clean water for everyone....

The list goes on...and if the aliens can do that, I wish they would. I'd want people to live simply and happily.

But this hype about 2012...seems like unnecessary drama for a race of beings that could have if they wanted to solved a lot of our problems a long time ago. Seems like as good a time as why not now? Because some Aztec king had a Giant Cookie with a Calendar that said so?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by newtron25

Does this mean I won't have to continue making mortgage payments?

How about this: an end to dental visits for the rest of your life?? I hate when the hygeinist takes that ultra-sonic scrapy thing to clean my teeth..,.ugh?

And simple things...I"m not talking about a Hovering Vehicle in every driveway. How about engines that require nothing, nada, zip!! No gas, no electricity. Just a n energy component the size of a sugar cube that is sealed into every mechanical device bigger than a moped.

How about feeding the planet? Give every nation a source that can be duplicated and given to each family or individual that is capable of producing food just like that delivered by Star Trek replicators...any food, any time, any amount...just watch that you don't waste any and clean up after yourself.

Clean water for everyone....

The list goes on...and if the aliens can do that, I wish they would. I'd want people to live simply and happily.

But this hype about 2012...seems like unnecessary drama for a race of beings that could have if they wanted to solved a lot of our problems a long time ago. Seems like as good a time as why not now? Because some Aztec king had a Giant Cookie with a Calendar that said so?

Now this is what ATS is about real thinking..I applaud you...While I don't always agree with you .

So this is not the kuhl endorsement. Gr8 post

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