Napolian dynomite waz owsome. I wish i could talk like him...that would be sweeeeeettt. But it gets alittle old when people keep saying everthing
he says. I wonder how much money that movie made...? More than i have, bet u
This movie wasn't my thing really, yeah it has some funny scenes (like the bike ramp) but the 2nd time I watched it I could help but fall asleep.
He seems a good actor though and it will be interesting to see how he plays his other roles.
The one with Billy Bob Thornton(sp?) looks ok but it had a bad review from englands most famous film buff (Jonathan Ross)...
Ya, i did not like it at first. But i got into it just because it reminds me so much of my weird brother. Stupid... jk lol
But, it depends on what humer u like. It might not be worth renting. Depends it u like stupid things like south park and utube. But these are owsom
things. Pointless humur. lol
It's one of those movies that you have to watch a few times.
When you watch it, keep an eye on the cheese.
It's really bizarre. But you've got to pay attention..AND, you MUST watch for a while AFTER the credits run.. I think I saw it three times before I
realized there was another 10-15 minutes of post-credit movie...