Speaking of the way these promotions have gutted alltheconspiracies, I won't actually have access to any classified info on the game will I? Even if
I can't win, I'd still like to keep beating my head against that wall.
It sure felt good when i nailed the serbian concordat question, and as an added bonus, had a gimme question right after that gave me two in a row.
Congrats to everyone! I was wondering if Dulcimer was ever gonna get to be a mod. Congrats! Now back to buisness... who needs a theory confirmed or
denied? Anyone?
Man im way late to the jump, but Congratulations all you great peoples. Well deserved promotions all around. Proud of you guys. Keep up the great
Hey, chissler, you're right. And not a moment too soon. It's time for my second St. Patty's day brew (I had my first at 12:30 am). Irish Car Bomb
please- Jameson and Guiness!