posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:23 AM
Thats only in context of how society has developed, if you know history, you would know why we go to war on a regularly scheduled basis, in way you
discribe is how they using such lower level of thought and understanding to control and use they populations of the world for their own gain. Theres
alot of people who stay neutral of course, just feeding off the local community, and maybe working a job. Now a days its slave labor goods from china
sold at a pipline called wal-mart, of course you need gas to get there, hell people so brain washed, they dont know how this country is already dead
and they dont even realize it.
Everything else you said is correct and happening, and middle class is being destroyed completely here in the states. If you live inside of this
system you need to play and live by the rules set.
Its like a big game of cops and robbers. Just this game has a set of messed up rules and way it is designed. In this one, both sides are corrupt,
both try to justify their actions. Insteed of trying to fix the system that they are bound to it and will not give it up because the change would be
so severe. Right now, if you just ignore all the problems, you are doing no good for your own future, and not only yours but future generations, by
allowing things to get worse.
Earth has gone through many great destructions, and man (known on recorded history that is) has only been around so little time, unnoticable on a
cosmic level. The material based system we live in will not stand the test of time, nor will the current majority human spirit. The engine of our
own developed and attempts to stray away from nature will eventually start to get weak, because everything outside our system flows and is ever
changing, we attempt to break from it, and will be destroyed due to being narrow minded to things. Chaose will insue when the engine explodes, but
like you stated, out of chaos, life is born. After the fires settle. Maybe we wont mess up this next time? Life will continue to flow, weither we
like it or not.