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My illogical fear of "Grays"

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posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 04:07 AM
I don't know if this belongs on forum, so I apologize if this should go somewhere else.

For as long as I can remember I have been afraid of the image of what is known as the Gray alien type. There have been occasions in my life where the image of a gray has cased me to suffer from panic attacks or the primitive urge to bash its head in. And the sad part is, I'm not even sure if gray aliens are real.

And no I do not believe I have been abducted.

This illogical phobia can make reading about UFOs rather difficult. Evey time I go to look at website about UFOs, I need my wife to click past the images of grays. ( Yes I know by writing that last part I run the risk of being made fun of. But I can take. )

The logical answer to this problem would be to find a new subject of interest. But I can't. Not until I have the answer for two events that took place in my life.

Maybe some of the nice members of ATS have a suggestion for how I can get over this illogical fear. I would welcome any advice.

P.S. There is something I've learned the hard way. If you have a condition known as Sleep Paralysis. What ever you do, don't read or watch anything about greys before you got to bed. If you do you might have one very, very bad night of sleep.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 04:55 AM
Since its for as long as you can remember, I assume it started when you where a child?

Images can make a powerfull impression on a child. I still remember when I first saw a grey on the cover of a book, it scared the crap out of me and it was hard to even look at it. Back then I had given aliens little thought (Transformers arent aliens!
). I still get a little uneasy when looking at "realistic" grey image.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 06:16 AM
I'm a stern beliver in those evil grey little things.

I have had sleep paralysis more than twice, never had an "abductee" experience.

although... i can see where the link can be made. in the old days people would see concubines, vampires, old wench, who would sit on their chest and push them down...

I didn't get any of the above.... i must be really boring.

a relative so an alien with big long fingers... i'm worried.. about that havin been a legitimate one...

Anyway who says your fear and anger is illogical? They are evil, and you should by all logic be affraid and hateful. You'll be safer than the others, so i say embrace it.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:22 AM
As a skeptic, I don't really believe in the Greys as actual, existing entities. I think they're pretty cool as some of the most realistic interpretations of what life could be outside of the Earth as opposed to, say, the more juvenile interpretations of the 50s and such.

Well, let me backtrack a sec. As a kid, maybe age 12-15 or so, I did believe in these little guys thanks to various Discovery, TLC, and AnE programs, so I was also quite scared of Grey images (even closing my eyes when they lingered on the TV screen too much). The image haunted me many nights as I imagined how it'd feel to open my eyes and see one standing in my room or looking into my window.

However, I've grown out of that. You have to realize that the mythos of the Greys is largely built on hypnotic regression sessions, where people are led to tell some fantastic stories about so-called "missing time". In all truth, people simply create memories this way, create the fantasy, and as soon as it got into our collective minds that this is how aliens look, then BOOM, the image took over and now most people who are "abducted" are taken by greys, or some farmer sees them taking soil samples, or some nut says they're living in underground bases built by the US military. It's nothing more than the fairy tale of our time, they are our demons, devils, fairies, and witches.

It's the realization that the Greys are simply a myth - built on some incredibly flimsy ground - that have just happened to gain a strong foothold in popular culture that eases and eventually erases any fear of them. When you look at a Grey you're not seeing an alien, you're seeing our image of ourselves that we have created.

Of course if you think regressive hypnotherapy is legitimate then perhaps you think that the evidence base for greys is quite strong, but that only means you haven't done your research on this waste of time, money, and minds.

[edit on 14-3-2007 by Densha82]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by DarkMile77
I don't know if this belongs on forum, so I apologize if this should go somewhere else.

For as long as I can remember I have been afraid of the image of what is known as the Gray alien type. There have been occasions in my life where the image of a gray has cased me to suffer from panic attacks or the primitive urge to bash its head in. And the sad part is, I'm not even sure if gray aliens are real.

And no I do not believe I have been abducted.

This illogical phobia can make reading about UFOs rather difficult. Evey time I go to look at website about UFOs, I need my wife to click past the images of grays. ( Yes I know by writing that last part I run the risk of being made fun of. But I can take. )

The logical answer to this problem would be to find a new subject of interest. But I can't. Not until I have the answer for two events that took place in my life.

Maybe some of the nice members of ATS have a suggestion for how I can get over this illogical fear. I would welcome any advice.

P.S. There is something I've learned the hard way. If you have a condition known as Sleep Paralysis. What ever you do, don't read or watch anything about greys before you got to bed. If you do you might have one very, very bad night of sleep.

Your fear is not necessarily illogical. There is a belief system called The Collective Unconscious, originally proposed by Jung. THis postulates that there are things that cause a certain reaction in humans, or "a reservoir of the experiences of our species."

As we evolved, perhaps this instinct had a protective influence.

Just as monkeys instinctively recoil from snakes, or predators, perhaps some characteristics of the face you're imagining derived from this instinct.

Certain characteristics that are shared by reptiles and insects may be present. The preying mantis, the viper.

If indeed the 'look and feel' of the experience is internally derived, then it's going to look exactly like what scares us.

One way to get around it might be 'desensitization'.

Maybe you could get a funny or friendly looking alien doll, or a picture of something like the Martian from Bugs Bunny, but with a goofy smile or something less 'insect like'.

I have a little green alien doll, like those window-puppies you see everywhere. It's not threatening or scary. We make jokes about it. From there you can move to a neutral version, but being small and soft, it's hard to find a threat. Over time the image becomes un-scary. I don't know if that would suit you.

Some people who live inland, thousands of miles from water, have a phobia about sharks. No matter how much they think about 'shark attack' it's not going to happen. But until they get help with it, they are not going to progress, usually.

Perhaps you could talk about it to your physician and ask if he would recommend a 'phobia clinic' that could give you some help?

OTOH, it might just be that you need to expose yourself less, not more.

Just be aware that most of us have an irrational fear. In my case, if I go swimming in a pool and close my eyes underwater, thanks to Steven Spielberg, I see sharks. How silly is -that-?

Another thing that might help is to equip yourself with a weapon. A large 5-D cell Maglight is a good one. Aliens have been known to run away when they see the person has a big honkin' Maglight, since you can see them and also give 'em a whack!

If you believe this tool will protect you, it will.

Good luck. Rememeber you're not, I mean, you're among friends here. Haha.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 09:37 AM
Well i myself dont like looking at drawings or pictures of Greys at all either, they kind of unnerve me.
I mean, i could never make it my Avatar.
So just know that you arent crazy!


posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 09:37 AM
The grey's are nothing more than a twisted biological creation by the British governenment in their secret Berkshires testing faciluty starting the late 1970's. The purpose for creating these drones is to confuse the public, as well as abductees, and place the blame on them, when in fact it's the military of each respective government carrying out these abductions to conduct mind control experimentations. I know this because I myself am a victim of multiple abductions and radiation experiments, and have studied my abduction experiences for over 8 years. Flying Saucers, Black Triangles and black helicoptors are all military vehicles. People really need to think logically about these phenomenon's for themselves though. Don't beleive a word of what you hear on television, or anything that these Cointelpro moderators of ATF here are saying. This is a global cover up to keep the average joe proletariat uninformed about the true nature of advanced aeronaughtics.

Whats most convenient is how they(ATF-Cointelpro) automatically group together a picture of the greys as it pertains to Flying Disc technology. This entire forum is a cover up of Illuminati Flying Saucer Technology, in the form of Grey Alien (reptilian) mass confusion. I highly urge people to think of the two subjects in completley different circumstances. Flying Discs should have no assocaition with Reptillian drones. If they do, then there is a mass disinformation scheme taking place. Trust Me.

Even Billy Meier and Geoerge Adamski were mind control victims after they had filmed Flying Discs and released the footage to the public. Why? Becuase the United States was still in aquisition of this new Vril technology from the Germans (who were playing games with Meier and Adamski), so the CIA was sent to discredit these men, thus the whole extraterrestrial and Reptillian disinformation campaigns were created respectivley as devices to confuse the public.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 09:48 AM

The grey's are nothing more than a twisted biological creation by the British governenment...

And how exactly does any of your post pertain to this thread?

Whether they are aliens, experiments, angels, devils, or most probable, figments of our imaginations, they're not any less unsettling to look at.


posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 09:52 AM
Once we realize that they are creation used to freak out our phyche, then we can begin to root out our own disgust and fear of their existence.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:00 AM
Greys are not some human creation of our minds or our labs. Greys are the beings behind the UFO's and having a natural fear of them is perfectly normal and expected. The first time I saw a Grey, much like all of you I was scared and suspicious of it. Something came over me and still does everytime I see one of those bastards that makes me just see right through them.
They are the seed of all evil and work for the plan of Satan to bring upon us the End of Days. So fear them, hate them and put them under your feet because one day soon we will have to stand against them. One day soon they will step out of the science fiction they have surrounded themselves in and become humanitys greatest fear realized and in our faces. Just know that they can not win no matter what they do or what they might have you believe.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:06 AM
You have been anal probed mate

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by PKD
...thus the whole extraterrestrial and Reptillian disinformation campaigns were created respectivley as devices to confuse the public.

I'm interested in how you have come to this conclusion?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:36 PM

I have had the same exact feelings about them as you do. They scare me and I instinctively become violent, and like you said, the hell of it is, I have never seen one as far as I know.

Although, I am begining to wonder if my dreams about such things are really dreams. I have been having very vivid and repeated dreams about them. I guess its them, I dont know. I find myself in my dream fighting very hard and the whole time I can feel this presence. Probably just a dream.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:51 PM

They are the seed of all evil and work for the plan of Satan to bring upon us the End of Days. So fear them, hate them and put them under your feet because one day soon we will have to stand against them.

The sooner that happens, the sooner Jesus comes swooping in for the ultimate deus ex machina, so what's to fear?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 02:46 PM
Fear not Grays are nothing but "social societys" existing where prying eyes can't.They are a feedback of the "times" to come.See spirit will send "represenatives" in to help the transition of the Earth for the placement of societies affect of the soul.Thats where things are going for recommended purposes, not because of noc-turnal fever.Its the time of the "Great Gestalt" and every seed of existance wants to give their affirmation of what is or isn't.Fear not hearts are in the right places, they never left.They have been here to help you procure your land for new intervals of life to come.


posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by merka
Since its for as long as you can remember, I assume it started when you where a child?

Images can make a powerfull impression on a child.

I agree with merka.

When I was a child (nobody laugh at my embarassing story
) I read a book on evolution. After I passed dinosaurs I came to... y'know... hairy ape people... and screamed.
I had nightmares for years and years and years afterwards. I dreamed about Yeti's, about Cavemen. Once I dreamed I was trapped in a house with them and they couldn't see me if I sat still. And one was right in front of me breathing on me and I screamed and it saw me...

*drags up old fears*

But on the plus side it made me naturally curious about the so-called 'Hairy Hominids' and as a result I became a bit of a Bigfoot geek.

I also went through a phase of being scared of aliens, although mine was prompted by having a UFO sighting.
After seeing the UFO, I suffered nightmares which involved me seeing aliens out of my window in my garden, in my bedroom, examining my little sister (they made me angry more than scared), and also showing a war between alien craft and beings that looked like angels.
Again, they made me become an alien buff.

Some of you may ask "What was the point of those two meaningless stories Jack? SHUT THE HELL UP!"

My point is this if you fear something, the best way to overcome that fear is to learn more of it. That way when you are confronted with the fear again you can either think of something positive about them, or at the very least immerse your mind in what you know.
And you may laugh but the Litany Against Fear from Dune is also helpful once you truly understand it.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:52 PM
Where did you go DarkMile? Where did you go? Are you another one of those new members who post once then disappear?

By the way, I agree 100% with what Megadeath wrote.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 04:00 PM

I am the SAME way. I can date it back to when I was about 6 years old. Though, unlike yourself, I know what startewd my frear of Grays. Its was the Alien Autopsy video. The premired it on FOX one night. Scared the bejesus outta me. Since then, I can even look at a pic of a gray.

's okay. Your not alone.

Take care, brother.



posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Sleep Paralysis- is that where you are like asleep but you don;t think you are and you can't move?

if so then I've had it countless times

thanks for the advice

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 09:30 PM
Yes, Exactly! !! The LEY bloodline must of been used to create these drones. DNA interbreeding was still done and regardless of if GREYS are from ZETA RETICULI or not, they could of been created from the 'lost EBEN" DNA from the harmless little alien that inspired Spielberg to do E.T and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS.

We are of the 5th root race and to be honest with you, I think we are the most dangerous of all root races because of our unpredictability without our free will and thought.

When the Atlanteans were given free thought, they most definatly had to be monitored. How would you feel if you gave your dog more thought power over its instictive mentality and allowed it to roam free and be independent? Lots of unstability as evident with humanity and it's dual nature.

[edit on 3/14/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

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