I havent seen the video yet, but I kinda suspect that they could be doing real sacrafices at the grove. The body is across the lake, so most people
wouldn't even know if it was a real person or not. And anyways there's alot of ritual child abuse, mind control sex slaves and other stuff floating
around these people that it's not totally inconcievable that they are killing and even eating people.
- Like the Lawrence "Larry" King and Boy's Town stuff.
- Here's a couple of pages from the book. It gets pretty graphic towards
the end. The director of the snuff film (named in the last paragraph) is the same Hunter Thompson (Hunter S. Thompson) of Fear and Loathing fame.
Except that I heard that he turned down the offer to film the snuff film (It might say so later in the book). (Also, you might remember that Thompsons
lawyer got a pure adrenal gland as payment from a satanist client of his who told him that it was removed from a still living person.)
- New paper article about Lobbyist who ran male escort service. A part of the
whole Franklin coverup.
- Here's a news paper article about the Larry King case.
- Infamous news paper headline.
Part of the mind controlling and abuse is the sexual abuse; especially anal/gay sex (as it's usually men and boys). In a news report about the Grove
there was some mention of a bus load of gay male escorts being bussed in to "service" the guests of the grove. (And we all know that Bush Jr., the
cheerleader, was well known as being gay by his fellow school chums.)
If you think about it, there is alot of "gay sex" used in mind control and strange uhh.. "conspiracy" stuff, for lack of a better word. Any one
see JFK? Remember the bald guy David Ferrie and the other guy having gay orgies. I dont remember if Lee Oswold was ever there.. gotta buy that movie.
Anyways, remember the 9/11 sniper? He killed 9 and wounded 11 then paused his shooting spree to let it sink in. He was "recruited" or better yet,
"seduced" by the older muslim guy. They "did it," I heard. There's some speculation he was a "catcher in the rye" type of guy. I think even the
"American Taleban" guy who was found fighting against the US troops in Afghanistan had some gay-sex past; although, I forget it now, and it probably
isn't widely reported.
And I was reading an old book on black magick which said that anal-sex is used to possess a body with evil spirits. I forget which person gets
possessed, the giver or the getter.. But it might tie into the religious use of sex-magick used by the elite as a form of mind control. "Like Eyes
Wide Shut" or even "Rosemary's Baby." Or even L. Ron Hubbard and Crowley doing their ritual sex magick.
Hope I'm not way off topic, but I think the religious ideas of the grove extend to the secret societies and their members; and the use of sex and
abuse as a form of mind control and maybe a way to become powerful through magick.
Enjoy my ramblings!
[edit on 3/21/2007 by ViolatoR]