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How will the emergence of aliens change your life?

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posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by thesneakiod
If they did come here with just their nod to us that they do indeed exist and then be on their way, you may be disapointed but at least you could get on with your life.

On the other hand, say they came and wiped out all diseases and minor ailments forever, the medical world would collapse over night.

If they gave us a new source of renewable power, with fast efficient transport, the oil industry and automobile would suffer badly.

Millions of jobs would also vanish. Affecting millions of lives.

If they ended poverty, or even abanded the need for money, who would make all the materials and products that we need to survive?
I know i woudnt if i wasnt getting paid for it. Would you?

It would either be a simple confirmation that we are not alone in the universe and hopefully we could grow to be a better society on the basis of it.

Or it would be a massive upheavel of life on this planet and the collapse would be because of a yearn for disclosure to happen in the first place.

Well said! These are the main reasons that I think that if there are aliens they don't just drop down and show us everything.

If they are mean...well then they could wipe us out...wouldn't take much to nudge a few dozen astroids out of orbit to destroy us. With the tech we have available we can nearly clone humans. So it makes no sense that humanity would be a "source of food and biological material". So either their are no aliens or they aren't mean.

Now if they are benevolent and they have watched us for a while, I think the only action that makes sense for them is to 'nudge' us along in the right direction. We have to take most of the steps ourselves, they might 'deactivate' some nukes if we get close to wipeing the planet but our wars and our socio-political process has to grow on our own. We are far more advanced technologically than we are socially (or spiritually) as a species. So I don't think they are going to just hand us the keys to the galaxy, if we can't get along with one another why would they help us go exploring/terrorizing the rest of the galaxy?

Now if they did actually make a big deal and show up....I would think it would be to offer us a 'membership' (or a chance to move from the kids table to the grown up table). Membership would have some benchmarks, no wars, eliminate poverty etc. I'd spend my time/energy/life trying to meet those benchmarks.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 08:53 PM
what do i really want from them??ummm maybe some stellar weed !!hehehe

umm i don't know what i would do i mean it depends on if they are chill or hostile...maybe hostile..ill smoke em out and then they will be "chill" lolol

i would be excited and nervous at the same time if they appeared to us. i dontknow if it would change my life depends on what the govt. actions would be..i would still go to school and carry on..but i would think about it alot.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 08:54 PM
I agree with the Religious reactions - I'd really like to see how most people handle this...

Mainly though, I think we should remember that at our heart, humans are a curious race. Even if only the ability to explore the galaxy was offered, it would be monumental. But their technology certainly far exceeds our own - I'm sure that essentially free food, power, and transportation would be available to us. The elimination of currency as a necessity would eliminate greed, power, corruption, and poverty.

Medicine - the elimination of disease, elongation of a healthy life would be wonderful!

But let us not forget the possible intellectual benefits - sure the technology is likely fantastic - however, the ability to increase our knowledge and understanding of the universe would be the ultimate reward. To be able to learn and explore at your hearts desire, unfettered by restriction financially or otherwise, with the confines of the Earth itself no longer applicable, would be absolutely fantastic!

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 09:25 PM
After reading the responses, it's fairly easy to determine the shallow from the deep. And the aliens will see it much quicker.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 09:44 PM
I'll be taking a little run down to the gun store just for safety.

Never trust something smarter than you, especially if it just stepped off of a space ship.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Isnt it possible that when meeting a new Species we might be introduced to new viruses that could caus mass panic? (or vice versa) killing off thousands... kinda like when the Americas were just being explored....

any thoughts?

[edit on 13-3-2007 by Sad Lil Alex]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:39 AM
In a worst case scenario, ala MadMax verses Aliens, I would imagine me and some trusted allies driving around in a flatbed truck flanked by a Dodge charger and 1980 Plymouth Valare, each car carrying Cloud Busters and the truck carrying some kind of trippy Tesla thingy.
Hopefully we already converted the engines to run on water(converted to Hydrogen) cells.
You know, avoid the wastelands/aliens till we got to Vegas to secure help from Bob Lazar.
Then, hopefully, having access to his brothel, we build a spaceship to the moon, using the brothel as a seed for the new human race.
or something like that. man, i'm tired.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 02:03 AM
If the aliens can show us a better way to live, I'm all for them. More likely they will be so different from us, physically and in other ways, that their culture and ways of living contain no lessons to our benefit. But it may take us many generations to discover that, with much damage caused to our own cultures and institutions in the meantime.

If they are enough like us to influence us, then I agree with Rufus here that their influence is likely to be detrimental. It's not just about primitive cultures being wiped out by more advanced ones, as he says. It's also about the effect of a superior technological and institutional culture upon the self-confidence of a less evolved or flexible one -- you can discern, for example, in the long shadow of colonialism, how even advanced and self-confident Asian cultures wilted and dwindled during the 500 years of Western European world hegemony. The after-effects remain to this day, even though some of these countries have been independent for half a century or more.

However, I am enough of an optimist -- and a believer in human capability -- to hope that the first alien encounter comes in my lifetime. It'll be traumatic, but we'll survive. But afterwards -- perhaps generations afterwards -- we will come to be stronger as a result of it.

For me, personally, I do not know what the effect will be, except to excite my curiousity and sense of wonder. I suppose I shall also be gratified at being proved right: I've always believed they're 'out there', though I am have little sympathy for the claims of UFO and abduction metacultists.

One thing is certain: I am not eager to receive alien gifts of faster-than-light travel or cures for cancer. I'm sure there will be practical benefits of cultural exchange with aliens, but anyone who expects that our human problems can be solved through alien technology is being extremely naive. This is cargo-cult thinking, on a level with primitive New Guinean highlanders who worshipped American cargo planes because of the strange new goodies they brought and which their servants (palefaces in military fatigues) distributed among the faithful... things like Coca-Cola and K rations.

Any technological gifts aliens bring us will have as many hazards as benefits -- that's the way it has been with every technology we've ever managed to get our hands on, from fire and the wheel to nuclear energy and computers. No technology is beneficial or malign. It's what we make of it that matters.

I suppose the most important benefit of all will be the satisfaction of each other's curiosity. There'll be so many things we and the aliens will be able to tell each other about.

[edit on 14-3-2007 by Astyanax]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 02:41 AM
The INTELLIGENT DESIGNERS take away genetic info to perfect a being.


HUMANS have less info in thier DNA than CHIMPS.

HORSES have less infor in their DNA than DONKEYS

When one wishes to create a masterpiece, like a painting or a mechanical device, one must take away from the project in order to perfect it. Never add.

Therefore, if MUTATIONS occur when DNA info is lost, EVOLUTION theory is threatened. EVOLUTION is an uphill process. If we evolved from BACTERIA than why is a spore's genetic information less complex than a FROG's? or HUMAN's for that matter.

INTELLIGENT DESIGNERS take away to perfect something. Never add. Besides. Deoxyribon Non nucleic acid molecules (DNA) has never been created chemically. The DNA is always full of information from the start. T

The reason for their arrival to so we can keep the earth spinning for them. They finally finished milking our species for long enough. We are bout to evolve. Global warming and a weaker magnetosphere on earth is the reason why. Our technology is getting close to theirs. They are leaving our future up to us for the first time in a while. Information is out now on that is supposedly a site from the galactic federation. It speaks of the transition of the 5th root race.

[edit on 3/14/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

[edit on 3/14/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:51 AM
wow interesting website...looks like i willbe up for alittle bit longer hahaha

One live entity [EBE] was found hiding behind a rock. The entity was given water but declined food

awwww how cute!!! poor thing.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 06:09 AM
first i would be vindicated

then i would spend the rest of my life trying to exterminate them.

So, it wouldn't change my life much, except for the vindication.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:14 AM
I will chime in on this:
For starters the first thing would be fear, not of what is seen, rather what is not seen. As it was stated, when an advanced civilization meets with a more primative one, the primative civilization suffers, in one form or another. And I would be relieved to know that we are not alone in the universe, that would have profound ripples all around, but beyond that, fear, I would be probably trying to get as far away from the landing site as possible. There is nothing to state that any exterterrestial intelligence would come with any solutions, and would more than likely come with more problems. Yes they may have new technologies, but who would benefit from it, probably not the the majority of the world, even with cures, and here again, it would not even be seen by the common man. And if they did step foot on this planet, then I would question as to why are they here, and I do not believe it is just to say hello. If they wanted to do that there are more effecient means to do such, even send back a few signals just to get our blood pumping. Knowing how some would react, the general populace would panic and there would be runs on items in the grocery stores and mass chaos, as there would be those who would try to get far away, those who would try to get close and those who would try to capture and interrogate and those who would try to destroy.

Just my thoughts.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Perhaps a more accurate question would be:

How will the emergence of aliens again change your life?

It's not clear to me that human contact with extraterrestrial life hasn't already happened.

Ironically enough, it may well be that the most profound answer to this question lies in our past, rather than in our future.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:24 AM
That could be so Majic, but consider this; what would have changed?

Shattered OUT...

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:34 AM
As a born again Christian, my faith would be strengthened. How?
Here is what I believe:

First of all, I believe we will see Christ's return in our lifetime. Now before all you unbelievers say, "They've been saying that for thousands of years", yes they have but the prophecies in the Bible had not come to pass yet, so Christ simply could not have come back at that time.

Satan knows that he only has a short time to deceive as many as he can before Christ's return.

Remember when Lucifer and his followers (angels) were cast out of Heaven for rebelling against God? They were sent here to Earth where they still reside today in the spirit realm.

I also believe that some angels travel in Heavenly vehicles, "Chariots of Fire" as they are described it the Bible. Today, we describe these vehicles as UFO's

We already know Satan can appear in many differnt forms...animals, humans, angels of light...

It makes sense to me that he and his fallen angels would be able to use these vehicles and appear as an "alien" or "aliens" to deceive many into believing that they (the "aliens") seeded the Earth with life and/or whatever else they are claiming to be/do.

Commence the Christian bashing......


[edit on 14-3-2007 by mytquin]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Why would you turn this thread to a religious flame-bait?

Shattered OUT...

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:39 AM
Anyone seen the correlations between insect life, what little we know about insect intelligence and the purported alien life that is arriving?

As a kid, my pop kept bees on the farm where we lived. I always thought they were very special besides the fact that the honey was great.

Come to find out later in life, bees are among the highest intelligent collective life form on the planet.

What does this mean? Alien honey? A brand new interpretation of Winnie the Pooh? No, I think the aliens will get here and ask us to help out a little. You know, collect a little more pollen, build some more honey comb.

In general, we'll get the cures and the hover boards and the teleportation/time travel stuff, but humans will have to start applying for intergalactic temporary office work too - to chip in.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Shattered...why would a Christians anwser to the question posed cause someone to flame me???


posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ShatteredSkies

Never trust something smarter than you, especially if it just stepped off of a space ship.

Shattered OUT...

LOL- But very well put. . . And I agree that apprehension would probably be a good initial approach BUT-

Wouldn't entities advanced far beyond us, if they wanted us dead & the planet for themselves, just do it? Why would they "blow their cover" by officially presenting their existance to us? So just maybe they would be peaceful if they tried to make contact.

If they're just here to study us for whatever unknown purpose then I would say that there's probably little need for them to make contact with us. We study many creatures, but we don't try to talk to most of them.

They would be able to know everything there is to know about this planet just by signing up for an internet connection.

Also I think that they would understand the rammifications of such a meeting. That it would change our existance forever. They could ruin their own experiment. . .

What if they're "US", studying "US", from the future? Again, they probably would keep quite about the whole thing because they could ruin things.

If we do make contact with them I would ask them if they know how to stop an asteroid or comet from hitting the Earth on short notice. . .



[edit on 14-3-2007 by 2PacSade]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by newtron25

. . .Come to find out later in life, bees are among the highest intelligent collective life form on the planet. . .


There are many intelligent species right here on Earth. But again- We study bees, yet we don't try to make contact with them for two reasons;

1 At present, we don't have the capability of creating a translation device to fully decipher their language, so therefore they cannot understand ours either. So even though our advanced species resides right here with the bees on the same planet, we still don't posess the ability to converse. So what odds do you think an ET would have talking with the bees, or even us for that matter?

2 Even if we had such a device we would still only be able to exchange very simple thoughts. What would we talk about?

Question from bee: "What's it feel like to get stung?"

Answer from human: "It hurts like hell. . ."

Question from human: "What's the Queen like?"

Answer from bee: "She's a bitch. . ."

There would be a vast amount of dialogue that would not even be able to be translated. Our respective existences, although intertwined, are so different from eachother they keep us apart.

I do also understand that anything is possible, so I can't truthfully state that communication is 100% out of the question.



[edit on 14-3-2007 by 2PacSade]

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