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Dogon religion is defined primarily through the worshiping of the ancestors and the spirits whom they encountered as they moved across the Western Sudan. The Awa society is responsible for carrying out the rituals, which allow the deceased to leave the world of the living and enter the world of the dead. Public rites include funerary rites (bago bundo) and the dama ceremony, which marks the end of the mourning period. Awa society members are also responsible for planning the sigui ceremonies, which commence every sixty years to hand on the function of the dead initiates to the new recruits.
Perhaps one would forgive Robert Temple for believing that the Dogon had been visited by men from Sirius if their legend specifically stated so. But it does not! Nowhere in his 290-page book does Temple offer one specific statement from the Dogon to substantiate his ancient astronauts claim. The best he does is on page 217, where he reports that the Dogon say: "Po tolo [Sirius B] and Sirius were once where the Sun now is." Of this ambiguous statement, Temple comments: "That seems as good a way as any to describe coming to our solar system from the Sirius system, and leaving those stars for our star, the Sun." But this cannot conceal the fact that the whole Sirius "mystery" is based on Temple's own unwarranted assumption.
5. Conclusion
The careful study of the Sirius stellar field at a several years interval allows one to exclude the presence of a main sequence low mass ( ≥0.08M ) companion at a separation greater than 30 arcsec of the Sirius A-B binary. Only the most extreme case of a brown dwarf star comparable to Kelu-1 can be still undetectable. The most central region around the binary is however still unexplored. Even in the case of a long period companion, a significant probability exists that an eccentric orbit will bring the low-mass star at a projected distance closer than 30 arcsec, according to the orientation of the orbit in space. As a result of a numerical simulation with random values for the relevant orbital parameters, the probability is computed to be 10 −2 in the less favourable case of an object now at the maximal apastron distance for a representative orbit with a=230AU and e=0.9. This inner region could also harbour a short orbit companion which may be responsible for the suspected cyclic residual orbital variations. The orbital velocity of a close companion could prevent to use the proper motion discrimination such as used in this paper but the characteristics of the low and very low mass stars (luminosity and colours) are now sufficiently known to al- low a secure identification among background stars. The Sirius pair is unique in showing for Sirius-A the earliest stellar type among white dwarf companions together with a very unusual high mass among white dwarfs for Sirius-B. Those peculiarities are still largely unexplained and could possibly be in relation with the evolution of a more complex system including a yet undetected third star. It is clear that the study of the most inner part of the sky region around Sirius would require the use of the infrared bands to take advantage of the reduced contribution of Sirius A-B together with the increase flux expected from low mass stars in this range. These wavelengths also benefit from the new possibilities of adaptive optics now available
Amma was there before anything was there and created the universe, the stars and the moon. Then he made the earth, the earth was female. Her vagina was an anthill, her clitoris a termite hill. Amma wanted intercourse with the female earth but the termite hill rose up. Amma cut down the termite hill and intercoursed. Jackal was born, the deluded and deceitful son of God, and he was a single being, not the twins which are natural.
God again had intercourse with his earth-wife; but, with the offending member (the termite hill, which is a spacecraft as will become clear) gone, there was no further disorder. Twins were conceived, as is natural and right, the Nummo. They were both male and female and exist as an inseparable Pair. They were born perfect and complete with eight members. Their number is eight, which is the symbol of speech.
They descended, bearing ten bunches of fibres pulled from plants already created in Heaven. The ten bunches corresponded to their ten fingers and they formed two strands of them one for the front, one for the back. This garment was not for modesty. It symbolised the first ordering of the universe. * So perhaps the ordering of the universe is something different then what we would like to think
Thus clothed, the earth (which is some machine or something, as you will see later) acquired its own primitive language. Its syntax was elementary, its verbs few. Its vocabulary was without ornament. This simple speech was a vehicle sufficient for the great work of beginning all things. Jackal also wanted speech now, and he got it from earth-mother who was struggling and fled into the ant hill. This incestuous act was not without consequence. Jackal acquired the gift of speech and has ever afterward been able to reveal to diviners the plans of God. This defilement was more than Amma could bear. He rejected his earth-spouse (mother-earth) and decided to create living beings without her.
The Nommo foresaw that the original rule of twin births was soon to disappear (because Amma did it on his own now) and that errors might result comparable to those of Jackal, whose birth was single and whose solitary state caused him to act as he did. The first man (which the Nommo created to let not let Amma make another being like Jackal) had intercourse with the first woman, who later bore the first two children of a series of eight. These eight were the Dogon ancestors.
The ancestors went into the termite hill (where the Nummo were so they would be able to defend their mother from further incestuous attacks by Jackal and would, by their moist, luminous, articulate presence, be able to purge the earth-body that Amma had forever rejected and thus purify it for the activities of life, because Amma might create a being like Jackal and the Nummo wanted to prevent that).
This process was the work of the Word. The spoken Word entered into her and wound itself round her womb in a spiral of eight turns. Just as the helical band of copper round the sun gives to it its daily movement, so the spiral of the Word gave to the womb its regenerative movement.
The seventh ancestor, therefore, received the perfect knowledge of a Word the second Word to be heard on earth, clearer than the first and not, like the first, reserved for particular recipients, but destined for all humanity. And the second Word would give people an advantage over God�s wicked son, Jackal, who knew only the primitive first Word. The words that the Spirit breathed through the thread filled the interstices of warp and weft.
They (the ancestors) realised that the anthill�s design surpassed their own dwellings in comfort and safety. This revelation set the people to work constructing �anthill�s� of their own, complete with store-chambers for grain and numerous passageways to baffle predators and enemies. Through the second Word, human beings slowly emerged from their primitive condition. By observing the ant, human beings learned to build villages and received from her the knowledge of weaving.
Trouble in heaven, because after the Nummo transformed, they imposed a network of rules upon the eight ancestors, the ancestors didn�t follow the rules because they felt that their essence was incompatible with the heavenly regions, so the eight ancestors therefore resolved to return to earth and bring with them anything they could find in Heaven that might prove useful to men.
The first ancestors carried earth with them, and made some building covered with clay and 60 feet in diameter 24 feet in length and 30 feet high. In this there were also symbols relating to Orion, the Pleiades, the moon, Venus and the �long tailed star�. This sacred building was the Granary of the Master of the Pure Earth , and a good description is given in the text on the site itself. The Granary, then, was both a building and a dense constellation of symbols; it was the material embodiment of the third Word that would soon be revealed on earth and granaries on earth would be patterned after it. The Granary was the ideal realisation of the anthill.
There was something stolen and the granary glided toward earth preparing itself from attack from heaven. The thunder increased the velocity of the Granary and now it hurtled at tops speed along the rainbows arc. Seeing that impact was only moments away, the first ancestor assumed a defensive posture (which were inside the granary). when the Granary collided with the earth, his arms and legs were broken at the level of elbows and knees.
Some other things happened and then the rain washed this impure liquid away and thus the earth became ready for planting. The smith, who had been waiting for the rains, emerged from the smithy and taught men the art of sowing. Each family tended its plot and the eight grains, given by the one God, Amma were planted. And so the third Word was fully revealed and order was established.
I know a museum had a door of a granary (which the Dogontribe itself uses and is sacred) with on it drawings of the Nummo beings (fish-like), I only don�t have the link, but I am sure it will come in the future of this research.
Although there was a deep affection from Dagon's worshippers to their deity, the symbol of a fish in human form was really meant to represent fertility and the vivifying powers of nature and reproduction. His name is a lot like 'Dogon'.
I couldn't find a link to the museum for this one, LeenBekkemaa, but there are a lot of pictures of Dogon granary doors out there.
I have to say it isn�t meant to represent fertility, but it represents some kind of metal for a spacesuit (the skin of fish look like it, and are also living, so they would say that). And if you would say that it would represent fertility then I would be happy to know why
Byland, North Yorkshire: From William of Newburghs Chronicle "While the abbot and monks were in the refectorium, a flat round, shining, silvery object (discus) flew over the abbey and caused the utmost terror."
This was later proved to be a hoax by students
I'm puzzled as to why they used this date - I assume they could have got info about the dogon tribe back then and then fabricated this story for their own means. I'm going to check it out further - maybe there is a link there with Griaule and Dieterlen. I know it's thin, but who knows?. Just seems too coincidental them choosing 1290. why not 1289 or 1291?
Also, the references to the dogon charting these in 1290 says they are from Mali. It was my understanding that they went to Mali circa 1490. any comments on this?
[Edited on 28/12/03 by funlovincriminal]
[Edited on 28/12/03 by funlovincriminal]