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how to stop global warming, ideas welcome

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posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:43 PM
this thread is devoted to the brainstorming of ideas to help save our planet. Personally i think the best and perhaps easiest way would be to just completly stop using oil altogether until we can come up with a better power source. Sure it would be taxing on the global economy but what is money when our entire planet is at stake here.

I mean if you are in a boat and you need to get to shore but everytime you turn on the engine the boat sinks alittle more, would you run the gambit of possibly drowning or would you find a safer alternative say waiting for someone to rescue you. And yes i realize the implications "it could take years to develope an effective form of alternative energy, but ask yourself wouldn't it be worth the wait?

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:58 PM
Global warming will stop the circulation of the surface ocean currents like the Gulf Stream, and the deep ocean currents that return the cold water south from the Arctic and north from Antarctica, and an ice age will result.

Global warming will stop itself. The Ice Age is what we will really have to worry about, imo.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 10:17 PM
it's too late, once the cycle starts, it has run its course. Can we prolong the inevitable???.... maybe but eventually it will happen. there's absolutely no way civilization as we know it can give up it's oil and energy needs.

But working with the assumption that yes we could alter the onset of global warming...

Without completely giving up oil:

Recycle - as in everything... I'm sure we haven't fully explored all the possibilities of making new products from recycled materials

Practice Water Conservation - large laundry loads, full dishwashers, not letting the water run while brushing your teeth, timed showers, updated plumbing

Alternative transportation - Mass Transit, Carpool, Bike, Walk more efficient vehicles, filters, etc

Energy Conservation - unplugging appliances, turning off lights, energy saving appliances, lightbulbs, etc...

Home Gardening - actually helps in all of the above

just the basics that has been preached but never really fully adopted by the masses.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:13 PM
Put the hippies to work. That ought to stop all this global warming nonsense jibber jabber.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 10:52 AM
Is it global warming or should it be put that we are still coming out of an iceage. If every country would blow a nuke about 500 feet below their desert it would put enough dust in the air to cool things down. Kind of like what happened in the 50's -70's


posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 02:20 PM
don't you think that all of that nuclear fallout would have horrendous consequences, not to mention all the dust would make a semi-permanent global winter. the idea is to stop global warming not create a new problem altogether.

yes i do agree that conservationism is perhaps the best route to deal with this seemingly insourmountably herculean task of undoing decades worth of damage done to our atmosphere due to co2 buildup. seriously folks at the rate we are using up, or more aptly burning up fossil fuels i would say it is only a matter of at maximum 15-20 years before the conditions on our planet become harshly unbearable.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 02:21 PM
Ahem, I'll keep it short and sweet. ALERNATIVE FUEL SOURCE!!


posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 02:27 PM
I don't think we can stop global worming any more no matter what we do, however this doesn't mean we shouldn't change the way we live and do things. Even people who argue we arn't causing the Earth to warm up cant argue with the fact that we will run out of oil or that we will end up willing the world with rubbish, which is why we should use alternative fuel sources and recycle.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 03:02 PM
What can we do?

Get seriously adament about it, and numbers are needed.

I say the 1 thing that we the people can do is:

Boycott automobiles until the corporations earning surpluses of $35,000 every minute over 3 month periods (British Petroleum last quarter) do something more revelutionary with their profits other than buying public officials, and financing wars. Like releasing knowledge of cleaner more economic and more environmentally safe forms of energy.

Once we've exhausted all other options because we failed to act in time, a world devoid of cars will become reality, not by choice.

a world without petroleum based combustible engines will be, or humanity will not be.

[edit on 9-1-2007 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Ahem, I'll keep it short and sweet. ALERNATIVE FUEL SOURCE!!

ALL KNOWN Alternative Fuel sources are OWNED, bought and paid for by Corporate oil, and Automotive Industries, so i'm led to believe.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 03:35 PM
convert to nuclear power plants, like France, & decommission the coal or oil power plants that will throw +billion tons of fossil fuel greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere the rest of this century

construct in space, polarized-lens to shield Earth, instead of changing the infrastructures here on the surface to accomodate the hotter temperature biosphere, re-direct all the monies & efforts to construct a stationary 'screen' where the maximum daylight reaching the surface would only approach what is presently seen at 9:00AM on a clear summer day at our equator.

CO2 does contribute, but methane has an effect 21X worse!

keep in mind, the Earth is presently in an axial tilt & in such a elliptical orbit, that is ideal for climate shifts...these are two contributing cycles which have contributed to alternating warm epochs & ice-ages for the past several billion years.
add in meteor impacts, solar coronal-mass ejections, magnetic pole reversals, continental-drift, disrupting the oceans conveyer-belt.
..........then maybe, way way way way down the list, you will find greenhouse gases from industrialization & burning fossil fuels & clearing rainforest timber.

some of the above was gleaned from "Scientific-American" on the web

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
ALL KNOWN Alternative Fuel sources are OWNED, bought and paid for by Corporate oil, and Automotive Industries, so i'm led to believe.

Then why do oil corporations fight so hard against the manufacturing of alternative fuel sources? It doesn't make sense, if what you suggest is true?

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Energy Conservation - unplugging appliances, turning off lights, energy saving appliances, lightbulbs, etc...

There is a very small, simple and inobtrusive step that could be made that would reap huge returns in cutting greenhouse emissions and conserve energy...and that is to manufacture electronic goods without a 'stand-by' button.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 05:14 PM
Well it is true that oil companies are behind a lot of the alternative fuel ideas, but they aren't behind fully electric cars. And electric cars are the most plausible out of all the alternative fuel cars.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 05:24 PM
In heavily populated regions, build facilities in prisons and medium wage factories with massive bike centers that produce electricity. Everyone can have a job. Prisoners can peddle time off their sentences. People will lose weight and be healthier. I remember that when I was little there was a bike at the children's museum and you could power a light,radio,tv etc by peddeling fast enough.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 05:29 PM
I'm trying to find some of the many old threads on this subject because it was pointed out more than once that mankind may actually have little to do with the present climate trend. There was even one scientific study that showed the change in the amount of cosmic rays bombarding the earth has a definate effect on cloud formation, and hence global warming/cooling. Not sure, but it might be out of our reach to be able to control cosmic rays.

But it is so un-PC and generally uncool
to take people out of the equation because we're left with no one to demonize for what seems to be going on.
And just where would we be without someone or some group to blame for our problems???

One other theory I've seen even says that without global warming we'd actually be in the middle of a mini ice age right now. Don't know about the rest of you, but I prefer the warmth to freezing.

The weather does seem to be changing. But no one yet has or can actually prove (sorry, Al Gore) that the "blame" for this belongs to us.

[edit on 1/9/2007 by centurion1211]

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 07:26 PM
EMP BOMB the whole world!! Then no one could pollute....I'm just kidding, we just do is just blow up oil/gas company buildings to set and example not to pollute and through fear, people shall stop polluting. with the explosions...I think the first step is for everyone to acknowledge global warming exist. The 2nd step would be to create even stricter enviormental regulations and laws. I don't know the third step yet, but the first two are essential!!

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 08:14 PM
We don't even know if Global Warming is taking place yet, don't worry.

posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 08:57 PM
First order of buisness would be to impose term limits on all senators and house officials in our government. This in itself would allow for new un-corrupted and relatively greed-free people to bring new ideas to the table without fear of being crushed before ever walking through the board-room door. The idea that we can control the environment is something our power-hungry military has been working on for decades. We cannot control the weather, just as we cannot control breathing. I for one do not know if our weather is due to our own greedy mass-consumption of goods and chemicals, or if it is due to some cosmic balancing act that keeps us in check long enough to drive our SUV's to work one more day.

This was/is to be our future, or we shall burn out like a candle.

It is too bad that those of us who do try to right what has been so long corrupted by those with power are struck down for fear that those in power shall lose it.

Humans fear what they do not understand,
They hate what they fear,
And they try to destroy what they hate.

There is so much potential for us as a species that it just seems a shame to let a few individuals hold back the entire planet of the utopia it could be.

I'm not some bible-thumping hippie freak, but I do understand that if global warming and other major planet-scale issues are to be averted, we should do exactly what the big boys don't want us to do.....


posted on Jan, 9 2007 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by skyblueff0 with the explosions...I think the first step is for everyone to acknowledge global warming exist. The 2nd step would be to create even stricter enviormental regulations and laws. I don't know the third step yet, but the first two are essential!!


If it hasn't been proven that the problem even exists, and it hasn't been proven that even if it does, that humans are responsible?

Why bury us under more regulations and laws when most feel that there are way too many laws and regulations already?

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