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The U.S President A Figurehead.

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posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 08:23 PM
It's beginning to look like that the U.S President is no real President at all.

I know that the current U.S President represents a certain population of the United States, but what do you make of the orders that come from "Above the President"?--This points to one fact that the U.S President can't oppose his 'real superiors'.

I have something else that says the President is just a figurehead. Former President of the U.S, JFK, was assassinated by his own government--CIA.
Would an assassination happen to the current U.S President if he opposed the ideals of these clandestine organizations? I think something like it would.

The people of the U.S are governed not by a U.S President in power, but by clandestine organizations that are represented by the U.S President, which essentially makes the U.S President a figurehead.

So, the U.S President has no real power, because he is just a figurehead, and he does not represent "the people".

That is my opinion, that the U.S President is just a figurehead, controlled by clandestine organizations in the country, bypassing the powers of Congress.

Real Presidents make the big decisions, and I don't think the U.S President fits that description.

What do you say about the U.S President as a figurehead? Can we all agree on the possibility of this claim?

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 08:26 PM
The past couple of presidents have all been figureheads.

The last president who actually had any balls and told the people in power to go # themselves was JFK. And we all know what happened to him.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 09:13 PM
Sadly enough although all presidents, and anyone in power, have a coitere of advisors and policy developers, I think he is his own idiot...

You can't blame what he has done on anyone else. Although he may only be implimenting policy created by others, he has still the ultimate veto for whatever happens.

Therefore he is more than just a figurehead but a co-conspirator in the decisions and the policy made.

Unlike the Queen who has little or no say in what her government does and in that way is just a figurehead.

[Edited on 6-12-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 01:07 PM

You're right about that, especially about the Queen (hehehehhehehe...) But todays Presidents have so may advisors and counsellors, they couldn't "make" a decisiion of their own, even if the survival of the world depended on it. But they can easily "take" decisions, within the pletora of thoses suggested by their "team".

I think it's easy to see (IMO) why JFK was assassinated. He liked to think for him-self. That wasN't appreciated by everybody.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 01:11 PM
Ronald Reagan, a frickin actor, made it clear to everybody that the U.S. Presidency is simply a figurehead position.

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 01:13 PM
The Queen has more power than the President has believe it or not.

He has power and is a conconspirator but pounding him all day long is a waste of time.

Even if it did make a difference then every citizen of a country would be obligated to attack their own leaders as part of the conspiracy and frankly many of them around here appear loathe to do that for some reason. Then again if they deposed their current leader would they see fit to attack the new one? Then there is the oft chance that some of them are in fact good, not impossible but generally improbable.

But one thing never changes and it is the money men. They stay on top, generation after generation just getting bigger and bigger. Yup, they are nearer the top of the pyramid and just waiting to be knocked off.

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