posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:41 PM
friends and enemies and allies come and go in one's existance.
does this not happen for you?
it has for me and most people that I know.
it does not matter what Schroeder says or does,
his left wing country speaks for itself.
maybe it is time that Europe had annother war as they forget fast that peace requires a price be paid for it.
the loony left wing thinks that if you only ask and pray for peace that it will exist.
that is true in a universe where the darkside does not exist,
but then again I often wonder if the darkside is not manifest within the left...
the perfect plan!
let the left run things, ignore the idea of agressors taking what you have,
then allow yourself to become weak so that they can easily come and do it...
the prince of darkness would like that outcome.