posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 07:17 AM
Seeing as no one has really mentioned the Comanche for some time, and seeing as the official website recently underwent a major revamp, I wanted to
bring two of the previous "questionables" into the light again.
Mission Applications:
During the first few years after the public unveiling of this helicopter, there was little more information available than to suggest three things
apart from stealth:
1. Firepower
2. Advanced technological/computer integration
3. Reconnaissance
It would appear they are finally bringing mission possibilities to us with some albeit digital images (but nice artwork nonetheless).
Armed Reconnaissance
Special Operations
The RAH-66 consumes only 4.4 percent of the U.S. Army's research, development, and acquisition (RDA) budget during the development phase (1995-2003)
More importantly, the 20-year life-cycle costs of a Comanche force is within 30 percent less than an upraged current fleet while providing 5.4 times
the effectiveness.
RAH-66 provides a reduction in operating and support costs, a saving of $20 billion over 20 years.
A Comanche force would represent a fleet cost savings of $1 million per flight hour.
19 major studies and three COEA's have come to the same conclusion:
RAH-66 is the most cost-effective weapons system for armed recon and attack.