Let me start by leaving a little thought in folks minds on something I mentioned before:
"Comments on Russia's Atomic Suitcase Bombs"
Topics listed by this article:
* Do "backpack" nuclear weapons exist?
* How powerful are they?
* Why were you raising the issue?
* Did you ever talk to General Lebed about this?
* Why did you testify before the US Congress?
* What was the reaction in Russia to your statements in America?
* Can you tell me about your work?
* Do you think Russian officials are misleading the public opinion?
* President Yeltsin's former Science Advisor, Alexei Yablokov, testified to the American Congress regarding the so-called suitcase bombs; the small,
atomic demolition devices. Can you confirm the existence of these weapons?
* You're referring to the tritium; the half-life of some of the materials?
* Were we ever able to confirm that suitcase bombs existed?
* Could [Lebed] have been talking about the backpack-size devices rather than suitcase bombs?
* Could you tell me how you first found out about the existence of suitcase bombs?
What is the scale of damage that a terrorist could do with one of these things?
* etc.....etc.....etc....etc....
"Russian �Sure� of Bombs"
""Suitcase" Bomb"
"Ongoing Speculation about missing Russian 'Suitcase Nukes'"
Also found this:
"Can Osama bin Laden go Nuclear?"
Linked from this site was this article:
"Bin Laden has several Nuclear Suitcases"
"US Nuclear retaliation.... extract."
US Nuclear Doctrine, Nonstate Actors, and WMD Under US nuclear doctrine, the 20 August 1998 attacks on Afghanistan and Sudan could have been carried
out with nuclear weapons. US doctrine allows strikes against terrorist groups armed with weapons of mass destruction (WMD). In Doctrine for Joint
Theater Nuclear Operation, a Joint Chiefs of Staff publication, "likely targets" for US nuclear weapons include "nonstate actors (facilities and
operation centers) that possess WMD". "Nonstate actors" refers to terrorist organizations like the one US officials claim is headed by Osama bin
Laden. At the same time, statements from Pentagon officials are openly contradictory. In response to a media query on the above US doctrine, a
Department of Defense spokesperson said the policy referred to situations "in which the U.S., or allies or our forces have been attacked with
chemical or biological weapons." However, even that statement included a caveat, that the US "does not rule out in advance any capability available
to us." As US nuclear doctrine has evolved since the end of the Cold War, it has increasingly focused on the perceived threat of weapons of mass
destruction, including arsenals held by "nonstate actors". As the following documents demonstrate, however, this policy is ineffective,
contradictory, and actually increases the risk of further nuclear proliferation. * Nuclear Weapons Against Terrorism, by Hans M. Kristensen, Research
Associate, Nautilus Institute, 28 August 1998. Highlights the contradictions in US policy. * US Targets Nuclear Weapons at "Nonstate Actors", BASIC
Press Release.."
NOW.....is anyone's brains working overtime on this? Is anyone getting vivid images from this?
If one of these type "suitcase nukes" or even a nuke that was placed in a cargo container and put on a ship headed for New York, for
example.......or say a 'dirty' nuke' is used in a huge city in the US.......
1) The military response will be insane.
2) The US would declare martial law and in doing so, Canada and Mexico would likewise do the same.
3) The Patriot Act I and II wouldn't even come close to describing what would take place and transpire......
4) This is my personal thoughts on this, but you would begin to see a uniting of nations against terrorism..period, not just a few as now. Terrorism
will be declared unfit and unexceptable in and on the face of this earth. You would see many, many terrorist organizations literally getting thrashed
and eliminated...completely.
As to BT's question:
"/pause/recalibrate/recalled/regrouped ".......I purposely left out "stop". Why? Because such an act would
stop the US, nor any other nation aligned against terrorism from simply eliminating any they saw...period. This would galvinize US public opinion and
quite possibly, a great host of nations against terrorism. The US would be effected but would do everything you have listed BT, but stop.
Here's something else to consider:
"Loose Nukes"
"Have any Russian nuclear weapons gone missing?"
There have been no confirmed reports of missing or stolen former Soviet nuclear weapons. Still, there is ample evidence of a significant black market
in nuclear materials. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported 175 nuclear smuggling incidents since 1993, 18 of which involved
highly enriched uranium, the key ingredient in an atomic bomb and the most dangerous product on the nuclear black market.
"Have terrorist organizations ever tried to obtain Russian nuclear weapons?"
Yes. Russian authorities say that in the past three years alone, they have broken up hundreds of nuclear-material smuggling deals. In October 2001,
shortly after the World Trade Center attacks, a Russian nuclear official reported having foiled two separate incidents over the previous eight months
in which terrorists had �staked out� a secret weapons storage site. In the 1990s, U.S. authorities discovered several al-Qaeda plots to obtain nuclear
materials, and CIA Director George Tenet recently told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that Osama bin Laden had sought to �acquire or
develop a nuclear device.�
What BT proposes is not far fetched and if an extremeist terrorist group did get hold on one or two or three.....
The Sunni Triangle would not be merely for a casualty count, be it US or Coalition, it would be symbolic and a message.............
Think about it......
This is the future of terrorism.....it's my opinion, but despite how many ways we or any government agency wishes to 'deny' this plausiability, the
reality or
this real world, is that it is not a matter of 'if', its a matter of 'when'........
Its that 'when' that stops many from accepting that this could quite realistically happens......the numbers are against 'us', not them......think
about it.