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way above voting question

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posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 12:16 PM
i have just voted way above for silicone synapse and his tesla coil experiment thread and while doing so, it occured to me that ive never seen anything about whether a member actually knows if they got voted way above without another member actually telling them they were voted for.

is there any way that members can know they were voted for (and by whom)? perhaps maybe a display chart of the month's votes might be an idea. as a humble member whose been here a while its just one of those things i'd actually be interested in seeing.

perhaps a table of voting would make me visit some threads i would not normally have visited because if other members feel strongly enough to vote someone way above then there must be something worth looking at there.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 12:24 PM
Justyc,I have often wondered about that myself. The only way that I have ever known to let anyone know is to copy and paste the whole, "You have just voted...blah,blah" to a post in the thread.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 12:48 PM
This is the thread in question:

I think SS is doing a good job, he's actually taking something that most of us have read about, and trying to make it work. Thats defintly WATS worthy.

As far as I can tell, people don't know. I have seen peopel only react to getting a vote when they see it posted, not saying it was from a u2u or something.
SO no, I don't think that they get a message saying they've gotten a vote.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 12:55 PM
Unless I'm mistaken, EUs only get a notification of a "Way Above" vote if a staff member was the one to vote, and then a U2U is received. It used to give a U2U anytime someone voted you way above, but I think as membership ballooned into the "whole bunch" range, they got rid of the non-staff notifications to save on U2U traffic.

So, currently, non-staff votes go into a secret tally database at the Diebold Data Processing Center, where the message is scanned through KARNIVORE for flag words and the votes are analyzed to ensure the voters will be properly marketed to in the next month's round of voting.

(for those not used to my sense of humor yet, the entire second paragraph of my post is bollocks)

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:13 PM
It's a good idea I think. Good point about drawing traffic to threads otherwise overlooked.

thelibra, that second paragraph was funny.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
Unless I'm mistaken, EUs only get a notification of a "Way Above" vote if a staff member was the one to vote,

Staff can't vote on Way Above.

What do you mean by 'eu'?

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
Unless I'm mistaken, EUs only get a notification of a "Way Above" vote if a staff member was the one to vote, and then a U2U is received. It used to give a U2U anytime someone voted you way above, but I think as membership ballooned into the "whole bunch" range, they got rid of the non-staff notifications to save on U2U traffic.

i think you are confusing 'applause' which staff can give with 'way above' which members vote.

i also liked the 2nd paragraph hehe

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:25 PM
Anyone receiving a WATS vote is not aware of it, unless the member who votes for them indicates it. A lot of times you will see members posting that they have used one of their monthly votes on their efforts.

These votes are anonymous, and noone knows who votes for who. Unless we disclose the information ourselves.

I'm sure the staff are capable of seeing who has voted for who.

The popup we receive after submitting the vote, is the only acknowledgement of the vote.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:34 PM
Oh, right... "Applause," sorry... I have just been REALLY on the ball today. First the whole "LORI KORNEL" thing, and now "WATS" instead of "Applause"...

...and heheheh, I even used "EU" in there...which, sorry, is an acronym from my workplace that means "End-User", as in, customers, not staff.

This, folks, is why you should always try to get more than four hours of sleep in one night, and try not to drink on the job.

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