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Contacting spirits

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posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 03:58 PM
How would one go about doing this. Why you ask? Just for the hell of it. Serious responses only please.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 04:09 PM
There isn't an exact science to it. If there was acertain way it could be achieved, it wouldn't be PARAnormal anymore, it would just be normal.

My advice, do the things that you THINK will lead you toward a spirit.

If you think meditating will do it, meditate.
Maybe EVPs are the way you want to go..
Maybe Spirit Boards..
Maybe Psychics..

There are MANY ways to go, actually, just go with what feels right to you.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 04:18 PM
Spirits contact YOU, when they feel like it. Try abstract writing though, it is pretty spooky as I've tried it once at work (which is haunted).......


I've actaully done this....anyways, take a pen/ pencil and some paper. take a couple of minutes and think deeply about a deceaced loved one. or any random spirit for that matter. start writing furiously and randomly whatever comes to mind. Do this for about 3 minutes and your berain "should" go into a trance like state. Continue writing, stop whenever. take a look most of it wil be absolute nonsense but there MAY be a few key words that repeat.

Try it and let me know how it turns out.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by HankMcCoy
There isn't an exact science to it. If there was acertain way it could be achieved, it wouldn't be PARAnormal anymore, it would just be normal.

My advice, do the things that you THINK will lead you toward a spirit.

If you think meditating will do it, meditate.
Maybe EVPs are the way you want to go..
Maybe Spirit Boards..
Maybe Psychics..

There are MANY ways to go, actually, just go with what feels right to you.

You have to be careful giving out advice of this nature because people need to learn how to work with the LIGHT. THIS MEANS PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM LOW VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES THAT LOST SPIRITS CAN COME THROUGH ON.
Such spirits can be tricksters and if you are really not careful you will end up with an attached polotoghist. These entities love people who do not know what they are doing!!

THE BEST ADVICE IS TO GO ALONG TO YOUR NEAREST OPEN CIRCLE AT YOUR LOCAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. You will learn how to tune in to the world of spirit in a loving warm enviroment where you will be protected from these lower frequency guests i spoke of. You will encounter spirit from the light only who will guide you in many ways with love without condition.


Whenever you work with spirit imagine a blue bubble wrapped around you or ask Arch Angel Micheal to put his blue wings of protection around you. To ward off negative energies visulise a pink bubble around you.

Stay away from Oiji boards unless your with someone who knows what they are doing, always pray and ask for protection first!

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by IncarnAngelTHE BEST ADVICE IS TO GO ALONG TO YOUR NEAREST OPEN CIRCLE AT YOUR LOCAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. You will learn how to tune in to the world of spirit in a loving warm enviroment where you will be protected from these lower frequency guests i spoke of. You will encounter spirit from the light only who will guide you in many ways with love without condition.


Thanks for that. I was about to write enquiring about the use of Spiritual Churches

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 10:41 PM

If you are interested in communicating woth the essence (not neccesarily spirit) of a departed loved one then sit in a comfortable chair in front of a full length mirror, do some basic pranayama first for at least ten minutes, focusing on that person-- hold in your hands an object representing that person, a photograph or better a lock of hair or article of clothing* Open your eyes and stare into the mirror without blinking thinking and feeling that person,,,,,,and wait

(oh yeah the lighting in the room must be low)

Look the most important thing is not to give up* These things almost always take time and dedication

[edit on 19-1-2007 by Count Germails Lovechild]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:15 PM
I see you want to contact spirits for kicks but what would you do if something went freakishly wrong and you messed somethin up really badly

[edit on 20-1-2007 by polterigeist]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:19 PM
In total silence, in total peace, you can hear their voice. Even you can feel their presence and your mind will be able to visualize it to you. You just need to believe in them and open your mind toward them.

Sometimes even peaceful music also helps, but that one is rather able to bring flashback, memories about places that never existed, time, where you never lived.

It's a strange science, but it's not impossible to understand it's essence.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Everythingyouknowisalie
How would one go about doing this. Why you ask? Just for the hell of it. Serious responses only please.

I would say if you want to contact something, doubt its a spirit...dont think they exist really, but I would say meditate. You will get some interesting experiences and you can call it what you want.

Some call it channeling and claim its a spirit, etc.
(Life is to boring to just claim its us, it always has to be something else we communicate with.)

Although, if the quantum theory of entanglement says anything...perhaps we can tie into each others thoughts...even animal and plants. (Plants feel anger and are said to shrink away from it.)

Life is life, just shows its intelligence differently.



posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 05:02 AM
try to meditate and make contact with your guides instead of invoking any kind of spirit.

It's allready hard enough to become aware of your contact with them, why waste your time invoking others. Enough negative entities to drag you down and make your life miserable.

Become aware of your guide(s), further your connection with them or try to connect with lightmasters or archangels, Lord Kuthumi, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Lord Kumeka, this will place you further on your spiritual path.

The spirits that didn't went to the light and roaming around here are mostly bad for you, they are deceiving and mostly harm yourself in the process of becoming aware.. giving you false information.

become aware of your self first, then you'll become aware of the guidance you receive, then contact the Greater for more spiritual knowledge, this is how it should be done.

[edit on 21-1-2007 by etherical waterwave]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 04:23 AM
Sometimes it may be your higher concience you may hear because I feel we know more than what we realise!

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