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posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 04:15 PM
I have just been informed by the Reptillians that dwell deep within the Earth that the date of reckoning is not 8/22/06, but infact, 8/29/06. It happened on a brisk sunny day not too long ago when I was abducted and had probes inserted in my anus. These probes enable me to see into the future and what I see is not so good for mankind. See what will happen is that George Bush will get slightly too tipsy and give the command to bomb Algeria. Algeria, of course defenseless against the mighty United States, asks the Zionists, who obviously control the world according to people that blow themselves up to have sexual intercourse with a bunch of heavenly virgins, to give them a helping hand and maybe give them a ray gun or something to shoot down the mighty American aircraft. George Bush gets wind of this and then he's like *$#* Jewish ray guns I'm gonna bomb Russia. So he bombs Russia and Russia doesn't like it and Russia bombs America back as well as the Brits and the French because we all know no one likes the French. So this will lead in a chain reaction where every nuclear state starts bombing the crap out of every other nuclear state and then Jesus comes back and we all find out that he was really Bruce Willis in disguise, observing our passion for destruction at the movie theatres. This will happen in 5 days from now so everyone be careful and don't watch any Die Hard movies.

[edit on 24-8-2006 by Grey]

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 04:23 PM
1) Reptilians doesn't exist.
2) Can you please give me your dealer's email? I'd like to smoke the same weed.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 04:25 PM
What the hell are you going on about... Reptiles... You must be seriously drunk or high, or both but probably your on acid... because thats just silly...


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