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New Terrorrist Group - 'The Jihad Rule'

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posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 03:05 PM
'The formation of "The Jihad Rule," a newly formed terrorist organization comprised of five (5) Islamic terrorist organizations has far reaching implications. Analysts from the Northeast Intelligence Network have found communications confirming that the new terrorist organization includes al Qaeda, the Egyptian Jihad, the Yemeni Jihad, the Islamic Army of Aden Abyan, and the Salafist Group. Network analysts have found communications that "The Jihad Rule" are threatening to begin new terror operations in Yemen and beyond, with initial operations aimed at the assassination of Yemeni Prime Minister Abd Al-Qadir Ba Jamal, his family and other top government officials. Also targeted are the Dhimmi, or Jews and Christians residing in Yemen. The new terror group no longer considers either the Jewish or Christian residents as "Dhimmi." It was announced that the new organization is an international in scope and committed to fight against the "Zionists and crusaders." It plans on the elimination of all foreign interests in Yemen and considers any non-Muslim or non-follower of Sharia law the enemy. Members of this group include operatives that struck the USS Cole and the oil tanker Limburg.'

Holy Toledo! They sound pretty scary!

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 03:13 PM
Got a link on them MUA? I'm 'googling' my arse off and can't seem to find nada'.......
Much appreciated.


posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 03:20 PM
ahhh .. revealing my secret sites i use where i like to get inside info .. i'll u2u it to you.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 03:23 PM
Seekerof, im searching like mad on google and i can't find anything either. All i keep getting is stuff about Islamic Jihad
or is the post about "Jihad" if so this might help

Among most Westerners, the term "Jihad" ("struggle" in Arabic) often brings up images of Muslim terrorists killing people who disagree with them.
Jihad has been interpreted by Muslims in many ways. The Muslim sect of the Kharijites has elevated Jihad to one of the Five Pillars of Islam,making it Six Pillars. This kind of belief is seen in the extremist Muslim groups we call terrorists. They use the concept of Jihad as a justification for killing anyone who isn't a Muslim. However, most Muslims disagree with this extremist position of some Muslims and advocate peace. These Muslims view Jihad as a spiritual struggle against evil in a metaphorical sense.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 03:50 PM
As par, here lies the issue I have of Islam and its claims of being a "religion of peace", "religion of non-violence and tolerance", etc.

The Sharia law, as noted in MUA information "means 'the path to a watering hole'. It denotes an Islamic way of life that is more than a system of criminal justice. Sharia is a religious code for living, in the same way that the Bible offers a moral system for Christians.

It is adopted by most Muslims to a greater or lesser degree as a matter of personal conscience, but it can also be formally instituted as law by certain states and enforced by the courts. Many Islamic countries have adopted elements of sharia law, governing areas such as inheritance, banking and contract law."

Here's some information on this:
"Sharia law"

"Different Issues Regarding The Sharia Law"

"Islamic Law�the Sharia"

The next thing I noted was ""The Jihad Rule" are threatening to begin new terror operations in Yemen and beyond, with initial operations aimed at the assassination of Yemeni Prime Minister Abd Al-Qadir Ba Jamal, his family and other top government officials. Also targeted are the Dhimmi, or Jews and Christians residing in Yemen. The new terror group no longer considers either the Jewish or Christian residents as "Dhimmi."

Questions come to mind:
1) Why more "terrorism"?
2) Why are 'groups' again still targeting Jews and Christians alike? Again, Islam is supposedly the religion of "Peace, Non-Violence, Tolerance, etc.?"
3) Who is BS'ing who here?
4) Fundementalist/extremeist/fanatics/terrorist only make claims constituting just "who" can live "where"......?! "Dhimmi.....The new terror group no longer considers either the Jewish or Christian residents as "Dhimmi."
Amounts to BS and proves again how Islam thinks on Jews and Christians......great representatives for Islam, eh?

I thought Christianity was frocked
Here's just another "terrorist group to be" that is added to the list of hundreds of others...........


[Edited on 1-11-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 04:02 PM
It appears that Yemen is for all intents and purposes much like the wild wild west still.

This must be a place for regrouping of the forces. How much influence does the US have there?

From past reports not much.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 04:06 PM
The violence no doubt goes back to the days when the christians attacked the muslims. Revenge is perfectly acceptable in the Muslim religion is it not?

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 05:02 PM
I think muslims can only fight to: Get their land back or If it would prevent evil. Generally self defence much like how chirstianity is suppose it be.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by MessedUpAnnie
'The formation of "The Jihad Rule," a newly formed terrorist organization comprised of five (5) Islamic terrorist organizations has far reaching implications.

This is the first I've heard of this group, but am I the only one who thinks this sounds like it could have been written by Ian Flemming for one of his Bond novels?

MessedUpAnnie: Yeah, Islam has codes that support revenge. I was reading through them on a Muslim web site the other day, and it was pretty interesting. Though I am by no means an expert on Islam, in general their laws say you can take revenge only when peaceful ways of settling your dispute are unavailable, and your revenge must not exceed the damage actually done to you.

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