This is what you will never hear in the mainstream news.
Angry, Disillusioned &
Frustrated, Families Of Some GIs
Seethe, Doubt Bush
By Judith Graham
Chicago Tribune
DENVER -- They are angry and disillusioned, frustrated and full of doubt. This war is not going the way they hoped it would.
They are wives and husbands of the 129th Army Reserves Combat Transportation Company, stationed in Kansas, and they are terrified for spouses who are
conducting missions in Iraq.
A month ago, these family members launched a "bring our soldiers home" petition drive when the 129th Company's tour of duty was extended with no
advance notice.
Today, after a string of suicide bombings in Iraq, they stand with a growing number of military families who are convinced that the war is going awry
and who think the American public isn't getting a straight story on the conflict.
Doubts about Bush
Cherie Block, 29, could barely contain herself while watching President Bush's press conference Tuesday from her home in Sac City, Iowa, especially
when Bush insisted the vast majority of Iraqis are with Americans, not against them.
"Look at everything that's going on there this week," Block said, "And [Bush] still has this perfect picture in his head that they want us there.
To me, they're already against us.
"Either he doesn't really understand what's going on, or he's not telling it the way it really is," said Block, whose husband Wallace is a
sergeant with the 129th Company.
Around the country, other military families are voicing concerns over the war, including Military Families Speak Out, a Massachusetts group that
claims support from about 1,000 families nationwide. Some marched to protest the war last weekend in Washington, D.C.