posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:07 PM
I need your help. I found this great link for sending your thoughts to the companies that sponsor "The Rush Limbaugh Show"...
I've never really been a fan of his, though I have listened to his show a few times. Made me sick. Like when ever someone called in with an opposing
view Rush would treat the person unfairly and heckle them into embarsment. A real pro.
I want the sponsers to know just what I think of the hypocrite after he amitted his pill popping 30 pills per day habbit.
I'm not that good with words, and after being here on ATS for so long, I know several of you have the gift.
So please, please, please... Help me write the perfect complement to the sponsers so they get the message strait. And remember this old saying...