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Sounds from Hell!!

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posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 09:40 PM
Hah. cool thing to send to friends, but I personally, especially in recent times, do not believe WWN.

Peace for tonight everyone.

EDIT: A couple things.

1) I personally do not believe that Hell is below and Heaven is above directly in the clouds. Many religions use this to help people understand, not meaning it literally. I believe many religions believe that Hell and Heaven are somewhere in the Universe, but not in direct atmosphere. Obviously because if it was our many space missions would have gone through it.

2) You can hear a voice in the background laugh diabolically lol with a "muwahahah" and you can hear him give commands...good joke for sure.


[Edited on 26-10-2003 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 11:48 PM
Yep, this was debunked a long time ago...As a matter of fact, it was some of my research that led to the source & spreading of this hoax.

The debunking-thread can be found at:

Can we close this thread now?....

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 06:09 AM
I guess that if there was a hell, it'd be called earth by the human race.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 06:13 AM
to me, it sounded like a busy train station. I remember reading a site about it being debunked
freaky when you first hear it, but if you listen carefully, it sounds so much like a train station

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 02:41 PM
The ancient belief that the moans of the dead can be heard on the surface of the earth from somewhere below comes from (e.g. geothermals) fast rising-escaping air and gasses which vents upwards out of deep cavernous tunnells or natural rock tubing producing something (although natural) very similar to "human moaning" or even "screaming" (most of these air vents which go several miles deep into the crust of the earth are natural in certain places on the planet, others were apparently opened or deepend or widened over the centuries during prehistoric mineral mining operaions in certain areas e.g. Greek islands, certain places in Italy (read about Aeneas descent into the Underworld by Virgil in the Aeneid) and other places such as the Middle East who have their own legends about daemons being locked up in buried caves (e.g. I Henoch, where the place is called Harmonah) and we see similar stories, folklore and legends in fact among peoples scattered literally all over the planet...).

This "a-moaning and a-groaning sound" of the rising air escaping from these deep cavernous holes in the earth certainly was the main phenomenon that gave rise to the primitive belief that the spirits of the dead are being tormented for one reason or another (and of course the word "spirit" and the word for "wind" are often the same word in many languages e.g. Heb. "Ruach")...

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 03:06 PM
i saw justice league and they said that the gates of hell are at the bottom of the amazonian island....thats if we can even find it.....

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 02:53 AM
They played this crap on coasttocoastam a long time ago, was a hoax then
and still is a hoax.
Probably had Benny Hinn creaming his pants though

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 06:42 AM
Mikro, this is an excerpt from your post on The Hell's Voices, Regarding God, and what should be the requirement of Heavan:

It has nothing to do with what symbol you have hanging around your neck or what color you might have on your face, how successful you are or how much pain you have suffered. When we die we must have lived a life that somehow benefits God. Who is Love. That we have loved. Him. Not made monuments for him or painted his picture, but that we have shown in our lives that we have been like him, that we are indeed wise. That we have had compassion for the suffering, helped the needy, strengthened the weak, you know the drill. That we have tried to be good in our own way. That we have treated our fellows like we would've liked to be treated ourselves, even if we were kicked in the face, or someone put forth lying accusations against you and killed you for it. People don't learn, they grow. You can read all the books in the world and still be unable to forgive.

I really agree with you, I think people should be less hung up on things like believing in Jesus, and be more focused on being a decent person, helping those that you can, and treating others the way you wish to be treated.

I know personally that if in the end, it all came down to if I believed in and accepted Jesus or not, than what the hell was the point of being nice in this life, lol.

It seems an acenine requirement to get into heavan, just accepting an believing in Jesus should be good enough? BULLSH*T

The person who lives a life of being really a nice person, thinking more of others welfare, less hung up on themselves. Giving when someone has the courage to ask, or just doing so out of seeing a need. Welcoming others when they are shunned for inadequacy. Treating others the way you wish to be treated. By Biblical terms all of these very great things are all for not, if you don't Accept Jesus as your Savior. Go fry.

However, I can be the foulest human being, murder, rape, manipulation, lying. As long as when it's all over, and I accept Jesus as my Savior, and maybe make a half-hearted effort to repent. I get a one way ticket to heavan!

Yeah, Right!

Aren't we supposed to learn something in this life about being a decent person. Option 2, has nothing to do with that, it's just be an evil bastard, then embrace God, and everything is A-OK.


posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 07:59 AM
Hey SuxForMe:

I believe you are a little confused. You need to read the "texts" of the Hebrew Scriptures a little more closely when you bandy around empty words like "the god of Love" etc. to refer to your hero in the "Bible"...

Which "god" are you claiming is a "god of love", pray tell? And where did you get that phrase from, exactly? From Saul of Tarsus? A Greek speaking Turkish born Pharisee who (for some reason!) called himself an Apostle of "Iesous Chirstos", an individual he never even met (dreams and visions aside)?

Are you referring to the so-called "god of the Bible" i.e. Yahweh (YHWH), the morally inconsistent murderous racist clan-god of post-Exilic "Israel" ---whose main claim to fame is that he wants to genocide all the Amalekites and wants all the Girgu#es exterminated (genocide them all, leave nothing breathing, the men-the women-the children AND THE ANIMALS...burn their bones upon my altar as a perpetual holocaust, saith YHWH the clan-god of Israel: read the "un-holy" Torah in Deut. chapter 20 or Deut chapter 13 or even Hezekiel chapters 8 and 9 for a taste of his "love" which was screamed by the Brooklyn Born Chasidic-Zionist-Extremist-Terrorist-Racist "Settler" Rabbi Dr. Baruch Goldstein (who was a leading member of the JDL) on Feb 25th 1994 (5:30 AM) in a Hebron Mosque in the Cave of the Patriarchs in the Un-Holy Land---while he was busy opening fire with his handy dandy Rabinnic automatic weapon and killing 29 Palestinian men (and wounding 87 more) who were praying on their knees to Allah----simply because "they were facing the east, as it says in the book of the prophet Hezekiel chapter 9) ?

Have you even read any of the stories of the Hebrew Scriptures, where words are placed into Yahweh's mouth e.g. "Behold David MY SERVANT, A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART saith YHWH...."---i.e. a clan god who "admires" a man like David who had homosexual affair with Jonathan (I Samuel chapter 20, and II Samuel chapter 1:30-35) , and who cold bloodedly murdered the Hittite general "Uriah" after having committed Adultery with Uriah's wife [Bath-Shebiti (=BathSheba)] the Jebusite Princess and who later bore David's bastard son "whom YHWH slew" ?

Is this your "god of Love" that you imagine? And if you think R. Yehoshua bar Yosef the Galilean ("Jeezuzz") thought any different, read over the so-called Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, and reflect on the ending of that story....or read what that man is reported to have said to a gentile woman in Matthew chapter 15 ("since when is it right to take the bread out of the mouths of the children, and throw it to the DOGS under the table?") etc.

So much for your "love-god"....!!

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 11:19 AM
I'm not a christian actually, nor Jewish.

I find the very same inconsistencies you do. The God of the Old and New Testament are not even in the same Ball-park. One is Revenge driven, isolationist, and overall Narcisitic. The other which is still claimed to be the same, is "Peace loving", but still isolationist, has no need to revenge and admonishes those who suffer, or willingly take suffereing as their burden.

If, and this is a big if, Christ is the only way to "Salvation", then I don't want any part of it. I would rather go to my afterlife based upon the merits of how I lived my Life, not based upon feeding into the Narcisim of an Isolationist Deity. As long as one Accepts Christ, everything they do is ok. I just don't buy it.

Why would a deity in good conscious turn a blind eye to the suffering one of it's worshipers sows, and allow them entry into paradise, as long as this deities ego is stroked by believing in it and accepting it as their savior?

I feel, if the afterlife is full of wonder, and paradise is should be reserved for those who have lived good lives regardless of who they call God. It should be required, that one lives a life of kindess, as the requirement, not in reinforcing the Narcism that Jesus is the Only way to heavan.

If a murderous malcontent got into heavan, and I didn't, just becuase I didn't choose to believe in Christ, than I seriously question why, if I was a Christian worshipper, would follow him. Anyone's good enough for God if you pay him lip service.....WTF?

Very Good Points You Make Amodeus,


posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Satyr
Why? It's a tabloid!

These are the people that bring you wonderful stories like:


Do you consider them credible?

even better

rofl @ this

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 06:18 PM
You know what?

It sounds a lot like New Jersey.

Maybe they just drilled into one of the tunnels leading to New York during rush hour?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:04 AM
be careful every one of you who cast doubt. Jesus died too save you from hell not so you can be an unbeliever sceptic only to believe when you finally arrive to this horrible place and hell is in thee center of thee earth when JESUS DIED HE DESCENDED TO THE LOWER PARTS OF THEE EARTH TO FREE EVERYONE WHO DIED TRUSTING THE LORD BEFORE THE RESURRECTION.

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