posted on Oct, 30 2002 @ 01:17 AM
As FreeMason said, it wasn't the Pyramids that show water erosion...It was the Sphynx & the containment walls surrounding it. The limestone casing
stones (& the capstone) *were* removed for the purpose of erecting other buildings...Long *after* Egypt's old "rainy season". Where did you find
reference to water erosion on the pyramid? I have several books about the Pyramids & the Sphynx but remember nothing about water erosion on the
Pyramids themselves.
Nonetheless, the main difference between the Tower & the Ark is that the Tower was intended for Man to reach Heaven while the Ark was God's
"contract" to Man on how to reach Him; Remember that the construction of the Ark came *before* the Ten Commandments. Within the context of the
story, it was Man's arrogance & pride for building the Tower that God punished; The Ark was built according to how God *told* them to build it.
Yet, it's interesting to note that, when someone (I forgot the man's name; I'd have to look it up again) with the Isrealites traveling with the
Ark, he reached out to shoo an insect that had landed on it. I'm not certain of the specifics, but it has also been said that this man stumbled &
instinctively reached out to steady himself on the Ark. Whatever the exact circumstance, the Ark killed him for approaching it with irreverance...
...And yet, after losing a battle with the Philistines, the Ark was carried off...Sounds a bit contradictory, considering that the Ark itself killed
because of some display of irreverance. However, the Philistines suffered a plague of mice & hemmroids (SP?) for taking the Ark (Very few references
exist about the hemmroids, from what I've found
), so the Philistines returned the Ark with other offerings (5 golden mice & 5 golden hemmroids;
I'll bet that the craftsman was never prepared for *that*!
) to appease God's anger.
At any rate, the Isrealites were still under subject to the Philistines & nothing else changed, except the Philistines' new respect for the
foreigners' God.