Hey Peace....
Let's break this down, shall we?
Peace said:
"You constantly dodge the fact that you, yes, you are biased in favour of Israel. We are all biased but you pretend not to be."
Let me see....I constantly "dodge"? Excuse me? Have you or Jakomo even once, without your belittlements, etc., asked if I supported or are in
favor of Israel? NOPE! Dern...kinda "self-evident" huh? Kinda like yours and others positions? So how the hell am I "dodging" the "fact" that
I support or am "biased" in favor of Israel.....?! Actually...seems I have stated my position on post gone by....
Is it not also quite apparent that you and Jakomo and a few others would be joyfully well pleased if the German's had finished their destruction of
the Jews?!?!
Wow...did I say that...must have had to much to drink....
I support who I support, nuff' said. You don't like it, tough #z...I will not cow to the continued belittlements, accusations, and false
information that you, Jakomo, and a number of others present on Israel.
Side note: I don't always support Israel, per se', but in this case....yeah, I do...and in the past couple of cases...yeah, I do....and will
continue to do so....
Peace said:
"If you didn't post the huge amounts of analysis that you do, I wouldn't mind. I bet you are fully aware that half the crap you post "The IDF
says..." is lies, but you don't let that get in the way of your defense of the Israeli violence."
Dude...go plead your case with someone that hasn't heard it before! Let's look at this way....if you and Jakomo
provide significant
information to back up just
HALF the BS you two and others claim, I wouldn't be obliged to just "bury" all of you in your ill-founded and BS
comments. I will defend Israel "violence" just as long as you and others continue to spout the "non-violence" claims you give that the
Palestinian's, Arabs, terrorist/militant groups, Islam is not at fault....that it is, indeed,
ALL the fault of Israel, the Jews, Zionism, etc!
Bet on it.
Peace said:
"It pisses me off because you are so quick to pull up others about false information. I don't believe your stance on this issue is at all
Peace...better to be pissed off than pissed on there buddy!
Another BS comment to go along with the other flaws in your skewed and "biased" arguments......:
"I don't believe your stance on this issue is
at all balanced."
Thoughts on that:
1) Do I particularly care what you, Jakomo, or others think?
2) This is not freakin' high school were I have to go along with the "fellas" or I will become an outcast!....
3) Critically.....I produce and comment with as much balance as required based on the "balance" that you, Jakomo, and others views are..........and
thats NOT, thus I don't.
4) You have a right to state that this "view" on my stance is your opinion but on the other hand....who are you to say that I am wrong? Got
empirical "facts" to prove or move me from my position....NOT. You got the scoop on truth, huh, Peace? You can assume what you will, but you
haven't proved anything to me....between you and Jakomo, and one or two others, the only thing you guys have shown me, is that when you dish the
heat, you can't take it when it gets thrown back at ya.....You expect anyone and everyone to take your views, opinions, and stances as the absolute
"gospel truth" and that there is NO other correct stance, opinion, nor view!
And that is simply the fact!
5) As per Syria...take it to the UN fellas....cause your cause is lost with me.
As per you posting what was said by Mahathir's OIC comments yesterday...I see and sense that you, as well as others, feel
exactly as he does
and are comfortable with those very same thoughts!
[Edited on 17-10-2003 by Seekerof]