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ATS.C: NrKy's Conspiracy Podcast Challenge!

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posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 03:12 AM

PODcast: NrKy's Conspiracy Podcast Challenge!
NrKy challenges the ATS podcasters to bring new conspiracy theories to the discussion table, and to bring forth at least five different sources for the information they want to put forth. NrKy would like to see more actual Conspiracy theories podcasted at ATS, as opposed to just BTS general stuff and BTS humour podcasts.
Conspiracies are what ATS is all about, so lets get cracking with those conspiracy theory podcasts ey!

length: 02:41
file: atscpod_1658.mp3
size: 944k
feed: atsc
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 03:45 AM
To my fellow ATS podcasters, I CHALLENGE YOU (not negatively, but in a positive and encouraging manner ^_^) to do some Conspiracy Theory Podcasts, and bring life back into the ATS Podspace!

To those of you who want to help out, please add the following to your signatures so that we can get some more people in on this and get some fresh new faces into the ATS podcasting scene, as well as new content and some more discussion about CONSPIRACIES!:
Are you up to the ATS Conspiracy Podcasting Challenge?

Cheers, NrKy.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:24 AM
I am with you!

I am going to tackle the Conspiracy of thegovernment trying to prevent the general populace from being aware. This is more spiritually in nature and I do not mean religion.

How long do we have to put these together?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 12:22 PM
One quick question... Does this have to be a conspirqacy not discussed on JUST PODcasts, or must it be something not discussed on ATS either?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 12:44 PM
I think I shall do a PODcast on the Montauk Project/ Philadelphia Project. My very first post ever on ATS was this: Philadelphia Project- It really Happened!. That was from when I posted under GiantsFan. So I guess since that's what started me here, I think I'll do that one.

So I'm assuming that we can do more than one PODcast for this challenge, right?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:44 PM
Sure, by all means, do as many as you want! The more the merrier!

Note that this isn't an OFFICIAL challenge, nor has it had any form of administrator/moderator approval, it's just something that I cooked up to attempt to bring more credibility to ATS podspace, and hopefully some more podcasters.

Since there really aren't any ACTUAL prizes for this as of yet, there's no deadline, but the more podcasts we get out there, the more listeners we will have.
That said, please try not to make it a simple spamming of personal opinions of conspiracy theories, it would be great to see us try to pull together some credible sources and improve the image of ATS podcasting quality in general.

The thing that I've noticed with the conspiracy podcasting at ATS, is that most of it has been reactionary, of which I mean that people are doing a quick 2-3 minute opinionative podcast about whatever conspiracy theory they happen to have heard in ATSNN,, or wherever. (I'm guilty of this too, and it's what fills up most of my weekly show, LOL!)
I'd like to see the sort of quality that we see in the Research Forums, and on, complete with sources, differing debates on the theories, debunking, counter arguments, supportive documentation, etc..

If you want to make a conspiracy theory podcast purely for the intent of debunking something, please, do so! However, it would also be good to see both sides of the fence represented, to detract from one-sided arguments, and also to allow for further comment and discussion by the other members.

P.S. Thanks for giving it a go.
Now if only I could somehow get the mods in on it... *rubs hands together like an evil archnemesis*

[edit on 10/4/2006 by nrky]

[edit on 10/4/2006 by nrky]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:50 PM
I think what I may do, is do the 10 miute cast on outside opinions and facts and such, then reply to it with my own opinion on the subject. That way the listener can get the conspiracy and form their own opinion, and then listen to what the person's opinion is that casted it.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 02:26 PM
I'll investigate why primary and high school education is perceived as being on a decline.


posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 12:00 AM
Ahh, also, I forgot to mention.. It doesn't matter if your podcast has been discussed in ATS before, just as long as it isn't something that has been discussed in PODCASTS already.

I'm trying to see if we can bring fresh new ideas to the podcasting scene at ATS, and bring it back to life.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 12:39 AM
I've pretty much finished my first one. Took the notes, now I just need to get a few more "outside" opinions and to record it. I may do it in two parts... The conspiracy, then the opinions of experts.

posted on May, 15 2006 @ 12:00 AM
Just wanted to drop in and say I'm still going to do my PODcast on the Phladelphia Project, Have it al ready, I just need a microphone. We are moving so it got packed up before I got to use it. So I'll have it up, it might be a month or so before it is though.

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