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Savali on European Satanism

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posted on Oct, 14 2003 @ 01:30 AM
A subject that doesn't get enough discussion around here is satanism and its ties to the elite controllers of this world.

After you read this article you will not think that the US is the number one bad guy in the world. The US must escape the tentacles of Europe if it is to survive.

The European Roots of the Illuminati

The Illuminati are based in Europe, which is where their power base has always been. I remember being told as a young child that America was basically considered their �mission field� or the �land of opportunity� by those whose roots extend for hundreds of years or more into the ancient European dynastic bloodlines.

This is why their power hierarchy around the world, whether in the U.S., Asia, Australia, Canada, or elsewhere will always point back to Europe, where the 13 rulers (they also call them �lords�) are based. Each ruler represents an area of Europe held under his sway; and each one represents an ancient dynastic bloodline.

posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 01:16 PM
America is not more than a black sheep when it comes handy to european rulers. maybe europe is the headoffice of the illuminati and i see no reason why not. But where? it aint Brussels? not Londen thats for sure. Paris is to flashy spain to cheap and dry..germany to big..Look at the small and rich.....

Drugs are used to make money and funds, the organised crime works close with politicians and police, the royals and rich are all friends. even the olympics are not safe from these rulers... it is the place to match and discuss.

did you know that americans were one vote away from speaking DUTCH?????

posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 07:26 PM
Tho I dont believe in Satan and Satanic conspiracies, I do believe the existance of the Illuminati. I have seen enough evidence to point that yeah, the blue bloods are running the show.

But, NEO, you fail to realize that you support them. Where do you think your beloved president Bush hails from? His family is royally decended, he is a distant relative of Princess Di. In Fact, damn near all of our presidents have been related to European Royalty, so it makes you wonder if we ever truly shook off the yoke of European dominion, seeing how thier own relatives have been running the show, and have drawn us into two wars to support the European cousins, because our presidents are disntantly related.

Bush is one of them. Hes a blue blood. The Roosevelts, Hell, our founding fathers, eve Abe Lincoln were realted to European nobility.

The blue bloods are there, and until you wake up and see that they exist in both conservative and liberal uniforma, youre never gonna wake up dude.

The own both sides of the show.

posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 07:40 PM

Sorry but those that ignore satanism are sure to become entrapped in it.

In one form or annother this age old 'faith' is practised around the world today, but the most powerful and familiar brand is that founded in Europe.

Europe seeded the new world and built it in its image. That is what the NWO was to be, a vehicle and tool of the old order to further its aims.

But one becomes tired of being used with few if any rewards and no credit given. The new world is pulling away from the old european model.

But on the other hand the Americans are also home to much of the current ideals that supports freedom, democracy and christianity (amongst other faiths).

The point being that you cannot influence that which you are not part of, that which is foreign, and that which has been entrenched for a long time.

I do not fail to realize anything, there are reasons why this is the best course of action which I cannot say at this time, but some will be able see this for themselves.

Me wake up? You are the one hung up on demonizing people and labelling systems.

The bottom line in the entire universe is that there are two conflicting forces at the core of all existance. To ignore this dynamic or to not try to understand the purpose of the dialectic is foolish at best and self-destructive at worst.

If they control both sides then the only people that are good' are in the middle by your logic. But the people in the middle don't really believe in anything either. Thus, how can you arguement be correct?

posted on Oct, 16 2003 @ 08:00 PM
Because the people in the middle, like me, just because they are in the middle, doesnt mean they dont believe. They see both sides for what they truly are. They do not see one side as good and the other side as bad. Both sides are basically the same side wearing different uniforms, but if you look within, the two are the same.

Its like a circle. start at a point, and with two hands, draw the circle, the two ends meet at the end.

They are both part of the circle. If you go far enough left and far enough right, youll find the two meet.

I told you, I dont believe in Satan or any other ghost or demon in red pajamas and a pitch fork. So what if THEY do. Do they really? Do you even know what satanism is? Ive talked to real satanists. Are you using the Christian label for any religion that isnt christian as satanic?

This NWO was set forth by Christians, period. The christianizing of Europe led to the ascension of these families, the old order, which, before christians, absically ensured no one bloodline would sit on the throne forever, was subverted by manipulation and the conversion by the sword to Christianity. With Christianity in place, the new kings and bloodlines could no longer be opposed or sacrificed, as was once pagan custom.

(In case you werent aware, ebfore Christianity, the title of king or leader went to the one who was the most powerful in battle, and he also had to be chosen by the preists of his tribe or nation. if the nation went to #, and trouble hit the people, the king was sacrificed to the gods, and new blood was put in his place. This kept the cycle turning, and kept new bloodlines circulating and such. Something that sadly ended when the christians came into being).

Anyway, left or right, wake up dude, Ill say it again. They both play for the same team, they just wear different outfits. But ultimately, thier goals and aims meet in the center, its just they spread out in different directions to make sure all bases are covered. What freedoms and rights and ideals one side doesnt wipe out, the other will.

They are the same, regardless of the illusion of political affiliation.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 02:15 AM
There are even several Chinese members in the illuminati. A country they are proud of and have profited immensely off in the past and now.

It does not matter where the power comes from or where it resides. It is all knowing and everywhere.
There is no escape and the plan will commence on time.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
With Christianity in place, the new kings and bloodlines could no longer be opposed or sacrificed, as was once pagan custom.

(In case you werent aware, ebfore Christianity, the title of king or leader went to the one who was the most powerful in battle, and he also had to be chosen by the preists of his tribe or nation. if the nation went to #, and trouble hit the people, the king was sacrificed to the gods, and new blood was put in his place. This kept the cycle turning, and kept new bloodlines circulating and such. Something that sadly ended when the christians came into being).

Succesful Celtic Sun Kings ruled for 7 years, after that time they were sacrificed and eaten by the tribe to keep their strength in the tribe.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 12:59 PM

you are free to believe what you like but the idea of evil as I see it is the service to self ideal.

this leads to immortal physicality which excludes you from becoming a purely spiritual entity.

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 03:54 AM
you speak as though knowing something is greater than the truth...
which is not the case, sorry to burst your bubble...
in reference to "his" minions, they are even in most peoples homes thanks to schools and the institutions most visited by demand...
its kinda funny,
be with us and completly envelope yourself in our 1 way and you attain a false degree of success...
but once you go against the grain people want to act like babies all over again, and i dont mean innocent ones but little bratty ones you find in some store begging for candy hanging from their mother's tetes and telling their little brother their fathers wishes, like the blind leading the blind, and they supposedly see all, yea right man, where the righteousness?and the justice? there will never be peace, true...
but does that mean one gives up the only thing they truly own to attain false material possessions which belong to noone?...
well i can say yes, those weak fall for anything types will do so over,and over, an over again, call it hell on ice if youd like...

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 11:10 PM

funny that you mention this but I have always noticed the immaturity in evil. The defiance and rebellion with little heed to consequences or logic at times.

I have often visualized the persona of satan as an adolescent that never grew up.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 02:02 PM
i mean we are all the fathers creations(children) but thinking one child is older than another is quite ammusing, whence one is not really wise to the issues we speak untill they are no longer here(dead)...

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Tho I dont believe in Satan and Satanic conspiracies, I do believe the existance of the Illuminati. I have seen enough evidence to point that yeah, the blue bloods are running the show. .

That's very true, but they're running it out of habit more than as a worldwide organisation intent on global domination! They're in positions of power because they're born into it, they live their life in their own seperate 'higher' realm, and let's be honest, couldn't really care less about the man in the street.

Ask yourself WHY such people would require or desire the unlimted capability of controlling the civillised world.
The vast majoirity of them are at the top of tree and quite happy with that. If there's some band of evil aristocratic genius illuminati out there bent of world domaination, then they're taking their time about it. The various European empires are now weaker than ever before, and the people now in power are less in power on a global scale than ever before. The public have far more awareness of their personal rights than before, and are more free-thinking and educated than ever before. If the illumintai want to take over the world, they've left it far too late. Either that or they like a 'challenge'!

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 12:22 AM
is non-real for those who have tasted power...
and just a temporary illusion for more "juice"...

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by SabbyJ

Ask yourself WHY such people would require or desire the unlimted capability of controlling the civillised world.
The vast majoirity of them are at the top of tree and quite happy with that. If there's some band of evil aristocratic genius illuminati out there bent of world domaination, then they're taking their time about it. The various European empires are now weaker than ever before, and the people now in power are less in power on a global scale than ever before. The public have far more awareness of their personal rights than before, and are more free-thinking and educated than ever before. If the illumintai want to take over the world, they've left it far too late. Either that or they like a 'challenge'!

I think if there is an illuminati, which i think there is that there biding there time, if the tried to enforce something as serious as marshall law. Then it would be the few (security forces) vs the many (the people) the odds wouldnt be great. So i think the Illuminati are waiting till they can "enslave" us more effectively and then they have less backlash from the people. There time will come ..

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 07:31 AM
the point that the european' control illuminati seems very sound.

consider the current Princess Diana revelations...

was her death [by vehicular homocide] arranged because 'she' was going OutSide the Fold??

dating an Arab no less
And secretly, desiring a (newly revealed) Pakistani man?

Oh...what a blow to the Elite aristocracy to have Charles' EX, mingling with....out-of-the-circle Foreigners!

my take on a vast network & conspiracy: 'they' are self-absorbed but equally dependent upon each other and for self preservation, they must support each others' 'position' to maintain the integrity of the 'whole'...even when they despise one another, and would happily stab each other in the back---->
yep, thats' devilishly satanic

poor old Rasputin, he gave to the Czar & family, and was butchered in the process...a lesson there !
? was Rothchild in on that one too??

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